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Golden Flower Blossoms  by Redheredh 7 Review(s)
Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/9/2008
I shall be busy with your recommendations!
I was getting suspicious of the lembas corn being so hidden; no permission? *laughs*… really, you described the smell so well my mouth was watering! Celebrian and Ulbanis; talk was delightful. Very happy to see how well Celebrian and Ulbanis got along – they make a good match as conspirators. Neither is so shy; their talk was wonderful. I wish to have pried longer into it. I bet Ulbanis would be intrigued about the Three.
Glorfindel had to be sent away for spending too much time with Celebrian? *grins* I suppose Glorfindel was only too delighted to have an oath to serve Earendil’s family. Still, it is not so nice a thing to keep Ulbanis in suspense of his fate for so many thousands of years. Too bad Elrond had to be disappointed…
I like the get-together and that it tied in Rostaro by his map. Ha – the ladies ended it. It was a vivid scene: could hear and see the swirl skirts and chatter. But the best part was the end as Celebrian led Glorfindel out.
Oh, I am glad we’ll eventually see Rostaro’s family; the mystery makes me crazy.
Once again, enjoyable story!
-Kitt : )

Author Reply:
I am very glad you enjoyed the story. :)

*g* Now-now, spending too much time with Celebrian was the excuse for sending Glorfindel off to his true mission. I wish I had taken the time to make the epilogue a full chapter, though. However, it may be a long time before I get back to Rostaro's fate, so don't make yourselve crazy!

Thank you so much for the reviews. They are appreciated!

EllieReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 5/11/2006
I was just rereading the last two chapters of this tale. I really wish you would write a sequel with Glorfindel finally finding a love and receiving approval from his amille (did I spell that correctly?). You could have his parents reactions to this as well as the reactions of the others who were present in the "map room" at the end of this tale. Surely you could eek a few chapters out of that.

Pretty please with a cherry on top? I really enjoy your writing...

Author Reply:
Ellie, you darling person, you!

Having someone wanting more is the greatest flattery a writer, or artist of any sort, could ever hope for! Thank you for asking! However, *eh* I am working on other things, both writing and RL, that necessarily delay any consideration of adding more to this particular tale. You already know that I am not prolific or swift as some, but I will continue to slowly fill in my own story gaps.

Thank you again. And if over a lifetime I had not finally learned how to say 'no' to what I cannot deliver, I would foolishly attempt to please not only you but myself and start on a sequel.

perellethReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/7/2006
ME, again. Got thinking. Of course the elves would not have been "out of time" but rather prisioners of it until the end of Arda. I think Bodkin´s wonderful paradox got me confused here. What I meant is that IMHO they would be flowing in time, but out of history, until the end.

Author Reply:
You are right, I think. The world will know them not for they are outside its circles now. But, events in Aman will proceed until the End. I like Marnie's story "Seeds of Old Trees" becuase it posited a future outside of Aman in outer space since they were barred from our earth. I like to think that some of the StarTrek cross-overs I ran across were not so AU at that! ;D

perellethReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/7/2006
YEsterday got very entangled, but here I am.

This Epilogue was a treat to me, because I DO LOVE MAPS!!!! so I was rubbing my hands just guessing the characters, colours, drawings Rostaro might have used for such a present! Finarfin was very thoughtful regarding his guests and Elrond very efficient, to find such an artist. And now I like Rostaro even more, no matter whose son he is.. ;-)

I also like to think that Thranduil would miss his cherished Dorwinion. When you get to realy like a particular vine, it is almost impossible to find another that substitutes it... and he must have missed it for looong! By I am digressing.

As I told you in my previous review, the setting and the context are terribly intriguing and well developed, so it takes no effort to forget that we are speaking of Elvenhome, and get completely immersed in this promising stage. Tolkien says that they were "out of time", until the end of Arda, and in that sense I understand that they would also be "out of history", but it is very difficult to imagine conflict and developements in that situation. Your context is perfect to me, and it gives much room for guessing and following them, and I really love that.

I much prefer Aramillë to Reverend Mother, yet I was sure that I could trace them around here! Good job! The setting for the conversation between Celebrían and Ulbanís is perfect, apart from their words I thought I could glimpse their expressions, their looks and gestures, that were surely part of that exchange full of hidden meanings. Again, good good job!

I liked how the "girls" put an end to the meeting, and how GLorfindel took time for himself and made such a discovery. The whole scene was very vivid, as Celebrían came to interrupt him and drag him to the light.

And now I wonder what intrigues me most: whether going ahead and following GLorfindel and his conflict, or going a bit back in time and seeing how Elrond and Celebrían undoubtedly exercised a kind tutoring over young and promising Rostaro. You choose. I'll be waiting.:-)

Author Reply:
And I am glad of your return. ;)

I get an enormous kick out of the theatrical use of maps. You know the kind that cover the wall or are inlaid into the throne-room floor. The fancier the better! I just thought Finarfin might host a "world conference" to recognise the new realms. These maps were meant to be put on display for the benefit of the other guests. I am so glad you like Rostaro, but I fear part of his appeal is his unknown heritage. What will happen to that appeal when it is revealed?

