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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 5 Review(s)
MaranweReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/7/2006
Heh. *grins moronically*

You know, I only just checked my mail and found your email. I almost deleted it. I had to look between the subject and the 'sent from' for nearly a minute before it actually clicked. lol.

That said, I'm sorry I missed the first chapter. If I were truly faithful I'd leave two seperate reviews, one for that one and one for this, but it's almost two in the morning right now and I was tired to start with. If I let myself close my eyes, I don't think I'd wake up for at least 12 hours. Sleep deprivation is wonderful for driving and watching children, I tell you. Adds some adventure to the day. (hehe) If I don't make sense, that's why.

Mmm, I love it already, and I haven't had much interest for LOTR since August. *My* monster epic is on hiatus; can't stand to even think about it anymore. I blame it on Cassia and Sio retiring. Very distressing, that. Anyway.

I still love their speech. The dialogue is priceless and I don't even have an adequate way to describe it. Old-fashioned-ish and formal yet jesting and bouncy. lol. Old-fashioned and bouncy, it boggles the mind. And the kiddies! Gilrean... she's the age I've been working with, actually. It's probably sad tha I prefer the two year olds to the five year olds, but the fiver's drive me crazy. I was left to debate strangling them or letting them kill each other. Meh. Off-topic.

I think you managed to mention just about everyone between those two chapters. So, introductions out of the way...when do we get to 'meet' Legolas? Hmm? Just dove right into that evil plot too. Muahahaha. Ah, the intrigue. Is Mavronor's servant dude (who's name currently elludes me) gonna end up a turn coat, help our favored ranger and elf out? I think I'd have a heartattack if you actually told me the answer to that question. The shock, you know. And do you actually believe Eldarion would be such a handful, or is he just more interesting to write that way? I'm gonna make a guess and say it's a little of both. Or a lot.

And I love the banter between Aragorn and Arwen, and Aragorn and Eression. It's just so hilarious. And I can't wait until we get the banter between Aragorn and Legolas because it simply must be there. It's my favoritest part. lol.


I think I should go to bed now. I dare not read over what I've written. Is it every-other-day posting? I hope this works. I've never reviewed on storiesofarda before. And...yah. Later!

...Wait. I'm forgetting something. A question I always asked.... It was tradition! What was it?

Longer chapters? Was that it? Hmm...

Anyway, belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I'll see you next chpater! Yeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Author Reply: *Sarah and Hannah tackle Maranwe in a massive hug* You came! And you *are* truly faithful -- you're here, and you wrote a wonderful review at two in the morning. What else is needed?

*shakes head consolingly* Yes, we miss them too -- though, to be honest, we sypmathize as well. This is to be our last fic together, unless some sort of monster bunny bites. Glad we managed to draw you back into LOTR!

That is high praise indeed for our dialogue -- mostly because that is exactly what we *wanted*, but we weren't at all sure we were getting it. :) Mavranor's servent dude is Halda, and we shall now spare you from heartattack by assuring you that the crafty blighter's plans are his own and only time will tell what he intends to do. *smiles benignly*

Banter is our favorite stuff to write, which explains why it surfaces so often! Glad you enjoy it!

Yup, it's ever-other-day posting, and our chapters skew towards the long side (actually, anywhere from 6-14 pages this time...). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/6/2006
LOL! Wonderful, wonderful chapter! Hehe, I laughed so hard my sister gave me odd looks and asked what I was reading... And considering all the wierd stuff we do around each other, it takes a lot to elicit odd looks by now. *g* I especially loved the part about Estel stringing a trip-wire in front of Elrond's door, and Elrond wishing on him a son JUST like him. ROTFL!

Sorry I can't leave a proper review... It's getting REALLY late here and I have to get up early. *yawns*


Author Reply: *laughs* We live to bring weird looks to the faces of peoples' siblings! Mwahaha. The trip wire came as a very vivid mental image that demanded to be written -- we can take no credit. *grin*

RSReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/6/2006
Love the banter between Aragorn and Arwen---My favorite couple! I like the way Aragorn's broods were introduced "The wide door of the palace swung open with a crash". Wonderfully written. What a wonderful peaceful existence for the Royal Family and Gondor. I'm glad this was written as I have a feeling that the upcoming chapters will be very DARK! I guess the evil queen did not take into account Gimli's dwarves and Legolas' elves. Pippin is a hoot!! I am starting to love your OC's already. I hope you don't kill any of them. Cannot wait for the update!

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed the happy couple -- we love them too! *smiles cheerily* Ah yes, all is bliss (thanks for the compliment on the royal childrens' entrance!)! Who knows what lies ahead...? *hugs RS* Oh, you make us very happy any time you praise our OCs! We're afraid to admit that there is one character death listed in the rating... *shifts guiltily* ...and it is an OC, but it's only one! We promise!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/5/2006
Aw, a happy family reunion. It seems like the children got a lot from their father *lol*. This serves him right, I should say. He has to swallow a bit of his own medicin there.

"If so I'll have to write home to Diamond that Sam and his Rosie should make their visit to us soon. He's very keen on oliphaunts."
This made me laugh. It is so very much like Pippin. Always talking without thinking first.

I loved this chapter, beautifully written. You succeeded to introduce the chracters in the two chapters very well, it sounds natural and does not overwhelm the reader.

Until next time


Author Reply: *laughs* Oh my, yes! A whole lot of Aragorn going around -- and you're right, all such debts of mischief must evenutally come due. It's Aragorn's misfortune that, while he was only one trouble-maker, his tricks are being revisited upon him three-fold. Mwahaha! *grin*

Glad to hear you like Pippin! Our first ever attempt with a cannon hobbit; we didn't want to mess him up.

Thanks for the wonderful feedback!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/5/2006

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