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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 5 Review(s)
RSReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/14/2006
Blasted Tree! Don't they know to get out of the way of a mad Dwarf?! So much like Gimli's character..mumbling and talking to himself! I hope he remembers while running, "the trick is to breathe"! The scene with the group of dwarves reminds me of a scene in SNOW WHITE--Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go! Good for Kori! He knew exactly what he was doing! I think subconsciously He knew what Tantur was all about! Great scene! Hilarious. I was chuckling the whole time.

From comedy to suspense! Oh MY Gosh! Whose going to make it on time to save Arien and Arwen...Pippin? Bartho? Eowyn? Do not kill off Arien.., or Bartho.., or Duurben...oooohhh, or any one! The OC's are like family to me! I love them all! It's finally snowing there, huh? I will throw big giant snowballs at you if any one of my favorite characters are killed off!!! Watch out! Great chapter!

Author Reply: *laughs* I think a lot of that mumbling was drawn directly out of the 'keep breathing' bits! *pictures Nowin, Rorin, and Kori swinging pick-axes and dancing with Snow White* Ha! They do kind of, don't they? And yes, for all his spoilt, selfish flaws, Kori at least knows which guy ought to be konked.

Not Pippin? Bartho? Eowyn? Arien, Bartho, Duurben? ANYONE?? Gosh, that is one tall order... *the two sisters wander away muttering abstractedly to each other* Still and all, we are so happy to get such a warm compliment on our OCs! Aragorn and Legolas we borrow, and try not to screw up -- our OCs are our invention alone. *hugs RS*

Good thing our snow has finally melted, eh? *grin* Sorry for the delays!

ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/13/2006
*blinks* What? I click on your new chapter, and the first thing it tells me is that it wants me to confirm that I'm an adult, since this chapter contains "material of a graphic or serious nature". Now, granted, there *are* more dwarves in this chapter than any of the previous ones, but somehow that doesn't quite seem to cover a warning like that... Hmm, maybe it's for mention of violence to poor, defenseless rabbits... The PETA could really get you for that one, you know. *shakes head* Or... No, I don't suppose Vardnauth's kind, polite way of requesting to be allowed to kill the Queen in peace might have had something to do with it... *frowns thoughtfully* Ah well. *shrugs* Lucky for me I am an adult anyways so let's just move on with the review, shall we... *g*

ROTFL! Oh, that is SO Gimli! //"Blasted tree!" he roared again. "What does the elf SEE in them?? 'Stone is cold and lifeless,' he says. Well it's a good sight better than 'alive and trying to kill you'! What's the good of a whole lot of them standing so close together like this anyway… blocking the trail… whose rotten idea was that??"// *giggles madly* Oh, I loved this part! Too funny! *attempts to stop giggling so her brother doesn't ask her what's going on... again...* I can sympathize with poor Gimli to some extent, though. Trees are wonderful while they're alive, but I swear our hardwood floors are out to get me! Evil, evil floors... *scowls*

Aw, poor Aragorn. Yet again, the human has to suffer through things that his elven companion finds nothing more than a minor inconvenience. LOL! You wouldn't expect the weather to stay fine given your "recent" luck, Aragorn?! *whistles* Either this man has taken up elven measurements of time and considers things that have been going on for a hundred years or so "recent", or he remains the world's most incurable optimist, even while in the midst of impersonating Bartho. *shakes head* Either way, quite an interesting achievment. Though it's certainly a good thing for him he's managed to maintain such a cheerful outlook. Otherwise he'd have either become hopelessly traumatized or committed suicide before he reached thirty. *pats grumpy Aragorn* You just keep up that positive attitude! You're gonna need it! *smiles not-so-encouragingly*

