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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 3 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/17/2006
LOL, you look forward to *my* reviews? Heh, and here I've always thought I was such an awful reviewer :-P Glad to hear that you enjoy my reviews at any rate, though!

I love your description of the city's reaction to finding out about Arwen's illness. That alone speaks volumes about her character - the fact that the Gondorians would not only be able to accept a foreign queen, but love her so much that the entire city would go into mourning at the news that she's been hurt.

Oh, poor Duurben! Aww, Aragorn's note to him was wonderful. *sniffs* Poor everyone! *smiles through tears* I'm so happy-I... I mean *sorry* for them. Yeah. Heh...

Hmm, veeeeery interesting that Aragorn signed his note "Thorongil", though. Is that just recalling old times and friendships, or is this going to be of plot significance? Or maybe both? *smiles hopefully*

*squee* Yes, the twins are coming! YAY! Ahem. *attempts to put on appropriately somber expression* I do hope they're able to come in time for the funeral. Or funerals, as the case may be. Ah well, if not, I do hear Rivendell has lovely gardens. They can always send flowers. *shrugs*

Ooo, very unique cure for the poison! Lol, and excellent way to make sure they BOTH have to go, too. *g* Hmm, and do I sense a demise-by-his-own stupidity for a certain villain, with it's being poison when one person alone takes it from the tree?

Talk about another one of those tough situations for Aragorn, though: in order to save his wife, he's got to leave her when she needs him most, and when he most desperately wants to stay with her and his children. You two are truly evil, you know that? *looks impressed*

*giggles* Oh yes, Legolas, I'd think you knew Aragorn better than that by now! Of COURSE he means to leave without telling anyone! Hehe... Ah yes, and doesn't everything always look simpler in retrospect?

Ahem. And as for a certain traitor, all I have to say is... IT BETTER NOT BE SOMEONE I LIKE!!!

Oh yes, and one other thing. Something tells me SOMEONE isn't going to be terribly happy when they find out it's not the king that the city's in mourning for... *eg*

Ooo, Vardnauth is cool, though! Hehe, my sister and I keep a list of "coolest villains" along with our list of favorite heroes. I'm beginning to wonder if we'll be adding a new name in there, alongside Darth Vader, Xanatos, Kirotis, Doriflen, and other such notable names. *g* And then, of course, there's our list of "villains who tried SO hard and got so terribly obsessed with the heroes they couldn't get rid of that you've just got to feel sorry for them". Hehe, there's always openings there, alongside Chauvelin, Javer, and other not-quite-as-notable names...

Loved it, and looking forward to more!


P.S. Ah, your story of Aragorn running happily through a field of daisies was a flop, hmm? Well... Maybe you could try Aragorn running happily through a field of daisies, then falling into a hitherto-unseen hole in the ground, breaking his leg, then finding out said hole was filled with spiders and snakes and... Eh, yeah. I guess adversity sells. *g*

P.P.S. Oh lovely. That's just WONDERFUL. SO the traitor's not someone I've mentioned in a romantic context? Well THAT'S very encouraging. Especially since the only people I HAVE mentioned in that context are Aragorn and Pippin, and then only in that the latter can sympathize with the former because he's married too. OH, and I suppose I also sort of mentioned Legolas, in that he's NOT married. Soooo nice to know none of *them* is the traitor. I was reeeeally worried about that, y'know. *glares* I knew it. I just knew it. All authors are evil. *sighs* I guess the "Authoress" and "Evilness" genes are just so close together that no one seems capable of seperating them... Augh. *panics* It's not Eression, is it?! Or Duurben? Or Errynben? Or Bartho? It CAN'T be them! I LIKE them! *wails* Why oh why do the authoresses always have to hate ME?! What have I ever done to them? Aside from inflicting my reviews on them that is... Heh. Would it help if I left? Oh, right, you did say it was already finished. *sighs desparingly* Why me?

P.P.P.S. LOL, glad to hear you enjoyed the mental image that resulted from LOTR and War of the Worlds being mixed. Um, just be thankful you haven't seen some of the ones my mind's come up with for LOTR and Star Wars. Really, sometimes I think my mind's even crazier than I am. *looks back at previous sentence* And I believe saying something like THAT would be the signal that it's about time I went to bed. *shakes head*

Author Reply: You're not a bit of an awful reviewer! You're cheerful, and you're funny, and you mention the details you liked as well as the big things. Total honesty: we enjoy reading your reviews! *grin*

Glad you liked the black banners for Arwen! We felt that, by this time, she would be well established as the wonderful lady that she is.

*grins* Well, on the same note as you taking pleasure in Duurben and Aragorn's angst (and then feeling guilty for it), we also find ourselves taking pleasure in having reduced you to tears (and now feeling guilty for it)...

Regarding Thorongil: It was mostly just a way to reference their history together -- a subtle reminder of their friendship, of Duurben's job and of Aragorn's dependence on him doing his job. If by 'plot significance' you mean, "Will the events of 'Thorongil' play any part in this story?" then the answer is yes! Or you will certainly be recognizing more characters at least. *grin*

Fear not! There's a lot of ground to cover before the twins actually arrive anywhere near the possibility of a funeral -- at least, Arwen's funeral... *shuts up before saying too much*

Yes, getting Aragorn and Legolas alone together was tricky, but we managed at last! As for the villain... *hums innocently*

*both girls look at each other* Us? Truly evil? Wow! Thanks!

