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The Usual Suspects  by GamgeeFest 10 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/22/2006
Wow! What a story! These difficulties seem very real, and Frodo's heartache brought tears to my own eyes. You know, I've got to wonder how many times something in one of your stories has brought tears to my eyes during the past three days or so. :) But I like to cry over a good story. Anyway, I love the talk with Bilbo, the birthday presents, and especially that the story ended on a happy note. This has made me want to work on my own "Young Frodo" saga, the tiny fraction of the first part of which ought to be hidden as it's in shambles. Dear me. *sigh* But I do love stories about Frodo during this time period, and there aren't enough, in my opinion. This is one of the best I've seen. I'm giving maximum angst a rest for just a little while (that won't last long), but I'm eager to read "In Darkness Buried Deep." I like Piper; she's very sensible. And that Posy sounds like a caution all right. I take it she had something to do with "A Night to Forget." You really have quite an interesting universe, and I very much admire your creativity.

Oh, and I just *LOVED* all the revelations Frodo made, and the story about the salamanders! LOL! Imagine that! Just like young boys! Now off to find more! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: This was a rarity to write, because for once, it actually wound up being shorter than I thought it would be, rather than longer. I was planning seeing more of Esme's investigation, but I just couldn't think up enough scenarios. Still, it works better this way. It needed to end on a happy note, considering that Frodo would soon be leaving Buckland and his Merry for good.

Oh, Posy. :D That's really all that can be said about her. Piper is a favorite of mine. She's sort of a Sam-type character, so Frodo's relationship with her is a sort of precursor to what he will eventually have with Sam, and it explains why he's so comfortable telling Sam things that he doesn't tell anyone else. You'll get to know Gil better in "Darkness". :D

When Frodo bares all, he really makes it an art form! I thought of making that longer, but then I didn't want to exhause Esme and Sara. lol

Thanks for reading!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/31/2005
You wrapped this up nicely. I was very glad that Frodo didn't go off with hard feelings. Bilbo was, as always, very clever and wise about it all. This has been a wonderful little story to read to see the old year out on. Now, I am looking forward to more of your stories in the NEW YEAR. (Big giant hint.)

Author Reply: Bilbo chose a good year to come for a visit. Had he not been there, things would have turned out *very* differently. And Menegilda was right, way at the begining of the story: if Frodo will listen to anyone, it will be Bilbo. His long years and his many adventures have given Bilbo the experience and wisdom to know just what to say to Frodo to convince him to give his guardians another chance.

Hint taken. *picks up notepad and scribbles away*

Thanks so much for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed this! Happy New Year! (hugs)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/24/2005
"Stealing things is wrong, having Merry pull harmless pranks is fun. See?”
LOL! Saradoc is great!

The conversation with Bilbo was really needed. And the wise old hobbit gave good advice. To share everything with others is indeed a good way to build up trust, but you really have to warm up to that arrangement.
Well, Frodo followed Bilbo's advice and what he shared was very funny :)

Esme and Sara were amazed about the change in Frodo's attitude, as a result from a single conversation with Bilbo. They know that Bilbo can "handle" his younger cousin, and they seem to have accepted that Frodo will leave Buckland.
I only feel sorry for little Merry, but as we know, he survived it ;-)

Thank you for this story!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Author Reply: Saradoc was a bit of a trouble-maker in his own youth. Being an older brother, he would have gotten Merimac to do any number of things that he himself would be punished for, but that Mac would only get a mild slap on the hand if that much.

Bilbo knows just what to say to Frodo, doesn't he? He understands what it's like to be different and to be ostracized, but he's also learned not only how to live with it but how to use it to his advantage. He can both sympathize with Frodo and guide him through these difficult years.

Sharing everything is a tall order for someone like Frodo. It may have been one conversation, but it did take him a few days to mull it over and decide it really was for the best. Then he goes and takes Bilbo a bit too literally, telling his guardians more than they really needed to know. But at least he's started and with time he'll learn what he can keep to himself and what he should share. Also, starting off with the smaller more trivial things will help him to build up to the larger, harder topics.

Esme and Sara have always known on some level that Frodo would be better off with Bilbo. They had there doubts of course - Bilbo's journeys and wander lust would have been big drawbacks to them, and still are but for the desperation of the situation. Bilbo has a special connection with Frodo and they know that if Frodo is going to grow up to be a well-adjusted hobbit, they need to get him out of Buckland and with someone who can provide him both the security that he needs and the individual attention that he seeks. It will still be hard to see him go, and it will be hardest on Merry, who will really be too young to understand why Frodo has to leave. But as you said, he will survive and their friendship won't suffer for the distance.

Thank you for reading! Happy holidays!

AmiReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/24/2005
Very well done! I loved Frodo's pranks on innocent little Merry, and Esme & Saradoc's reaction to them. Saradoc is very wise himself in recognizing that Frodo just needs to learn the difference between fun and mischief. I'm sure Bilbo would have been flabbergasted himself at some of Frodo's confessions.

I've read a good many of your other stories (just haven't had the time to really review them), but you are a very gifted author. I look forward to your upcoming stories.

Author Reply: If Frodo told his guardians everything he did to innocent little Merry, they'd be there for a looong time. Saradoc is speaking as someone who grew up with a younger brother to pin the blame on for things, lol. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if it wasn't really him who was responsible for the goose incident. ;) But he is right that there is a difference between mischief and fun. It's sometimes a very fine line and learning how to walk it will benefit Frodo greatly. Bilbo enjoys a good, clean prank and his reaction would have been the same as Sara's and Esme's. He probably expects no less of Frodo.