He! The dwarves are back! Yay! Alright, so I'm usually not the biggest dwarf fan, but I like these ones, and I'm very happy they both survived :-) But... um... clubbing rabbits? What's with the obsessive clubbing of rabbits? Was the poor kid traumatized by too much rabbit stew? Hmm, if that were the case, I'd think he'd want rabbits *alive*, not dead... Maybe he was badly bitten by a rabbit as a child? Or his brother was, and now he wants revenge? Or maybe it's like the twins, and his mother was tortured by rabbits, and he's been obsessively hunting them down since then? Or maybe a rabbit has a vendetta against his family, so he's trying to kill 'em all in hopes of averting any possible disaster? Or maybe... *blinks* Hey, wait a minute. This still begs the question - how'd he manage to mistake Tantur for a rabbit? I mean, granted dwarves aren't all that observant about nature, but still... Maybe he's being stalked by a really big GIANT rabbit, and he hopes that leaving a trail of dead rabbits behind will warn it off? Y'know, this curiosity is going to drive me crazy. *voices in head whisper: Some might say it already has....* ACK! Now look what you've done to me! You've given me voices! *glares at authoresses*

*sighs* I still can't believe it was *Tantur* who betrayed them... Are you sure he wasn't set up, or... something? *looks hopeful* Man, I've *really* got to learn to stop feeling sorry for and liking villainous-types. *headdesk* I just can't believe Duurben's *nephew* would do that! And he seems so nice... *sniffs*

LOL! Well, I'll bet it's been a while since anyone's referred to Duurben as a "troublesome lout". To his face, at any rate... *g*

Disappearing tools? That does not sound like a good sign. *pats Duurben* If I were you, I wouldn't worry about being too paranoid where Aragorn, Legolas, their friends, their family, their distant relations, or, in fact, any one who willingly has dealings with them are concerned. In fact, if I were you, I'd be getting a whole lot more paranoid. Oh, and by the way while you're keeping an eye on the gate, you might want to look out for those evil villains trying to sneak into the palace. Just a wild guess, but I've a vague idea that they're not up to any good... *g*

Aww, poor, indecisive, nervous Bartho. LOL, y'know, until the last chapter, that was not a description I'd been expecting to make of Bartho of all people. Pessimistic and gloomy, yes. But indecisive and nervous? Funny what falling in love will do, isn't it, particularly in the earliest stages... Lucky for everyone, though, that he was on hand! Always good to have an observant, paranoid ranger with you when dealing with the unexpected :-)

Ah... *sighs in relief as Vardnauth makes an appearence* Yeah, so maybe it's not considered normal behavior to be relieved when the evil villain shows up trying to kill people... But at least I'm not in danger of liking him! Well, I *do* like him, actually, but in the love-to-hate-him kind of way I like cool villains like Darth Vader of Doriflen. So yeah... Good to have him back!

*shudders at Pippin's discovery of dead guards* Ok, so I'm not easily unnerved or grossed out, but finding someone like that, especially someone you knew... I would've totally freaked out. Good thing it's Pippin on guard, not me. *g* Hehe, interesting, one of the few times I think Pippin behaved in a *far* more mature and composed manner than I would have...

ACK! When I said it was good to have him back, I didn't mean he could kill Arien! BARTHO GET IN HERE ALREADY! *gulps* Um, so obviously we're not dealing with an ordinary human here... Cool... *blinks* I mean... Cool AS LONG AS HE DOESN'T KILL ARIEN! *smacks Vardnauth* That was not nice! *sighs and shakes head* These cool villains never can just be villainous, cool, and nice at the same time, can they?

Excellent chapter, as always! Can't wait for more!


P.S. LOL, yes indeed, "It is not good for man to be alone" does seem to be appropriate here... *g* Hmm, though I might note here for those who are obsessed with marrying Legolas off that it does say *man*, and though Legolas is indeed male, he is not, in fact, a man. *smacks self* And why is it that every time I look at that last sentence I hear Jack Sparrow's voice? *shakes head* That movie has infected me... And I can't wait to be even more infected! July 7th! *squeals*

