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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 3 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/3/2006
Well, here I am as promised - *before* midnight! LOL, it seems so strange, writing a review at this time of day... I usually get most of my work done between nine and eleven-thirty at night. Hehe, which *could* explain a few of the things I wind up saying... *g*

*blinks* Tantur?! LOL, I didn't see that one coming... And I really should've, considering I knew he was following them :-P Aww, poor guy, though. All he's trying to do is be *loyal* and keep an eye on his king, and he gets beaten up and accused of treason. Life is indeed *not* fair. As he is sure to continue finding out if he insists on following Aragorn and Legolas around. They're practically living embodiments of the phrase...

Heh, and as Aragorn and Legolas know well, it's NEVER a sign when guards start looking too innocent... It's just awful, though, when these generally honorable men snap and do something that normally they would never consider doing. And then, to top it off, they find out they've done it to an innocent bystander. It's really hard to blame them, though... For all they knew, not only WAS this person a part of the attack on their town, but as likely as not was also responsible for their children's disappearance if not death. Not that it excuses them, certainly, but still... Poor guys.

Corsairs! Of *course*! I suppose it'd be kinda hard to mistake Haradrim for Gondorians, wouldn't it... And it *would* be the pirates, dealing with stealing ships and all. *smacks self* Should've thought of that. Y'know, hindsight isn't very useful, really. All it does is taunt you with what you SHOULD have realized, after it's been made completely obvious :-P

//He handed the keys back to the jailer who was glaring openly at him; apparently no one had ever possessed the nerve to take the man's keys away.// Rotfl! Ehm yeah, those two aren't really overly particular about whose keys they're *supposed* to be when they want to get a friend loose. *g*

Oh dear... And they seem to have picked up yet another eternally "fine" person. LOL, they just seem to attract people who are impossible to hurt... And, (un)fortunately for Tantur, they've had faaaaaar too much personal experience in that area to ever believe him ;-)

LOL! "Did you serve under Thorongil?" Hehe, yeah, you might say that... It's rather like that saying, "YOu can't escape your problems by leaving, because you can never get away from yourself. No matter how far you travel - there you are!"

Oh, that is too funny. Legolas, with all the children arguing over whose bed he wants to sleep in... *breaks down into giggles* And the touch with the twins breaking into song... LOL! Love it! Hehe, and lucky for him, he's got an experienced diplomat with him, who knows well all the best negotiating tactics when dealing with children. *g* I can just picture it: Aragorn, Legolas and Tantur, tough warriors all, sleeping with a pile of toys and dolls. *snickers*

//"The Prince of Mirkwood unwed seems to be a calamity not to be borne by any right-minded female."// *scans summaries of Legolas fanfics and fangirl sites* Um, yup. You got *that* right, Aragorn... “Safe”? Not likely, while there is still a fangirl in existence... Poor Legolas. He's definitely outnumbered. *g*

*giggles* And it appears Aragorn has inadvertently picked up yet another name - "Your- Strider". Hehe, poor guards, it's hard enough just dealing with a king that wanders off on his own the minute you turn your back. They've got to deal with one that's constantly changing his name as well...

Ah, and methinks Valihondo knows and guesses quite a bit more than he lets on. Looks like someone *finally* decided to pay attention to my hints... It's definitely confirmed now - I like him a lot. *g* Seriously, though, how you two manage to keep on creating so many wonderful OCs I'll never know... *shakes head in admiration*

Wonderful chapter! And, as always, looking forward to more!


P.S. *blinks* And I cannot seem to think of a post script. *sighs* It is a sad day indeed... *goes into mourning* It would seem the light of day zaps my creativity. Hmm, I may have to re-think this. I suppose I can still do this at midnight, if I do it a day earlier... Hehe, this is sad. I am such a night person...

Author Reply: Yay! Only it seems that whenever YOU are on time, WE are late... Huh. That's really bizarre. Anyway, thrilled as always to get your review!! And we totally sympathize with the night-owl tendencies. Just about all of our story planning takes place after eleven when we're lying in our beds chatting after we've turned off the bedroom light. As our mom said, "Carpe Noctis!" Seize the night!