Thank you very much for your kind words and wonderful feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

Happy Holidays!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005
Yay, I love a happy ending. Bilbo is so wonderful, and Frodo has no idea such happy plans are in the works for him. I especially love this:

no more secrets and no more sneaking about. You will continue to behave exactly as you have been these last several months, only this time, you will tell them where you are going, what you are doing and how you are spending your time. That’s what families do. It’s not monitoring, it’s sharing, and you, Frodo Baggins, need to start sharing more of yourself. Start being more open with them and they will trust you.

How wise. Lovely story.

Author Reply: Bilbo has a lot of years under his belt and he knows exactly what to say to Frodo to get through to him. It's hard for children Frodo's age to separate "monitoring" and "sharing" sometimes, for they often feel like the same thing. But at least he's started and he'll learn in time what he should share and what he can keep to himself.

Thanks so much for reading this little story. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Happy holidays!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005
Bilbo has set this up very well. Saradoc and Esmeralda - and Rory - can ease of on worrying about Frodo and his behaviour because they have a really proper out and they can know that Frodo will not be passed from pillar to post but have a proper home.

And, when Bilbo said 'tell them everything', I don't think he meant quite everything. I hope Frodo's confidences ease off to a manageable level!

Things should start improving now.

Author Reply: Bilbo's solution does work things out for everyone, except poor little Merry. Frodo will no longer be coerced to behave, and Esme and Saradoc will now be able to iron out their relationship with Frodo before Frodo leaves them for good. Knowing that Bilbo plans to not only take on Frodo but adopt him will make them feel more confidant about letting Frodo move to Hobbiton.

LOL, kids sometimes take things a little *too* literally. Once Frodo figures out what he expects for Sara and Esme to tell them and what is ok to keep to himself, he'll back off of the sharing. He's just feeling his way through this rough patch. ^_^ Things will improve now, and should be more or less back to normal by the time Yule rolls around.

Thanks so much for reading and for your feedback. Your reviews are always a delight. :)

Happy holidays!

MaidenofValinorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005
YAY! I'm so inexplicably happy now. YAY for Frodo and Esme and Sara and Bilbo and...oh and just everyone else! Hahaa just what I needed to make this morning perfect! This story was so very very good, and you know that I am soo looking forward to reading more of your stories, I adore them so. Great work and Happy Holidays! Love always, ~m

Author Reply: A happy ending all around! Frodo's not feeling so confinded and guilty anymore, and Sara and Esme can start to work on trusting him more. Bilbo has an adoption to look forward to and Merry has his Frodo back to his cheerful self.

Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely input. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. :)

Happy holidays!

Beledi14Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005
Wonderful story with great interaction between the characters.

I feel another story coming on perhaps--the Yule visit and the moving to Hobbiton?

Author Reply: Hello Beledi14! Thanks so much for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

I haven't thought about the sequel for this yet. I have a few finished stories and ficlets waiting for posting, and then I don't know what I'll be writing next. The bunnies and my Muses must be off on holiday too. :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005
AAaaahhh! *satisfied sigh*

Leave it to Bilbo and the wisdom of nearly a century of living, to find his way through to a solution--one that will also benefit him as well as Frodo. I am very glad that he saw the need for Frodo to make things right with his guardians before he asserted his claim on the lad. And very glad as well, that he made Frodo see that "love" and "trust" are not at all the same thing. There will be a much better dynamic now between Frodo and his foster parents, and he will be able to move away from Buckland knowing that they *do* love him, and *mostly* trust him. It's still going to be incredibly hard on Merry, poor baby.

You tied up all the loose ends very nicely, dear, and made the foregone conclusion come out just right! *applauds loudly* Take a bow for a job well done!

Author Reply: *bows* Thank you! Thank you! *princess wave* *blows kisses*


It took a lot of tweaking and some major last minute editing to bring this story to a relatively happy ending. Things still aren't fixed, but they're on their way to getting back to normal. Bilbo picked a good year to come for a visit.

Bilbo knew that taking Frodo away before Sara and Esme had a chance to resolve the rift would not only be doing them a disservice, but Frodo as well. Frodo's bitterness would have continued to grow, despite the distance, and even as a result of it. Three months still might not be long enough to get back to the level of comfort they enjoyed before these latest troubles started, but at least he will be able to see that he is loved and cared for, if not *completely* trusted. Poor Merry. Like Frodo, he has no idea what the future has in store for him, but unlike Frodo, he'll have nothing joyful to compensate his loss.

I'm so glad you've enjoyed this. Thanks as always for your wonderful and insightful reviews. :)

Happy holidays!

TheHobbitWaffleReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/23/2005
What a sweet ending!

They think my dad’s the reason Mama never had more kids and they think the only reason she had me was because it wasn’t with Dad. They think my dad found out and they had a fight about it while they were boating and that’s why they drowned.

That is infuriating. Poor Frodo, I would act out if people were spreading rumors like that about me!

Author Reply: There are many factors surrounding Frodo's acting out, but this is clearly at the top of the list. Such horrible rumors would have opened old wounds and were quite a harsh rub. Bilbo has seen now that the best thing for Frodo is to get away from Buckland. It's not that Sara and Esme aren't able to care for him, there's just too many bad memories for Frodo to live their happily.

Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely reviews! :)

Happy holidays.

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