P.P.S. Ha! So you like Ivanhoe too? I'd rather guessed you might. *g* You just seem like the kind of people who would... Ah yes, I wasn't terribly impressed with De Bracy in the book either. But since then I've seen the A&E version of Ivanhoe, and it's somewhat influenced my opinions about him... He was *so* sweet in that! LOL, from those movies, I actually remember thinking that, though Ivanhoe was OBVIOUSLY the best, if he were taken, I'd have gladly taken De Bracy. Maybe a bit too easily influenced at times, but so incredibly sweet and chivalrous... He actually reminded me a bit of Faramir :-)

P.P.P.S. LOL! Nope, you're not the only oblivious one by any means. *g* Oh yes, isn't it funny how your feelings about characters can change with a little time and a different perspective? When I first read the books, I could hardly stand Boromir. I thought he was so annoying, and always complaining, and was actually rather happy when I got to the part where he died... Heh, and then of course, I watched the movies. And now I like him. And now I nearly cry when I just listen to the *music* from his death scene, never mind actually watch it... I think it was mostly that scene where he was teaching Merry and Pippin sword fighting that did it. He was just so sweet with them... *sighs* I *would* start to like a character just in time for him to die...

P.P.P.P.S. Oh yes, I am very happy indeed to hear that you're writing things of your own! Am I allowed to ask what you will be writing about, or is that a deep, dark secret? *dies of curiosity*

P.P.P.P.P.S. I've just started reading some Star Trek fanfiction. It remains to be seen what attempting to combine *that* with reading and reviewing your stories is going to do to my dreams. Judging from my current mental state, the results should be... interesting... *wanders off to bed to find out*

Author Reply: *smile* Ah, yes… whence the 'are you an adult?' confirmation? Hannah asked me that too when she went to see if the chapter had gone up, and I just said that I've always appreciated the way this site was so kid-friendly, and I've noticed that people here tend to err on the side of caution when using those warning pages. So I decided to take the better-safe-than-sorry route! On this and future warnings we'll tend to be leaning more towards the 'serious' rather than the 'graphic' side of the warning zone. And no, the dwarves were not in the reasoning! *grin*

See? Even when you chop them into boards and nail them into submission as flooring, trees are still out to get you! Anyway, always thrilled to make you laugh!

I guess the thing that sets Aragorn apart is that he is a human who has hung out with elves for most of his life. Thus he has human complaints, and very normal human problems, but he tends to look at things through the lens of elves, whose attitude is that life just passes on and there's no need to get too worked up about it. A quixotic man, but that's why he's so likeable!

*eyes widen* Wow. I must say, I don't think we put NEARLY that much thought into why Kori likes to club rabbits… It could be any or all of those reasons! We presumed a great deal of it had to do with the fact that Kori is the spoilt young son of a wealthy dwarven lord and that his uncontrolled impulses have led him to speak loudly and inconsiderately, disregard all rules of society, laze about in rampant stupidity, and whack small furry things for the fun of it. Sort of like 'Little Bunny Foo-Foo'… Our mingled thanks (on behalf of the nicer dwarves) and apologies (on behalf of whatever part we may have played in driving you crazy)!

I'm afraid Tantur is indeed the traitor! One thing to keep in mind is that Tantur wasn't raised by Duurben — he was raised mostly by his own mother until she died and Duurben took up the responsibility for his well-being and behavior. Poor Duurben! And look on the bright side: (if we haven't already told you…) originally we were going to let you keep thinking he was a good guy for a whole lot longer! Then you would have been REALLY mad when he turned out to be a villain.

*taps Duurben's other shoulder* Listen to her, Duurben: she's guessing awfully close to the mark here…

New facets of Bartho turning up everywhere! Yes, 'indecisive' and 'nervous' aren't the first words that spring to your lips when presented with Bartho. But I think Hannah was showing glimpses of what Bartho might have been like before the whole fall-out with Lindamar — back in the days when he wrote sappy poetry. He can never go back, of course, but some of that pleasant optimism could make for a nice change! If he ever makes a move…

There's something rather pleasant in being able to loath a character unstintingly! It's much less trouble than the gray-area folk, who insist on doing dreadful things at the same time that they make you feel sorry for them.

