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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 4 Review(s)
LynReviewed Chapter: 22 on 3/25/2006

Just one comment: VIAL means a narrow glass tube used to contain liquids.

(vile is akin to evil and uses the same letters)

Author Reply: Thank you, glad you're enjoying it!

In regards to 'vile/vial': Rats, we missed one! That was one of our recurring typos (along with sometimes rattling off 'there' instead of 'their' or 'they're', and constantly inserting the wrong form of 'your/you're' in new and interesting ways). *grins* Good eye!

RSReviewed Chapter: 22 on 3/24/2006
Oh My Gosh! I hope you're doing well! Accidents are not fun! I love works GREAT! Tantur reminds me of a little puppy dog--always a tag-along. "Strider? Should we let him catch up?" Made me laugh! I knew right away that he was talking about Tantur! It's funny that they never once thought of him during their capture and escape from the Corsairs. What a sight to see. The king and Legolas pelting each other with's a good thing they did not have rubberbands in Middle Earth!

Ok--I really need to know what happened between Eression and the twins! Apparently Eression was not a very good guy once upon a time if he is getting dagger eyes from the twins (is that another story?) Very uncomfortable situation indeed! I like the fact that the Dunedain Rangers are residing in Rivendell (I assume) or at least patrolling with the Elves.

Lothlorien was kind of eerie with the Elves not being there, especially seeing Galadriel's mirror. "It fades in the absence of it's lady". Very sad. That shout of warning, was it from the trees or someone left in Lorien? OHHH.. wait a minute!! The only person who says Lads favorite Dwarf..Gimli!! Is it? When you get better, please post!

Author Reply: You're right: accidents are no fun whatsoever! Here's hoping I don't have to deal with any more of them. *grin* And you'll get no arguments here: whoever invented Advil should win some kind of award!

We live to make people laugh! No, really! Well, we live to make people cry too, but we prefer it when they laugh. We're not complete sadists. *grins*

Admittedly, Aragorn and Legolas had a lot to think about during their capture. The last they'd seen of Tantur was him riding like crazy for safety, so they would have assumed he got away (which he did). *laughs* And yeah, rubber bands would have been bad!

*sheepish smile* Oh dear, yes, Eression's history! Yet another thing that we covered in one of our previous stories... sorry we keep doing this too you! This whole conflict between Eression and the twins is based off the events of our fic 'Darkest Night' ( and though we're not fond of advertising our fanfiction in general, you might like to read the full story. It covers not only Eression's past (which is woven all through it, preventing us from linking you to just one chapter for your answer), but also a lot about the very beginnings of Bartho and Erynbenn's friendship, and the full story of Bartho's relationship with Lindamar, and, of course, lots of Aragorn and Legolas danger and angst. *grin*

In very brief (in case you don't have time to read 'Darkest Night'): Yes, Eression was in fact a villain once — in particular responsible for allowing (if not actively commanding) a lot of harm to come to Elladan and Elrohir. Explaining the dagger eyes! *grins*

*laughs* Your ability to recognize character voices is strong! Have a cookie! *passes a plate of steaming chocolate-chip cookies*

ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 22 on 3/24/2006
Well, I think I'll have at least a few minutes of computer time here, so I thought I'd drop in for a quick attempt at a review ;-)

Oh! Wow, a car accident is *certainly* quite a valid excuse for not updating precicely on time! I hope you're not hurting too much... Is the damage to your car very bad? Yipes...

LOL! Oh, I laughed so hard at the picture of Tantur discovering the PRINCE of Ithilien and the KING of Gondor busy throwing twigs at each other. I can just picture him starting to think, "And here I thought I was performing such a despicable act, attempting to assasinate the king... Now it appears I've been doing the people of Gondor a FAVOR! This guy is NUTS! Go figure. Just when I resign myself to becoming a loathsome traitor, I discover I'm doing a great public service instead..." *giggles*

Ooo, and Vardnauth makes his reappearence... And it would seem this time he's found a much more acceptable outlet for venting his frustration! I'd applaud, only I rather doubt he's going to reform and simply confine himself to killing Corsairs in the future... Ah well, I suppose these cool villains do have a certain reputation to maintain. *g*

OH! Malvegil's reception of Eression... *bursts into hysterical laughter* Funny, funny, funny! These rangers do tend to go a bit... strange, when left on their own too long. *g*

It's so terribly sad, though, that the twins are still having so much trouble forgiving, much less trusting, Eression, even after all these years... Though, I suppose, however used to the human ideas of time they've become with Aragorn, "all these years" aren't really so very long to them. It's *so* hard to see them like this, but at the same time, it does seem so very in character for them... Congratulations on portraying their attitude toward Eression in a way that was quite different from what I'd expected, but at the same time much more realistic than what I'd been anticipating! *sniffles* Poor everyone! *hugggles every elf and ranger she can reach*

*chokes* Mortally afraid of dragonflies?! *laughs* For some reason, I can picture that SO well... Hehe...

And they've actually managed to reach Lothlorien reasonably healthy and still in one piece! *gapes in astonishment*

Oh, there are few things sadder than coming back to a place you've loved, and discovering it's changed so much... *sniff* Wah, now you've made me homesick again! *sobs* It's hard, moving after living in the same place for fourteen years... *sniffles* Ahem. Yes, anyways, at last they've reached the halfway-point in their mission to get Arwen's antidote! LOL, and here, just when he's needed most, Gimli shows up! Yay!

