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Merry's Graduation  by PIppinfan1988 7 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/17/2006
I find I like Ferumbras's intentional devilling of Degger not at all. Nasty git! Serve him right if Degger manages a better than passing grade! OHHHHH!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/15/2006
I do like Paladin spending time with Pippin - nice bit of father / son bonding. And it makes the sheer nastiness of that bullying Ferumbras seem even more vile and spiteful. Poor Degger - no-one stands a chance of showing themselves to the best advantage under conditions like that.

Author Reply: I rather enjoyed writing that, too. Oh, I didn't consider the contrast! Very astute on your part. :-) I have plans for young Degger, and he, too, will shine eventually. But travelling the road to get there will be interesting to watch. ;-) Thanks for reading!


Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/12/2006
I finally managed to get back to this! Argh! That Ferumbras! Oh, he is awful. Poor Degger.

Author Reply: Hello, Anso! LOL, take your time--it'll always be here. Darn that Ferumbras! But he will get his due! Thank you for reading!

p.s. I'll peep in on your LJ this week--I know I've been bad about getting on LJ of late. Someday we'll have to talk over a cup of tea. ;-)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/9/2006
That was so evil of Ferumbras. He was so mean to Degger. I do hope Pippin tells every word of it to his father and that Degger passes in spite of it all. Can't wait to hear the exam results. It's a wonder that Ferumbras didn't give Pervinca a hard time too since she's a lass. Maybe his own mother wouldn't approve of that double standard. I am crossing my fingers like Pippin did in the hopes that they all passed.

Author Reply: And it was so evil of me to think I had already answered your reiview! I profusely apologize.

As you know now, Pippin sang like a bird after he left. If Ferumbras was smart, he'd leave town. You know...I thought to have him say something about Pervinca but just didn't do it here. I had thought to do it in the next tale. Great minds think alike! Thanks for reading--sorry about my memory, or lack thereof.


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/8/2006
Glad to have been of some help.

I love this chapter. The bonding moment between Paladin and Pippin was wonderful. I was glad Pippin was able to assess his thought about how he felt about his dad's relationship with Degger and that he was able to put his feelings into words. That is often so hard for children. They want to please their parents so much that they will often say what they think their parent wants to hear and not what they are truly feeling. I'm happy that Pippin knows his place in his father's heart, but that he doesn't want any more "adopted" brothers. The bit with the apples was cute. I'm feeling like you must have had some sort of premonition, or something. My Wee One and I had a big bonding moment tonight, and it even ended with a late-night snack. Funny thing is, now I'm craving an apple.

Can I drop-kick Ferumbras across the Great Smials, please? Please! That was so mean-spirited of him. He really is a snobbish and bitter old coot. Now I'm worried for Degger. I hope he did all right on the part of the test he was able to finish. May if he did enough of it and got enough answers correct, he'll still pass. I'm probably wishful thinking, aren't I?

It's a good thing Pippin and Merry, and Vinca for that matter, were gone before he started the worst of his annoying behavior toward poor Degger. Otherwise, he'd have probably had a small-scale riot on his hands.

Were all four taking the same test? I found it interesting that you had Pippin finish first. He really is one bright kid, isn't he? I always knew he was.

As you can tell, I really got a lot out of this chapter. Keep up the great job.


Author Reply: I am so embarrassed! I thought I answered all these...oy, I think the gap in my swiss cheese memory just got bigger. My apologies.

Sweetie, you can drop-kick Ferumbras anytime you want--just get in line, lol. Ferumbras is a bitter old coot, but he ain't dumb. The snobby coward purposely waited for the others to leave before launching his attack. Yes, all four took the same exam. Pippin finished first because I see him as extremely bright, and Merry no less, lol, he just likes to give very thorough answers! Vinca would be next; she, too, is a bright child, though not quite where her brother and cousin are, but has much more knowledge than Degger at this point. LOL, I used to proctor exams in the Navy--and take them, of course. One could almost time it on a stopwatch, but an hour and a half into the exam (exams are 3 hrs), one by one, an examinee would get up and hand in his/her test. It was like a "trickle" effect.

Thanks again for reading--sorry about my lack of memory.


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/8/2006
"Pippin was shocked into the world of the living when he awoke to the sound of a tingling hand bell beside his ear."


That wretched, rotten, mean spiteful Ferumbras!!!! I do so hope he gets his due in the end!!!

More, m'dear, I want more :) :)

Author Reply: *Gasps!!* I thought I answered chapter 10 reviews! *blushes* I am so sorry!

Well, I *can* say that Ferumbras will get his just due. In the next story, as you already know. I couldn't help myself with the bell, lol.

Want more? You got it. Thanks for reading!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/8/2006
I have a feeling that Ferumbras may be surprised anyway, whether Degger finished every last word or not.


And I loved Paladin's talk with Pippin, and his instant understanding about the apples. Such a contrast between a loving father, and a crotchety selfish old bachelor.

Author Reply: Ooooooh! Dreamflower--I had to do a double-take on that last word, lol. :-O But it would completely suit him. ;-)

In reference to Ferumnras...he may be...he may be not. This is my impression of an advising Elf. ;-)

I really enjoyed writing the part of Paladin talking with Pippin. I had the feeling any child would have been jealous--even a smidgen, and Pippin would be no different. I felt it important to establish that issue and for them to deal with it the same way they deal with other issues that come up. But Pippin has yet (in this series) to reach the turbulent adolescent period (something we just spoke of).

Thank you for reading!


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