*shrugs helplessly* Alas, we don't know if you like the traitor or not! We sure hope you don't, but there's no telling... This is just like the time we killed off a character only to discover that everyone was half in love with him; he was supposed to be a pointless extra, for heaven's sake! *looks frazzled* Oh, and no, we don't hate you in particular. In fact, we don't hate you at all! Aragorn and Legolas may be debating over whether or not we hate THEM, though...

It'll be funny seeing Vardnauth's face when he gets the news, eh? *grin*
Wow, and he might rate a spot on the villain list? *goggles* A list already containing Darth Vader and Doriflen? *completely floored*

You're even crazier than you are? Wow. *ponders dazedly for a moment* You may not be the only one short on sleep... *grin*

RSReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/17/2006
NOOOOO!!! Don't lose hope Aragorn!!! I cannot picture Aragorn losing hope..He can't!!! This is beautiful-- "ultimately, this was a decision that Aragorn would make not as a king, but as a husband. As a man desperately and hopelessly in love. A matter not for logical thought, but for the heart. And the choice had already been made". SIGH... It just reminds me just how much Aragorn and Arwen are in love and the sacrifices that they made (can you tell I'm a romantic?) So the bad guy is going to go to Lorien and try to retrieve the magical sap. Will he be stopped by a gorgeous ranger and an equally beautiful elf? The Shadow thinks that the King is dead and his plan is running smoothly thus far. What is going to happen in Rohan? This is getting REALLY GOOD!

Author Reply: If it's at all reassuring: we are not the sorts of people who enjoy 'realistic' endings. The fanfics where everyone dies and that's just the way it is -- those depress us dreadfully! Of course, we make no promises regarding what will happen *between* now and the ending...

*grins big* Glad you liked that line! (Sarah speaking, by the way) Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic as well. This story was rather different from our others in that respect and we had a great time with it.

Yup, the villain now has a plan; but as for when (or 'if') or by whom he will be stopped, all will be revealed in time! *grins*

Thank you for your encouraging review!

SioReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/16/2006
I *like* Duurben! What a great captain of the guard!

Bless that Pippin! This is a great line! I laughed so hard:
"You've stopped looking like death on two legs. I was afraid you were blaming yourself for all this, or something stupid like that."

And this is such a cool reminder that Estel did grow up in an elven home! It was just such a nice throwback glance to his upbringing:
"...but the books and scrolls were arranged in a fashion that reminded the elf strongly of Lord Elrond's library in Rivendell."

Its those little details that count so much!

SOAragorn: "Even when in the hall, he rarely sat on the throne unless the formality of the situation demanded it; most often he was to be found standing. "

I could just see this from him. hehehe See thats why your stories are so good, you add all the little idiosyncrasies and details that make the characters more real.

Whoa! Knock me out of my chair, nice twist there with the snake venom working slowly in immortals and me totally forgetting that Arwen is now a mortal! Nothing like stepping up the pace of the angst! That was perfect :D

And then this line:
"...he could see the struggle in his friend's soul — as if there were naught but a pane of glass between the heart of Aragorn and the world."
Ouch, what a beautiful description ot what was going on inside of him and how easy it was for the elf to see.

heheheh now *i'm* quoting you back nearly every line in YOUR story! heheheh :D

Like this one:
"Ultimately, this was a decision that Aragorn would make not as a king, but as a husband. As a man desperately and hopelessly in love."
That so describes the true heart of Aragorn - its perfect! Plus the way you have set up this story with the antidote needing the two of them and their friendship to waken the tree is excellent!

Oh ouch, for some reason this tiny sentance just had so much longing and sadness in it, so much remembrance of younger days:
"When the world was simple."

Ooooh the bad guys are really bad! Hmmm...and so the plot thickens! So now i'm wondering if the traitor will get there first and get the sap on his own and poison himself or if Legolas and Aragorn will get there and the possibilities are endless - well in my little brain anyway. hehehe You know the outcome! I will content myself to wait and sit here on the cliffie with Jack. You know he sings really off tune when he's had too much rum. Winces and plugs ears.

Keep it coming you guys! This IS GREAT!!! Oh and you know, if you like when you're done, we'd love to put it up on the MC. Can i say that here?


Author Reply: *hugs Sio* That's for liking Duurben!

Oh, and have we mentioned that we love it when you quote stuff? We do! It's wonderful! It nails down the moment so nicely: "So at *that* point she laughed! How cool!"

We have discovered that we love writing hobbits. Excellent creatures! As for Aragorn, (Sarah speaking) I can remember looking at the Hall of Kings and the big throne with all the stairs leading up to it and thinking... yeah, sure, like Estel/Strider is going to sit in THAT.

Arwen's mortality hit us much the same way! Sort of like an early Christmas present... Boy, does that sound twisted...

Ooo, and glad you liked our antidote idea. Seriously, it gets harder and harder to find ways to send both of them off alone like this -- if we ever wondered why most MC stories occur before FOTR, now we know. *grin*

Funny thing (given the quandary stated above): Aragorn's lament was actually ours as well. Only his dilemma had more to do with how easy it was for us to make him a target, and our dilemma involved how difficult it was to then get him out of it...

So now you're wondering that, eh? Hmm. Well, go ahead and wonder! You have our hearty permission! *grins generously*

*plugs ears as Jack reaches third chorus* Oy, vey...

We would love to have you guys put this on MC!! *hugs again* That's for asking for it!

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