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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 4 Review(s)
SioReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/16/2006
Wooow! Talk about your action and non-stop suspense. This chapter just holds the reader inches from the screen wtih the little scroll button on the mouse moving as fast as it can. Oh yeah, you really should remind people to breathe while they read these scenes! Ouch. Kind of embarrasing at work to come up for a gasp of air and have every eye turn to you. Really no way to explain that, at least not in a way anyone can understand - other than another fanfic reader. *snicker*

Thanks for the coffee by the way i totally needed it!

Oh my favorite lines:
"...but he knew full well that now was the time to keep his head and concentrate on what must be done, lest all his fears come to pass. Closing off all feeling, he put it away ."

What a great description of how Aragorn deals with emergencies! Totally captures the seriousness of the situation and how he was feeling. Very griping.

"He feared what would happen when Aragorn's heart would be allowed to catch up with him, but for now it was held in check."

Now see thats perfect! I wondered if you would deal with that! Thats a great sentance, just totally catches his friends' viewpoint on Aragorn's emotions. The whole calmness during and then falling apart after the event. Nicely done!

"It seemed that within the small room was the last remnant of innocence to be found, and who knew if it would last? "

Very very cool. Sobering, yet brings a smile to the readers face even if it is a sad smile. Caught the moment very nicely in just a few words. And isnt that just how children are, always the last to catch onto the severity of a situation or rather the last to let it affect them negatively.

Personally i loved the descriptions of Aragorn, killing the snake and then the way you had him hesitating on the steps or just freezing before speaking or taking the next necessary step, very realistic.

GREAT chapter, just what the doctor ordered in between insominia curing state paperwork - heheh which i must return to now! I'll be back for the next chapter at lunch! See you then!

Author Reply: *bounces in wild delight* It's like... being complimented on your poetry by Robert Frost! We do so love your reviews, Sio. *grin*

Ah, yes, the 'coming up for air' phenomenon. There are times when we are very glad to live in a house with a whole bunch of fanfic readers, and that is definitely one of them. See, all we had to say was, "Doroflin was chasing Legolas." and everyone either replied, "Ah, I see." or else, "They posted again??" *'nuther grin*

Ooh, so glad you liked Crisis!Aragorn -- lot of work on Hannah's part. Interestingly enough, Aragorn *still* hasn't broken down. Says ominous things for the future, eh? *evil smile*

Obliviousness is one of the cutest things about kids, so long as the adults around them are convincingly calm. We hadn't planned for the kids to be in the story much, but little scenes like this kept slipping in on us. :-)

We are happy to cure your insomnia! Have another coffee. *slices pieces of coffee cake, passes one each to Sio and Jack, glares at Stitch when he eats the rest of the cake while her back is turned* Yuk, Stitch, close your mouth while you do that!

ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/15/2006
Oh, yay! Hehe, I thought I was too late to review this chapter... But you haven't updated yet, so I guess I've still got time :-)

Hehe, even a stupid snake ought to know better than to threaten Aragorn's kids when the Ranger's around! Go Aragorn! Ha, take THAT stupid snake!

Poor, poor Aragorn, though. Yipe, talk about terrifying... Man, as if it weren't hard enough for the healer to be the *husband* of the critically ill patient, he also just happens to be the king, who's the one supposed to be taking charge of the situation. Talk about being emotionally involved here... *huggles poor ranger*

Aww, Legolas is always such a wonderful friend. Always there to be anything his mellon needs, from snake-poison-identifier to water-fetcher to herb-deliverer to person-who-checks-up-on-the-babysitter :-)

Oh, so all the Lhandlas seems to have disappeared, has it? Wonder how that could have happened... Apparently this villain is quite thorough, in addition to being sneaky.

Now *here* is a very unusual situation - for once, Pippin actually has more personal experience to sympathize with Aragorn in this situation than Legolas does! Wow... Not that Legolas doesn't feel for him, of *course*, but it's so interesting that Pippin would be the one who could actually *understand*.

Ooo, traitor, yes! Traitor is good! Traitor is ANGSTY! Traitor is- *is struck by a sudden thought* Ow... Oh. Oh no... I've got a bad feeling all of a sudden... This traitor isn't someone I like, is it? IS IT?! AAAH! No... Gah. I always seem to like the wrong people. I even managed to fall completely in love with the *villain* in my friend's original story. Man. This is sad. *headdesk* Pleasepleaseplease, don't let it be someone I like! *pleading puppydog eyes*

ROTFL! Gotta love that version of "Thorongil". Hehe, obviously Aragorn's children are just a *little* familiar with that particular episode. *g* And now that I've finished "Darkest Night", I'm going to re-familiarize myself with it as well...

