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To Become A Queen  by Madeleine 8 Review(s)
SimplegirlfromLPReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/5/2020
What a great way to end the chapter....I am panting. Good Gravy, I can't wait to read the next chapter.
This chapter was thoroughly enjoyable with the banter between the siblings, I loved the build up of the anticipation of getting to the meeting place where Lothiriel would finally get to see Eomer after months apart. It was great to get to be in her head while she maneuvers through her feelings all the while dealing with crazy brothers, was awesome and great fun. I hope you get to read this since you haven't posted here in a while, but thank you for writing. :)

whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/29/2008
I very much enjoyed the interaction between her three brothers here, Elphir was trapped though I can't say I felt sorry for him even if his wife is not so good for him. Amrothos is witty and entertaining as usual. Laughed at Erchirion's line: “He thinks Father was still experimenting when he begot Elphir . . . and the experiment went wrong.” Loved how you tortured Elphir.
I enjoyed the brother-sister bonding moment here with Erchirion as well. Eomer's and Lothy's "first meeting" here was simple but had sexy undertones.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/31/2006
Wonderful. Oddly, I relished Lothiriel's sheer discomfort - it is so likely that she would suffer from such a journey, even if her brothers have been forcing her to ride more. And her concerns - a few brief meetings followed by a nine month betrothal are going to have her wondering what she has let herself in for. At least until that really sizzling meeting with Eomer - where she did nothing more exciting than remove her glove!

And I love her brothers. I really want to know more about Elphir - he was such a good older brother and he has turned into such a prissy man. He seems quite different from the rest of his family and it would seem to be more than a frosty wife - after all, that change can only be relatively recent. Was he perhaps more upset by his mother's illness and death than anyone realised? And wanted stability and and unchanging world to bolster him against it? H'mm. Don't know. But he is very tiresome. Erchirion and Amrothos are much more open. Although, just maybe, hoping that Eomer disembowels Elphir and Amrothos is a touch of hyperbole!

Lothiriel does dislike being the centre of attention! Well. She doesn't mind being the centre of Eomer's attention.

Great start. It's good to have them in the same country again!

Author Reply: Elphir will have the opportunity to explain himself before he leaves Rohan; but it is indeed rather an explanation than an excuse. He has got more in common with Amrothos than one should think.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2006
Oh, ich kann es Lothíriel nachfühlen. Es war schon schlimm genug, mal einen ganzen Tag im Sattel zu sitzen, als ich noch nur eine Reitstunde in der Woche hatte, kein eigenes Pferd. Aber zehn und mehr Tage im Sattel nach 7 Jahren ohne Reiten? Ein paar Ausritte sind da kein Training. Die Arne!

Ich bin mir noch nicht im Klaren, was ich von Elphir halten soll bzw. wieviel von seinem seltsamen Betragen seiner Frau anzulasten ist; auf jeden Fall kommt er ziemlich aufgeblasen und besserwisserisch rüber. Er muß sich wirklich ziemlich verändert haben. Vielleicht erzählst Du uns ja irgendwann mehr drüber. Einstweilen ist Amrothos recht gut mit ihm fertiggeworden. Lothíriels fromme Wünsche, was ihr Zukünftiger mit ihren Brüdern, vorzugsweise dem Ältesten, tun sollte, waren ja verständlich *gg*

Aber in einem Punkt gebe ich Elphir recht – ein Tölter wäre bequemer gewesen, wie ich aus eigener Erfahrung weiß. Zwar wurden die Zelter hauptsächlich als Damenpferde mit entsprechendem Sattel eingesetzt, aber eigentlich müßten sie zumindest an einen normalen gewöhnt sein – ich kann mir schwer vorstellen, daß man Pferde im Damensattel eingeritten hat. Hm, ein Thema, über das ich direkt mal ein wenig recherchieren sollte – interessante Frage.

Die Begrüßung zwischen Aragorn und Éomer hat mir gefallen. Gleich wieder das alte Geplänkel! Und die Reaktion des Brautpaares aufeinander, wie sie plötzlich nur noch Augen füreinander hatten, war auch sehr schön geschrieben.

Ansonsten wünsche ich Dir für Deine Prüfungen alles Gute und viel Glück!

Author Reply: Ich war auch einmal so blöd, mich nach einem dreiviertel Jahr Pause, sofort auf einen mehrtägigen Wanderritt zu machen. Was kann man sagen, außer: AUUUUUUAHHHHH!

Ich glaube die mittelalterlichen Damenreitpferde, also die Zelter, waren nur Passgänger, keine Tölter, aber wenn Du tatsächlich ein wenig recherchieren solltest und was interessantes herausfindest, sag mir bitte Bescheid.

Danke für die guten Wünsche für die Prüfungen; es kann eigentlich nur schiefgehen!

ShirePirateReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/30/2006
Yea! Another update and the continuance of this fantastic saga! I am so excited. I love how Eomer didn't even wait five minutes before he totally threw off her guard! Can't wait for the next post!

Author Reply: I'm really glad that you seem to be so enthusiastic about this story.

As you will be able to read soon, Éomer keeps throwing her off balance - and vice versa.

Lady SarumanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/29/2006
what a great story!!!! is this the fourth of your eomer and lothiriel stories?? well, i really liked how she has to face her brothers, and i loved how you even put arwen in there.

for your great work, i award you mula, since its chinese new year...

Lady Saruman $^_^$$$$

Author Reply: This is the fifth instalment of my story arc. The four others are all here on this site.

I know it's the Chinese New Year and it's the Year of the Dog, but you must excuse my ignorance: I have no idea what a mula is. But thanks anyway for the award.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/29/2006
What an entertaining family Lothiriel has! Of course, I'm not the one they're tormenting, so it's easy for me to approve of them. And they do seem to care about her. How sad that the Elphir she remembers -- the reserved but affectionate youth-- has turned into such a pompous ass.

The arrival scene was wonderful. These men are so alive! A force of nature indeed.

Author Reply: Like Lothíriel I have three siblings (thank goodness a couple of sisters and only one brother)and I'm pretty sure for an outsider it is rather entertaining to watch us tormenting each other - in all love and friendship, of course.

annmarwalkReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/29/2006

What a lovely voice and character you've given Lothiriel. I like the fact that she had a career of her own and plans to continue to pursue it in her new life, as well as planning for the future of her people.

I enjoyed the elements of reluctance and indecision resulting from her long engagement to a man she had barely known - very realistic and well written.

But I loved, loved, her meeting with Eomer! Squee! I could see it all perfectly in my head - such marvelouse imagery. I'm very much looking forward to reading more of this.

Author Reply: There are so many different Lothíriels floating around, but I hope I was able to give "my" Queen of the Riddermark an individual voice and distinctive character. And I hope that I will be able to keep her always in character.

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