You sounds as if you have a favorite wine that is unsubstitutable.

Thank you very much for saying that!

Thank you again! I read Dune decades ago and the first movie and cable version were very entertaining for me as well. But, the servants of Nienna in this story are based more on the medieval hospital orders than an esoteric cult. I think both our ladies know it is better to say nothing than to say too much. ;)

I enjoyed how they took control, too! Glorfindel just wasn't in a party mood, I think. But, a little personal attention always turns a guy's mood around like flowers do a gal's, I guess.

I will probably have more to tell about these characters after a while. However, I don't think that E&C really had much contact with Rostaro until he was grown and on his own. Then, their paths crossed again. Bodkin would probably know more about what happened with Glorfindel or Ulbanis after this point in time. We'll just have to wait and see after I get another chapter of CSING done. If I ever get it done...

Thank you for reviewing!

EllieReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/4/2006
I loved the way the ladies swarmed in a took over. Too funny!

I hope Glorfy will be happy now. Poor guy. I still want to know what Rostaro menas to him.

Excellent story! Leaves room for a sequel. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Author Reply:
I enjoyed that, too!

Maybe, we'll find out someday. ;)

Heh! I will continue to relay what I find out about these characters. But, who knows when and what that shall be?

Thank you so much for taking the time to review! I am glad you have enjoyed it.

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/4/2006
Please keep this going. I have enjoyed it so much. It covers subject matter that I had not really thought much about skillfully.

Thank you!

Author Reply:
Well, I intend to continue in some fashion with this sort of subject matter, certainly. Whether that will be skillfully or swiftly remains to be seen. ;)

Thank you for reviewing! It is a good thing to do for every story you read.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/4/2006
The picture of Galadriel blushing when Celeborn kisses her on the lips in public. He'd have enjoyed that. She's not easy to disconcert - I can imagine that, even if she had grown accustomed to the habit east of the sea, she would have started blushing again when he arrived in the Blessed Realm and kissed her in front of her parents.

I like this party - and the arrival of the maps. Finarfin would want maps. Nice, ordered maps with borders. And roads and trade routes and centres of population. And made by Rostaro - who clearly, then must have been there.

And, too, Ulbanis is suffering official disapproval that prevents Glorfindel from visiting her. He'll find that frustrating. I fancy he would rather ride to the rescue on Rosinante and tilt at some windmills. But he's learned patience over his return to Ennor.

....... Don't the New Realms need houses for the return of the Umanyar? Peaceful places among ancient trees, where the rigid rules of old have been superseded by accommodation to need? I would have thought that the Valar might have given the nod to such changes in traditional ways.

Love the way the ladies come in and drag their lords to dinner - and Celebrian comes back for Glorfindel, who makes her an excellent brother.

This is a lovely story. I'm sorry to see it end. You wouldn't consider writing Rostaro's story now? Please?

Author Reply:
lol! You are certainly right! ;) I have always thought that *generally* the Umanyar would have less rigid marriage customs, resulting in different expectations about displays of affection. They would be more likely to wed without the "benefit of clergy" as Tolkien says in LACE. They would express themselves more with their children because they live in a more dangerous world than Aman.

Well, the occasion is rather like a world conference that Finarfin is, by everyone's reasonable expectation, hosting. Especially with his familial connections. The elaborated maps are meant to be presented and displayed for all the guests as part of the festivities. But, I am not sure I understand what you mean about Rostaro having been in the new West. He definitely worked on these pieces before he helped out with Oropher. But, it was circumspection on his part not to talk about his specific assignment with anyone then or later.

Yep, she does vital work, but is not the very model of an aramille. Glorfindel knows how important her work is to her and will not jeopardize it. You are certainly right again - he has finally learned patience.

Hmmm, this is a intriguing possibility. The regimes are different than the old. Surely, there have been reborn failures that could have been prevented by wise care and the edhil would want to prevent them from continuing. Ulbanis is someone the Valar have deigned to address these sorrows; they personally advised her what her path should be. Their favor is no doubt another reason why she has not be sacked by the adminstration. Must I keep reminding you that she is your oc...?

Heh! I liked the ladies taking charge, too. I figure Glorfindel has become a part of Celebrian and Elrond's family. Another reason he can delay seeing Ulbanis or getting all angsty over ever going back to the Holy Mountain.

Well, Rostaro's childhood is nothing spectacular. And like Celebrian says, until he wants to know, there will be no looking for his parents. However, he has obviously become entangled in the Sindar royals' fortunes in Aman. There has to be a reason for that, one would think. ];}

Many thanks for reviewing, you encourage me no end. Yes, you bear much of the blame for this, so deal with it. :)

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