Oh, oh! *waves hand* I know, I know about the viper and the remedy! It's a snake found only in Mirkwood, and in order to get the remedy, you're going to have to go there yourself. *nods in scholarly manner* Oh yes, I'm very familiar with the flora and fauna of Middle Earth, you see... What, you don't believe me?! *puts on air of affronted innocence* Really... I AM familiar with it! Or at least... *sighs in defeat* Fine, I'm just really familiar with the trailer. *g*

LOL, looking forward to more!


P.S. You know, I've decided that, although I love your stories a lot, you really might want to put warning labels on them. Something along the lines of "Warning: Do not mix with other genres". Honestly... Last night I watched "War of the Worlds". Then, like the bright person I am, I decided to read a bit of "Darkest Night" before going to bed. THEN I dreamed that the aliens in "War of the Worlds" were invading... only they were really *nice* actually, and only wanted to learn more about the ancient Numenorians, so they were coming to talk with Aragorn and build some sculpture in honor of the Numenorians... *gives self odd look* Really, sometimes I wonder about myself, the LOTR crossovers my mind comes up with when I'm dreaming... *shakes head*

Author Reply: Ha! One bright side to us forgetting that Sunday was supposed to be a posting day, not an 'off' day. We really look forward to your reviews!

Yes, this particular snake's small brain seems even smaller than most -- fortunately its lapse in memory regarding Aragorn's angry side was the last mistake it would ever make. Haha!

I'm afraid we derive a certain evil pleasure from putting Aragorn in horrible situations, doctor/husband conflicts being not the least of his worries. What can we say? Adversity sells. We tried a story of Aragorn running happily through a field of daisies and it was a total flop... *grins*

Pippin and Legolas are definitely the best of friends to have in a crisis!

As for the traitor... erm... We plead the fifth! Sorry, but without a little intrigue, our plot goes to pot -- and if it's any reassurance, we're pretty sure you haven't mentioned the traitor in a romantic context so far.

Yes, Eldarion especially is a magnet for all stories relating to his father, and the events of 'Thorongil' are no exception! By all means, re-read Thorongil yourself -- it may come in handy fairly soon... *innocent smile*

*laughs* Familiarity with the trailer isn't bad; honestly, if there ARE any LOTR botanists, we've yet to meet them. And while your guess isn't right on target, it is awfully near the mark... *grin*

*tries to talk between greater fits of laughter* Our most sincere apologies regarding the whole weird dream problem! For what it's worth, WE sure enjoyed the mental picture.

*hugs* Now we must go post some more.

LiaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/15/2006
Such a gripping story! The writing is top-notch! Thank you so much for this.

Author Reply: You are very welcome to it, and thank you so much for reviewing! We shall be posting more soon; hope you enjoy it!

RSReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/14/2006
Oh My Gosh!!Poor see his beloved that way! I am at the edge of my seat! The assasin truly struck at the heart of Aragorn! What a magnificent scene. I can feel Aragorn's desparation to stay calm to save his wife. I know Aragorn will find out who did this and when he does..WATCH OUT!! The punishment will be swift and I can't wait for that when it happens!(Sorry, I am getting ahead of myself) The part with Eldarion keeping his sisters occupied with his story was absolutely precious. How old is Eldarion and Elenwen? I know how old Gilraen is. I'm trying to figure out who this traitor is and it is driving me nuts. Wonderful chapter. I am grateful for the quick updates. Thank you. Again, can't wait for the next one. Keep it up! I am so thrilled with this fic.

Author Reply: *stands ready to catch RS; edges of seats can be slippery* I suppose it would be rather odd if we were to both bring Arwen to death's door and then condole with Aragorn, or if we were to sympathize with your anxiety and then thank you for being anxious... Heck with it! *grins* Thanks!

I suppose it's not a spoiler to tell you that, yes, Aragorn is not a man to be underestimated. Mwahaha! In answer to your question: Eldarion is 8 and Elenwen is 6. *rueful grin* We apologize for driving you nuts, but if we told you who the traitor was, where would be the fun anymore? Thank you for your wonderful review, and sorry that we missed our usual posting day! Will remedy oversight soon.

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