*laughs* Yes, typically Pippin acts in a very child-like way — making it easy to forget that he fought at the Black Gate and killed a troll all by himself (albeit getting flattened by it in the process, but hey!). The thought of finding the dead guards seriously creeped me out too… which is probably why Hannah wound up writing that whole scene!

Ooh, a Pirates of the Caribbean fan!!! *waves pirate hat* Our whole family is really looking forward to July! Hannah may get that as part of her birthday activities, since her birthday is on the tenth.

Okay, I guess I'll have to see the A&E Ivanhoe, because I seriously can't imagine liking DeBracy at this point — yet I had the exact same thing happen with book-Boromir and movie-Boromir as you did! Funnily enough, Hannah had some of those same problems with Aragorn until she watched the movies! She thought he was kind of grouchy.

What are we planning on writing about now? Well, I shouldn't like to reveal any of Hannah's plots without her permission, but they're mostly fantasy. Mine (like I said) I have been repressing for the sake of finishing this story first. Once I have the freedom, I'm not sure where I'll start first! I had another Duurben story that I might finish (that's still fan fiction, but I'm the only author), or I had a science fiction story about two boys who become friends after one picks the other's pocket, or I had a futuristic story set in Chicago in which a group of teenagers put out fires. Er, that last is kind of hard to explain, I guess… I'd love to write a fantasy story at some point too — loads of ideas, but no particular one nailed down yet!

So, had any weird dreams off your mixed LOTR and Trekk fan fiction? I've got the greatest mental picture of Spock and Legolas comparing ears…

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/12/2006
Great Chapter, I loved it very much. Something for everyone in there.

The poor dwarf, he seems to be run out of luck, for once he has a means of transport small enough... Braveheart, *lol*. Horses and water, yes. I know a certain horse that has 'issues' with water.
And then he has to fight against killing-trees.

Ah, yes, rain again, that is so typical for April *lol* Ask any of the Dúnedain you please, I have never liked traveling in April; there is nothing that makes a human more despondent than excessive rain, especially when it's falling on you."
I do not like it either, but sometimes one must (horse must go for a walk :). Ah well, I can sympatize with Aragorn, even though it takes no longer than two hours for me. But that is enough with rain that is fallig so heavily like the one in your shower.

Hehe, that young dwarf seems to know perpecty who to hit, even though he is not conscious of it.
I find myself…wary when around him.I knew he would get suspicious

Stealing the tools, so that the gate is not finished when the army comes and they can take the city easily?

Uh oh, Duurben might be right, always trust a man's feelings when he gives them for consideration.

Is Bartho drawn to Arien? I hope he is, I wish it. And right when he is confronted with he question, they come again. Luck that he is where he is.
Ohoh, a divertion, is it? And now it is starting to get really bad.

How did he come in there? What a luck Arwen has Arien, the good and brave soul. It is so mean to work with psychic methods *gr*.


Author Reply: *looks back over chapter* Ha! That's funny... we hadn't really realized what a hodge-podge chapter that was until you said that.

*laughs* Oh good, we're glad to hear it! Having never had much experience with horses, near or far from water, we weren't entirely sure that was a likely phobia for a pony. It's always nice to hear we haven't blown it!

Indeed, poor Gimli gets the short end of the stick in this story. The VERY short end of the stick... *glances at killing-trees* No pun intended.

We decided early on to keep careful track of our days in this story so that we could make sure everyone met up at the right times, and that when they said 'a week ago' it really HAD been a week ago, and so forth. One of the funnier aspects that grew out of that determination was that as the story grew ever longer, the months and seasons slowly changed. It was not in the original plan to have the poor guys walking in the rain, but, well... that part just happened to land in April!

*laughs* It's funny how satisfying Kori's whacking of Tantur suddenly becomes, isn't it?

That's a good guess for the tools! You'll see if you're right or not in a minute...

