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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 3 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 25 on 4/18/2006
Oh yipes, I didn’t realize till just now that if I don’t review pretty quick, you’ll have updated before I get a chance… Heh, getting two editing projects at the same time can do things to your mind. Like making you forget little details like what day it is… ;-P

Poor, poor Tindu! Living through all of that must have been hard enough, but retelling it to a bunch of complete strangers - however trusted - must have been terribly difficult, all the intervening years notwithstanding. Ha! Trust Gimli’s bluntness to break a somber mood… Tindu’s right - there’s definitely something to be said for “dwarvish plain speaking” :-)

//"Oh, aye. He slammed a few things around, but then one of your big atlases of Arnor came off the top shelf onto his head and he sat down hard. Such accidents demand a joke, as you know, and you can't joke when you're being moody."// //"Something to the affect that it was a good thing hobbits were so small, or getting concussed by Arnor would probably hurt a lot more." //LOL! Oh, I know I’ve said it before, but I can’t believe how much more you’ve made me love these two! *huggles Rumil and Orophin* You do them SO wonderfully!

He! Oh, I can just picture the inexperienced, slightly naive elf, attempting to cross-question the brigand. *giggles* Hmm, no, I don’t suppose that type would particularly welcome too many… inconvenient inquiries.

*smiles happily* This looks like a good sign - even Tindu’s books get a happy ending! I can so understand her feelings, though. It would be horribly depressing, to think of your entire life’s work going to a place where most would never be interested - and those who *were* could probably as easily go straight to people who had actually lived through it themselves, if they were interested in history. And maps of places they would never visit again weren’t likely to hold many people’s interest for long, however well done they were… It would be *such* a relief to find a home for them where not only would you *know* they were going to be appreciated, but they would likely be invaluable resources to generations of people!

“My dear goose”! *chokes* ROTFL! Poor Gimli… *g* It’ a wonder he’s managed to retain even a scrap of sanity yet, hanging around those two for so long…

And Mavranor makes a reappearance! Hmm, Halda may not be willing to make a move yet, but it’s looking like she’s not the only one with plans… Methinks that man is going to be baaaad news for our evil lady. Just not too soon, I hope. Can’t have him spoiling *all* her fun.. *eg*

Absolutely wonderful chapter, as always - and looking forward to more!


P.S. Hmm… *straightens glasses and eyes Sarah suspiciously* The fact that you enjoyed my review so much wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that I spent half of it in tears, would it? Never can tell with these authoresses… I really think they’re all out to get me… Hehe. *hugs back* I’m glad my review was able to cheer you up! The last chapter went over *very* well, at least as far as I’m concerned! Except that you killed Tirin. I still haven’t forgiven you for making me like him. *glares* And yes, you should have seen it coming. :-P

P.P.S. Yes, I do love the A&E Pride and Prejudice! LOL, and that is absolutely hilarious! *giggles* Where would we be without sisters?

P.P.P.S. Oh! You’re an SP fan too?! *bounces* Heh, most of the people I meet have never even heard of it. It’s so much fun to find another fan!

P.P.P.P.S. Ooo, you don’t mind a… slightly damaged villain? (hehe, or, as all the furniture stores we’ve been visiting are so fond of saying, “moderately distressed” *g*) That’s good… ‘cause you know, down in Arizona, I found something that I think he’d really love. *presents Vardnauth with - i.e. “throws at him” - a lovely cholla* Well, he’s a wood elf, I figure he ought to enjoy plants… *innocent smile*

P.P.P.P.P.S. LOL, no, that’s not “more than I wanted to know” - it’s exactly what I wanted to know! Nef and I co-authored one story a little while ago, and I was curious about how other people handled it :-) And late nights are absolutely the best time for talking… if only at times because you get a good laugh out of ridiculous plot ideas you’d never even think of at saner times. *g* Sharing a room is wonderful, isn’t it? People are often surprised that we’re still sharing a room - even when we could have had separate ones - but really I can’t think of anything about having separate rooms that might make up for losing that time to talk. Hehe, besides, this way you’ve got someone else to blame messes on… *g*

Author Reply: Speaking of 'yipes': it wasn't until I got your review that I remembered (d'oh!) that I was supposed to be posting! Thanks for jogging my memory. *sheepish grin* I can't imagine juggling multiple editing projects -- it's all I can do to revamp my own stuff! More power to you!

