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A Midsummer Night's Dream  by Jay of Lasgalen 14 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/11/2006
Somehow I'd missed this chapter.

The drama of the escape was well written from the POV of each of the twins, and am glad Elrohir realized he could slow the fall of the roof by his actions. And of COURSE the horses would realize at last their foolishness and escape as if it had been their thought all along! Foolish beasts!

Lovely, lovely.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/10/2006

Elrohir was lucky to get themot of the burning barn, and lucky thier was an axe too, i wonder who put the axe there....

Finally the horses are smart to leave...

Elladan was scared and upset with his brother...

It seeems he is in good hands though...

Please continue...

Author Reply: Yes, they all got out in the end, without too much damage. Elladan will have a few words to say to his brother, though!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/9/2006
Athela is a very good healer! Get those two elves into cool baths and check them over for damage. I hope there are other sensible horse people around too - as it seems that the two best elven vets are hors de combat.

I'm not surprised that Elladan was angry - prime reaction to crisis avoided. But at least his vision made his brother employ the ladder manoeuvre - which gave them time to escape. (Love the forester hacking his way through the wall - with a belated 'my lord'. I suspect manners were the last thing on Elladan's mind at the time.)

Very dramatic and exciting! Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Athela has cropped up once or twice before. She knows Elrohir, and won't stand any nonsense from him! Cold water, fresh air, and dressings on the burns - there's not much more anyone can do.

Elladan's anger was a natural reaction to his fear, but also partly because he thought Elrohir had ignored his warning. They need to talk. Glad you liked the forester! I like to lighten the angst with a smidgeon of humour.

'the two best elven vets are hors de combat' Should that be horse de combat??

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/7/2006
Whew!! I was really hoping everyone (elf and horse) would escape! I was very concerned about Aradan and the stubborn horses! I was relieved to see everyone get out relatively unscathed - tho' Elrohir's hands sound very painful! And that silly horse suddenly giving in and following her stable mate out like she had intended to all along! LOL Anyway, you did and excellent job with Elladan's reaction - fear-despair-hope-joy-anger - he ran the whole gamut of emotions in the space of minutes, poor elf! Great chapter, Jay!


Author Reply: Elrohir's hands are the worst of his injuries - painful, but not serious.

I'm glad you liked Elladan's reaction - I tried to imagine how he would feel, and it seemed natural for him to respond with anger at the end. Poor Elrohir!

And the horse - that was fun to write! Awkward creature! :>)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/7/2006
Oh Jay, *finally* you’ve got Elrohir out of there, and Aradan and the horses as well! I am so relieved!

Well, it seems for once Elladan’s visions proved useful. He may not have been able to prevent Elrohir from entering the stables, but at least his knowledge enabled Elrohir to do the right thing, what probably saved their lives. And the second vision helped Elladan to find the place where his in the burning stable trapped brother tried to break through the wall.

It was so typical of Elrohir to think more of the others than of himself – first as the roof collapsed and he thought he would die, and then as he helped Aradan out and refused to follow without the horses. I was *so* glad when Dúath and Feinloth finally decided to leave! And equally typical of Elladan that in the moment he knew his brother was alive he tried to get in the burning stable. What a luck Glorfindel knows the twins so well and held him back! It is bad enough Elrohir is hurt, even if he seems not so badly injured as one could expect after all this time in the flames and the smoke. I hope you’ve not a nasty surprise in store for me in this regard.

Now I can wait a bit calmer for the next chapter!

Author Reply: You're relieved? How do you think Elladan and Elrohir feel? :>)

Once the twins talk over what's happened, Elladan will indeed realise that his visions aren't as useless as he thinks. Like you say, it gave Elrohir the right idea, and saved him. Things could have been a lot worse.

I decided that neither Elrohir nor Aradan are too badly injured - severe burns would mean long treatment and healing skills that even Elves would find difficult!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/7/2006
Sorry, I apparently got lost! :-)
He won't be happy about the stable, but very relieved about his sons!

Author Reply: Don't worry - I frequently have to refer to a previous chapter, or even another story, to remind myself of what I've said before about something! It's often quicker to do it online than to dig through my notes.

I don't think Elrond is going to care about the stable ...

perellethReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/7/2006
Phew! Glad that nobody was grievously hurt or died.. until now. Horses are even more stubborn than certain elves! ONly this made me look around and wonder... Where is Elrond?

Author Reply: I said somewhere in one of the other chapters that Elrond, Celebrían and Arwen were off in Lorien. It's down to the twins and Glorfindel to sort this crisis out. At least Elrond will return to find his sons in one piece!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
I'm so relieved that all were saved, and seemingly not too badly injured. I mean, I knew that Elrohir would be, since this wasn't AU, but I feared that Aradan might be killed, or Elrohir severely injured in some way that would take him a long time to recover. And I am very relieved that the horses were saved as well.

Elladan's reaction was all too realistic. And I liked your healer. I think she will make her patients toe the line.

Author Reply: I researched burns and fire injuries, but some were so horrific I realised that to inflict any of these on my characters would need treatment that would stretch their healing abilities to the limit - especially as Elrond isn't there, and Elrohir would be one of the patients. As a reslult, the injuries aren't too severe.

Athela's appeared before once or twice. I'm glad you like her - Elrohir used to have a crush on her, long ago! Glad you liked Eladan's reaction, too - it seemed natural to me for his worry to turn to anger.

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
Yay. Very nice chapter. More soon, please.

Author Reply: Glad you liked this. I think there's one more chapter to go.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
Dramatic chapter, Jay. It looks like Elladan's visions are very useful here, even though it takes him a while to realize that. Thank goodness for Glorfindel. And I laughed at the forester who belatedly remembered to say "my lord." Elrohir comes across as very brave.

Author Reply: Thank you! When Elladan hears the full story, he'll realise that it was his warning that saved Elrohir and Aradan. Hopefully he'll feel less useless about the visions then.

I'm glad you liked the forester! He made me smile as I added that.

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