Bartho doesn't seem to have a clue as to what's going on here yet, but 'drawn' is a pretty good word. Now if he can just DO somthing about it! *grin*

Thanks for the splendid review!

Lady SarumanReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/12/2006
this message is to sarah, though i left my review below:

i think it would be rather nice of you if you introduced Hannah to my site.

gee, it is rather hard to update if you're internet gets shut down by snow. where i live, southern California, there's absolutely NO snow, just cold weather and an extremely hot sun reaching to temperatures of 100 degrees F.

i forgot to say in my review that it's thrilling that Hannah is a Narnia fan. I haven't seen the movie, though i would like to, but i've read all seven books...

Lady Saruman ^_~

Author Reply: I heartily recommend Narnia!! It was fantastic. It's coming out on video and DVD in April, I think...

Sun sounds really nice at this particular moment! The snow has melted, but now it's just plain cold out here. *grin*

I've passed on your request to Hannah, but I don't know if she'll have the time. She's the one with the most demanding job at this point (which is why I'm the one posting the new chapters). Still, you never know!

Lady SarumanReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/12/2006
Yay, I'm the first to review! Wow, that was quite a story. There seems to be danger running everywhere, doesn't it? Well, i can see that Aragorn's previous years of being a ranger has served him well. He can feel a disconcerting feeling around Tantur, though of course he doesn't know why. It was funny when you made Kori knock out Tantur, because that is exactly what a devil like him deserves... maybe it might even knock some sense into him, though judging by what Kori said about knocking him out only slightly won't help much with Tantur's "mental traitor condition", as I like to call it.

...Back at Gondor: that battle was amazingly creepy. Some of Vardnauth's cronies are about to break in? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Poor Duurben. Poor Bartho. Poor Anárion. AND, especially, poor Arien. It's really surprising. How does that thing who tortured her know her name????

I can see that Arien is clearly suffering. She has to see the replayed memories in her head...I guess that in every story they read the bad guys would make them see their worst fears... but I think it was absolutely loving of Arien to defend her queen even when she is offered the choice of life or death.

Please update soon!!!!
Now, let's see where we were on the roller coaster. First, the loop-de-loop, then the corkscrew, so then, there's.... oh never mind! All I know is that this ride won't end until your story ends. LOL

I enjoyed your website too. You see, building a website doesn't take any skill at all. I certainly didn't. I just followed the instructions and Voila!

I'm busy here. See, in history class we have studies on the Oregon trail and we have to make an illustrated diary about it. In english class the same thing is happening, except we have to be one of the Sager family and write a diary. (Do you know about the Sager family?) SO, TWO history lessons in one day!!! I have always hated history and now we have to repeat it!!!! UNBEARABLE! EVIL! ARGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! And don't forget, if you've remembered from my bio that I'm only thirteen, I'm in eighth grade.

Update in three days...see you then!

Hersheys hugs/kisses
-Lady Saruman ^_~

P.S. If you're wondering why I use Hersheys, it's because I love Hersheys, though they're not my favorite.

-Lady Saruman ^_^

Author Reply: *hands out First-To-Review prize* Congrats!

Yes, Aragorn's getting an inkling -- but will he cotton on in time...? That is yet to be seen! Until then, it sure is satisfying to see Kori conk the traitor. In our original draft we weren't going to tell anyone who the traitor was until he announced it himself, but then we decided that would be too cruel -- to let the readers go on getting attached to Tantur for most of the story, only to have him turn out to be a bad guy. One of the perks of revealing his duplicity to the readers so early was that the 'Kori-Conking' scene was suddenly a lot more funny!

How does Vardnauth know Arien's name? That is an excellent question! It's all part and parcel with how he can reach into peoples' minds and force them to relive the worst memories of their lives. That's not something an elf can do typically...

Thanks for the encouragement on website building! Considering how much trouble I'm having updating this story on time, though, I probably can't juggle that just at this time. Maybe someday! Sounds as if you too are extremely busy -- that's a whole lot of history all at once. Good luck!

Thanks for the review!

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