*laughs* If we have improved your opinion of Rumil and Orophin even the slightest, then we are pleased indeed! Once we started with them they proved to have an unexpected humorous side that was fun to write -- I'm almost not sure if we can take any credit for it.

I had several very distinct pictures in my head of two young elvin siblings out to see the world, armed with enthusiasm and little tact, or experience in the world of Men. I didn't wind up using almost any of my ideas, but the one in the bar in Bree just had to be mentioned! "So when you rob people, where do you take the things you steal...?" *laughs*

I'm glad you enjoyed our plan for saving Tindu's books! I get mushy over books; I love the feel of new hardcovers, and the smell of old ones, and just the thousand different ways you can package a thousand different stories and ideas... The thought of so many beautiful volumes not having a home was an unexpected quandary -- we were actually planning for her to take the books with her in our first draft! Happily for Tindu, the second draft was kinder to her library.

*laughs* Poor Gimli indeed!

*gives look of pure astonishment* Why of course not, Cami! I could never take pleasure in the tears of a reader! Well, I mean, not *pleasure* as SUCH, but, well... hem, I mean, no indeed! *sighs repentantly* Next time we plan to kill off a character, I promise we will attempt to make you hate him before we do the deed! Will that suit? *grin*

I thought you were probably and A&E P&P fan! By the by: I borrowed that Ivanhoe you recommended from Netflix and I'm really enjoying it so far! I'm as far as De Bracy and Co. kidnapping Rowena; excitement abounds!

I am indeed an SP fan! *laughs* You have echoed my own sentiments! I meet very few people who've read the book. I haven't read very many of the series (just two), but I'm a big fan of the more recent version of the movie, and I have the book read aloud on tape. The endless descriptions of Marguerite's beauty can become a little wearying the third or fourth time through, but Percy is great.

"Moderately distressed"? *falls over laughing* Yes, that will do fine! We'll see if we can't top 'moderately distressed' before the fic is over.

Here here! *raises glass -- or rather 'glasses' because there isn't a glass on hand* I completely agree on sharing rooms! Happily Chloe is about to join Hannah and I in our lovely little corner of the house, so we shall have three times the fun as before. *grins* Though I doubt we shall ever try triple-authoring -- that may be a bit too much!

Thanks for the lovely review! Made my day, as ever. *hugs*

RSReviewed Chapter: 25 on 4/17/2006
Oh boy! Trouble is lurking and brewing just around the corner for our little trio. What is that sneaky Halda up to? It seems like everyone's destination is Minis Tirith. I fear that there is going to be a big climactic scene at the end of this fic (and why not?). Suspense, suspense.

Author Reply: Trouble indeed! Or what fun is there in writing these stories, let alone reading them? *grin*

Halda? Halda is a mystery man, busy about his own ends, and what those may be... who can say? *sly smile*

And yes, you've cornered us into giving up information. But though we are tempted to avoid major climaxes (they are deucedly difficult to write, don't you know) we find it is next to impossible in stories of this scale. Sooner or later, our plot lines catch us up, and then... well... imagine setting Gandalf's firework cart alight. *grin*

Thank you for the lovely review!

Elizabeth_ElindelReviewed Chapter: 25 on 4/14/2006

I can't wait for more!

I really liked the way you guys did Gimil's humor. It really added a light touch to the story.

Have an awesome week!


Author Reply: Thank you so much!! We appreciate you taking the time to read our story!

Particular thanks on your praise for Gimli -- this is our first time writing him, and we enjoyed it immensely. *grin*

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