Well, I've actually managed to get in a halfway-decent review! But I really must run now... By the next time you update, I believe I may be home again, and able to review properly :-)

Lovely chapter, as always! Looking forward to more! (And hoping you feel better soon!)


Author Reply: Glad you got that few minutes! *grin*

Yes, I'm afraid I cannot recommend car accidents — even of the milder variety. Never mind the general jarring effect on your driving confidence, your body, and your vehicle, it also leads to a whole lot of mind-numbing paperwork. Bleh. My only personal injuries were a strained neck, which went away after a couple days of Advil, and my car wasn't really that bad off at all. Maybe I'll bring a picture to show-and-tell on S.N.W.C.G. *grin* There was a lot of phone-tag involved with getting it fixed, though, that was keeping me from posting. And here I am at last!

*laughs* Yes, the mental picture of the two great leaders of the free world pelting each other with twigs is not exactly one that would inspire confidence. Especially not in loathsome traitors who didn't like them anyway!

Alas, indeed, Vardnauth is not the sort to confine himself solely to killing his own subordinates. *laughs* 'Cool Villain Rep' is a tricky thing to maintain, alright!

*grins* Malvegil is a bit of a loon at heart. And yes, his one true fear is dragonflies! Even Dúnedain have their Achilles Heel. *wink* Let's hope no orc ever thinks to carry around a bug jar instead of a scimitar.

'Poor everyone' is a good way to put it. The friction between Eression and the twins (much like the previous run-in that brought it about) was all Hannah's doing, from the first idea to the final awkward pause, and I totally agree: it was very realistic! 'Realism' being, in this case, that you can blame and absolve everyone in equal measure. Ack! It's going to be a long trip back to Minas Tirith. *grin*

*hugs Imbecamiel* Sorry, we didn't mean to make you homesick! Though I know what you mean — it's always been the saddest part of the story, for me… the elves leaving and everything slipping away and people forgetting.

*enjoys a sudden mental picture of Gimli riding forth in silver armor on a white charger* Oh my… *splorfs* But yes, our dearest dwarf is here to save the day! …Will he manage it in time? Stay tuned!

And thank you for a wonderful review!!

Lady Saruman Reviewed Chapter: 22 on 3/24/2006
Oooooooooohhhhhh that was kinda scary. Gave me the chills. *shudder* I guess it must have been hard for Eression to go meet Elladan and Elrohir after the wrong that he had done to them. By the way, is this explained in your other site story which explained about Bartho and Lindamar?

It must have also been hard for Legolas to have arrived to Lothlorien and see all the ruins there because Galadriel had already left Middle Earth and departed to Valinor, along with Celeborn and Elrond. Then he had to cut the tree in order to get the antidote for Arwen, and that MUST have been hard, because, well, after all, he IS a wood elf, and he's been around trees around his whole life, and they're like practically his home, and so he has to cut one of them...I would totally refuse to do that if I were him, unless I have no choice.

Vardnauth certainly loves violence. He obviously enjoyed the murder of Ringa, and that was certainly stupid and unwise, though Ringa certainly deserves it. But Ringa was stupid enough to give the Evenstar to Vardnauth, but I guess Vardnauth would have eventually found out sooner or later, so it probably was wiser to give it to him before he becomes pissed off. But I simply CAN'T stand the fact that now he has the pendant.

What I also noticed was that you made the twins' decision for them---that they have stayed in Arda instead of them too journeying for The Undying Lands. In the appendix of Tolkien's RoTK, it never said whether Elladan and Elrohir decided to stay or leave, whether to choose to live as a human or as an elf.

Haha great story. Now you owe me TWO replys....LOL. I just noticed that I'm the first reviewer again. So my record has broken earlier...that sucks but I know that life can't always go the way you wanted or the world would be messed up right

Here's some Hershey's for you!


Haha like it? It took me quite a while to make that just for you. :) Of course I might post this to other people too, because they also love hershey's.

This'll have to inspire you to keep writing! If not, then I've ran out of ideas...x(

-Lady Saruman ^_^

Author Reply: *waves happily* We're back! Didja miss us? *grin*

Yes, the back-story of Eression and the twins is covered in 'Darkest Night' (the same story that the Lindamar chapter was in), but I'm afraid it isn't covered in a single chapter -- you kind of have to read the whole story for it to make sense. If you don't have time (we know what a busy gal you are!), then suffice it to say that Eression used to be a villain who, amongst other things, helped to kidnap the twins, and then stood by when they were tortured. Not a nice way to start a friendship, mm?

Of course, Legolas loves trees, but he loves Aragorn (and by extension: Arwen) even more, so ultimately he'll do what he has to do without flinching, knowing the tree will survive just fine! *smiles* And yes, one of the saddest things in the LOTR books is the idea of the elves leaving and people forgetting them. Lorien and Rivendell empty is a big part of that…

You're right, Vardnauth is not a nice guy. Ringa thought he could ingratiate himself with Vardnauth by giving him the necklace — Ha! Big idiot. So much for that idea. *snort*

Well, we didn't officially make the twins' decision — the elves left in a rather staggered fashion. Elrond and Galadriel left at the same time, but Celeborn hung around for a while longer, along with Thranduil, and also the twins. At this point they may have still been planning to leave, but we didn't bother to tackle that here. *grins*

WoW! I'm impressed — that's one big HERSHEY'S! And as your award for reviewing first again, we shall give you some of our spoils! *showers chocolate upon Lady Saruman*

Thanks for a wonderful review!! We enjoy every one of them! Not to mention the sugar you bring... *grin*

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