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A Knife in the Dark  by TheHobbitWaffle 8 Review(s)
GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/27/2005
Ok, I've finally read this! It's a good start, though I think you jump from one thing to another too quickly, before you can really establish what is going on. At least, it felt a bit rushed. The dialogue is great and I love your Frodo here. The knife seems ominous and I get the feeling that Frodo falling on it wasn't an accident. So, Frodo asks a lot of questions, as does Pippin. Must be a Tookish trait. ~_^

Author Reply: Expanding is one of my many problems, I'm afraid. I'm working on it. It seems rushed to me too, but I became tried of rewriting it so I just let it go. Hopefully it's not something that will continue through the rest of the story, but if it does I wouldn't be surprised. Hopefully it will remedy itself in time ^^

Thank you! I take characterization seriously, and try to do justice to who I think Frodo is and why. Tookish, Brandybuckish, and Bagginish traits included!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/15/2005
Rated for "some blood" you said? Well, there it is, right in the first chapter!
And it's always Frodo, poor lad!

That knife seems to be very mysterious. And Bilbo was extremely nervous about it. He knows more than he has said so far. I'm really curious, what will happen next!

Author Reply: I tried my very best not to go into details! Perhaps I should have said "blood" wihout the "some" ^^

That's the thing, Bilbo doesn't know! It gives off bad vibes, really, and Bilbo seems more perceptive to them then Frodo, though Gandalf does know more then he lets on. He never does let on though, so we get left in the dark on that one. What's Gandalf without a bit of mystery?

I'll hopefully have the next chapter up in a week! Thanks for reading, that makes me happier then I let on. Mostly because I don't want to sound like a squeeing idiot...

RenaissanceGrrlReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
You have nothing to worry about. ^_^

I think I've made it sufficiently clear elsewhere that I <3 your story.

FFN should institute this system of author replies, shouldn't they?

Author Reply: Yay! My almighty beta! *bows*

Yes, you have. And as I have made sufficiently clear elsewhere I am a twit with a sensitive ego XD

They so should!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
Indeed--why is it always Frodo?

Interesting beginning here.

Author Reply: The poor hobbit just never gets a break!

Thanks :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
Oh shivers down the spine and ominous music! Please update soon!

Author Reply: Boo!

I will as soon as I am able!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
Oh my, how suspenseful! I'm so curious to know what that knife is all about, and what will happen. This is a great beginning, HobbitWaffle!

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm more than a little nervous, and I hope it lives up to expectations.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
Oh dear. It's a good thing that Gandalf is there. Something about that knife seems decidedly dodgy. I hope Frodo's not too badly hurt.

Author Reply: Dodgy indeed. We shall see, won't we? Thanks for the review!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/14/2005
A very exciting and mysterious beginning. Seems Gandalf always visits at a time when trouble is at hand, doesn't he? I do hope that Frodo is going to be all right and that he will be able to explain what happened. I am wondering about this mysterious knife now. Hope there will be more of this one soon!

Author Reply: He's just handy to have around in times of trouble, though I expect to a degree he brings it with him.
Frodo's in for a bit of an... "Adventure".

Thank you! I hope it lives up to expectations.

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