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Merry's Graduation  by PIppinfan1988 7 Review(s)
Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/7/2005
LOL! Of course Merry would do mischief just to help Degger. I wonder what he'll do? and why did he end up in the study group in the first place? I suppose you have told it in one of your stories but I can't remember. Unless it comes in the next chapter of course...

Author Reply: LOL, Merry would do mischief to help out any of his friends, though watch out if anyone messes with his dearest of friends. I sometimes see Merry as a Champion, of sorts; supporting the "underdog" when need be. Poor Degger is the underdog in this story because of the Thain.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2005
The devious Took and Brandybuck! Poor Merry--glutton for punishment? Heh!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/16/2005
So their cunning plan is for Merry to get into more trouble so he gets condemned to extra work? Does it not occur to them that simply to ask might be a lot more effective? A quiet word with Miss Hemlock and Paladin is all it would take! (I would have thought Saradoc would really have appreciated the kindness and responsibility shown by helping Degger.)

Too simple. Why go for that when you can hurl yourself off a cliff into water of debatable depth!

Good-hearted pair. Not so sure about their sense. Yet!

Author Reply: oy, oy, oy! I profusely apologise for not responding before today--and you weren't the only one! Its been a rough week, and my grey cells obviously are not up to snuff. Again, I'm sorry.

Oh, we're not far enough along in the story, but it gets real harried at some point with Degger and his...ahem--assistance. I thought it was fun, anyway. As I mentioned to someone else, Pippin may be a clever lad, but he is still reasoning like a brand new thirteen-year-old, and as for Merry, he's burning the midnight oil after he is finished with Degger in the evening, so he's not at his peak, either. Perhaps I shouldn't have said so much in this last statement, but it's a short story--there isn't too much left.

Thank you for reading!


Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/15/2005
I guess they're working on the premis that the end justifies the means. Merry is going to get in dreadful trouble to get punished again so that he can stay and help Degger. I admire his loyalty, but I don't know that his plan is advisable.

Degger really does seem to have potential as a student. I hope Merry can get him caught up so that he can continue in the class.

This is a really good story.


Garnet Took.

Author Reply: I am soooo sorry for not replying!! I don't know how I forgot except to blame it on age--or the Flanagan gene.

Well, Pippin may be a clever lad, but he still reasons like a brand new thirteen year old. Merry *should* have better sense, but he's been burning the candle at both ends of late, so he's not thinking straight, either.

As for, it gets a little harried, but fun in the end.

And I am glad that you are enjoying the story! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave an encouraging word--and I'm terribly embarrassed for my slip of the grey cells. Take care!


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/14/2005
Merry might have made an excellent tutor himself if he hadn't had that Master of Buckland thing to attend to. LOL I love the way he is helping Degger and the way Degger is taking to it all and excelling beyond what Merry has given him to learn. But now, it looks as if Pippin is plotting and Merry may not get out of lessons before Pippin does at this rate. LOL I can't wait to see what they try this time.

Author Reply: Ever since I wrote the worm incident in the last installment and "dragged" Degger into the study group, I knew then that he would hold back the class because of his lack of formal education. Doesn't mean he's stupid (not that you were indicating that at all--just making a point), only ill prepared for what was to come.

LOL, I can't help it. YOung Pippin and mischief are synonymous. I see my little Pippin as a completely charming, big-hearted, mischievous lad.

Thank you for reading!


Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/14/2005
Scheme of things indeed! Those rascals :) LOL Whatever shall they come up with?

Author Reply: A couple of schemers, indeed! Hehehe...its coming up. Thank you for stopping to read!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/14/2005
Oh, Pippin, you are *so* wicked! He does have these flashes of brilliance from time to time--I just *hope* this one doesn't backfire, LOL! *snerk*

PS. I sneaked over to to read "Merry's Summer Holiday", and even though I do see what you mean about it, the bones of the story are very nice, and do set up your little universe very well.

Author Reply: LOL--you are *too* funny! Backfire??? Whatever do yo mean?? We'll have to see how all this plays out...

Oh, I'm a wee bit embarrassed. You probably saw all those other irreparable tales! I actually tried to "repair" Holiday last December, but halfway through I gave up. Isn't that terrible, lol? But I do thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words of encouragement...I just may give it another try over the...hehehe--Holidays! Take care!


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