Tantur was well within the damage path -- 'damage path' being defined as anywhere within a fifty mile radius of Aragorn and Legolas. We're certain he was equally surprised to find himself there as you were. *grin*

I suppose there's a lot of historical commentary in the actions of the guards... I hadn't really thought about it before, but that's been a major factor in a lot of questionable actions -- the wrong thing, but you could see where they were coming from. Anyway, happily Valihondo is pretty savvy about handling such situations; firmness was demanded, but also mercy and understanding.

*wags finger* Okay, no more abusing one of our favorite reviewers -- the Haradrim were a perfectly respectable guess! Especially since they ARE the masterminds here, the corsairs are just the particular tools that they're using. Believe me, you are no where near the level of obliviousness I (Sarah) reached when I completely missed the fact that Legolas was even IN 'Fellowship of the Ring' the first time I read it. I don't just mean 'missed that he joined the Fellowship' but 'missed that he even existed'! So far all hindsight has shown me is that I need to read slower so I don't miss important stuff like that... *sheepish grin*

*laughs* Well, if the jailer ever found out just WHO had taken his keys, he'd probably be less irritated. If not, well, like you said: it's not like Aragorn and Legolas care anyway.

*evil grin* Yes, Volihondo's family is based heavily on our own, and thus the level of chaos, the desire to sleep in any bed that isn't their own, the love of lending, and the snatches of loud song are all extremely accurate. Hey, living in a family of ten kids had to pay off somewhere! *laughs*

To be honest, I think all our 'match-making of Legolas' jokes were really meant to poke fun at all the folk who seem bent on wedding him off ASAP. For the record: we never have, never will, try to make up a gal for our favorite elf. But it's pretty funny thinking of all the people who try, both in and out of Middle Earth. *wink*

*enjoys a good laugh over 'Your-Strider'* Hadn't thought of that... golly, he DOES call him that a lot, doesn't he? Ah, well, it's now tradition.

OCs are our joy and they get a lot of love -- maybe that's why so many keep popping up. It's definitely part of the reason we're moving on from FanFiction. As much as we enjoy writing Aragorn and Legolas, we really would like to write whole stories which are nothing but our own. Glad you like Valihondo so much! He was the sole creation of Hannah, and she was very proud of him. *grin*

No post-script? Ah well, life goes on. To comfort you, we present a new post, complete with apologies for tardiness! Thanks again for the wonderful review!!

RSReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/3/2006
Poor Tantur! He must have been taking tracking lessons from Eldarion! Ha..and a glint of recognition in Valihondo's eyes towards Strider. Strider/Aragorn babysitting? What a wonderful scene. I'm sure he felt at home amongst the madness and chaos in the house!. Just like home! Poor Legolas,.."lumps in what?"..VERY FUNNY! Arwen, the matchmaker! Very enjoyable chapter!

Author Reply: Admittedly, he'd have to be awfully good to track Aragorn and Legolas without them knowing, but yes... let's just say that 'tracking' isn't Tantur's strong point.

Yup, Valihondo is pretty darn sharp. *grin*

And Hannah had great fun making Aragorn babysit -- especially with such experience to back him up. Poor Legolas indeed... his confusion is based an expressions we have seen on the faces of many people who have tried to converse with sisters Phoebe (8) or Olivia (6). Mwahaha!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/2/2006
Of course it was Tantur, *lol*. The poor one, but that happens with very angry people around. It is always the innocents.
I loved the scenes with the children, wise Aragorn seems to have learned a lot about children in the past years. Did not somebody say that one's own children are one's best teachers?
For some reason sleeping in other people's bed is always popular and exciting. It feels different and smells different. I remember to have done that a time or two with my parents' bed. Hehe
Sleeping in Gilraen's bed, hu? That would have made for a well...uncomfortable night.


Author Reply: Figures, eh? *grins*

*laughs* Ooh, glad you liked Aragorn and the kids! The quote about learning from one's own children was very apt -- we really liked that idea.

Oh, my word, the 'sleeping somewhere special' is lifted directly from our own siblings! This is the ultimate fun activity: any place that isn't their bed is fair game... the floor, the couch, a tent, a chair, someone else's bed, the trampoline... *grin*

You have to admit: the mental image of Aragorn and Arwen stuffed into a child's bed is awfully funny.

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