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Merry's Graduation  by PIppinfan1988 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/17/2006
Miss Hemlock never came? Now, that sounds suspicious!

Glad Nula and May are looking out for Degger and offering him good advice as well. Lovely to see a Hobbit getting ahead where he belongs!

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/20/2005
Oh, the tutor never came? This is a new development. I wonder what kept her.

Merry can be anything he wants I think, and he would do great as a tutor if he had the opportunity to do so. I also like to see how good friends Saradoc and Paladin are in this story. Very much looking forward to more. :D

Author Reply: LOL, you'll see what kept her soon. I apologize a thousand times for not responding to your review sooner!

Yes! Merry *can* be whatever he wants--if he wasn't already designated for Master, that is. Looks as if your "Merry radar" is working very well these days. :-) Actually, I don't think I've left much to guesswork as for what I want him to do in this story. Oh, well.

I've enjoyed bringing Saradoc and Paladin together; we may see them interact a little more before the end. :-)

Thank you so much for reading!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/18/2005
Aw!! thank you so much *happy smiling blushing* (regarding the fiddle)

I'm so glad that Saradoc has helped Paladin :) I'm glad the lasses in the kitchen were on Degger's side.

I so needed your encouraging story tonight, thank you :) :) :)

Author Reply: Yikes!! I'm so embarrassed for not replying sooner!

As for the fiddle--that was my wee homage to your own hard work in learning how to play! I can't wait to hear you play. :) Besides, I don't put Pippin and Pearl together nearly enough as I should--and would like to. This was my change. It was also my chance to pay back Saradoc for all the stuff I put the poor hobbit through in ealier fics.

Thank you so much for reading!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/18/2005
Lovely surprise! A new chapter! I liked the way Saradoc counciled Paladin in this one. His advise was so wise and his experience was a great help to Paladin. Also enjoyed the musical part of this. Now, I am very worried about Miss Hemlock! I wonder if she has left after all of the trouble. I don't think she understands exactly what's been going on yet so she may see it as her own failure. Or maybe she's ill? I hope the next update comes soon!

Author Reply: Thank you, G.W.! I thought that it was time for Saradoc to show what he is made of. I will say that you gave me a bit of inspiration in regard to Miss will be in the next chapter. :-D Stay tuned! *wicked laughter*


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/17/2005
Oh, there were some really great exchanges in this chapter. The disagreement between Degger and his friend was well done. Why do I have the feeling that we haven't seen the last of that?

Pippin and Pearl giving a recital was sweet. The discussion between Paladin and Saradoc was nice,too. They really do have a wonderful understanding of each other and an appreciation of what each is going through.

Now I'm wondering what happened to the tutor. I'm suspecting that Carlan may have had a hand in it, or, worse yet, the Thain.

Oh, please don't leave us hanging for too long.

Author Reply: LOL, You have good intuition, my friend! Degger is not without his own good virtues, either. I just sort of gave a turnabout; Pippin or Merry has come to Degger's defense with their peers, so I had Degger come to Pippin's defense with *his* peer(s). For all that are rooting for him to succeed in life, there are those who are jealous of him and his good fortune.

I figure Pippin has some sort of connection with each of his sisters; Pervinca is close in age to him, so she is a good friend/schemer/playmate (sometimes, lol), he and Pimpernel like to have a battle of the wits, but with Pearl, I came up with "musical pair" while writing Courtship. This is the thing that they actually enjoy doing together--playing their violins/fiddles. There are plenty of other things that the siblings like to share, but those are for other tales. :-)

You'll see what happens to the tutor soon. Well, you won't have to wonder *too* long if I can get the time to write, lol. Like everyone else--and you--I have waited until the last minute to do my Christmas shopping!

Thank you so much for stopping by to read!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 12/17/2005
I'm guessing that Degger made a mistake in altering his tea-time--either that or perhap someone spiteful sent a message to her, saying her presence wasn't needed?

I don't think Paladin will be very amused at this turn of events.

And I *really* like the talk between Saradoc and Paladin.

And finally--it was very nice to see Pippin and Pearl playing their fiddles together!!

Author Reply: Hmmm...all of these are good guesses...maybe you're warm--maybe you're on the cool side. :-D Amused or not, Paladin may not have a say in the matter, but we'll see what happens soon. :-)

Yes, I am paying the dear hobbit back for all things I put him through before. I rather liked the idea that if Paladin was once able to offer Sara advice about parenting, why not have Sara give Paladin advice on how to deal with Ferumbras? Rory, or even to some extent, Saradoc, has had to deal with him in some fashion. I thought perhaps his expertise would be welcome by a fledgling Paladin.

I couldn't help myself again! :-) Regardless of his musical *RL* "alter ego", lol, I feel this is how people entertained one another. Some family member was usually coerced into playing for visitors--although coersion was never an option with the all-too-willing Pippin!

I thank you very much for stopping by to read!


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