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Family Matters  by Stefania 9 Review(s)
EorlReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/27/2013

I've got to say the singular lack of honor shown by Eowym, Imrahil and Aragorn towards the King of Rohan is staggering. If I were Eomer I'd burn Minas Tirith to the ground

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/28/2008
Lothiriel a legal assistant? I love it! I'm trained as a paralegal/legal assistant and it never occurred to me that Gondor and Dol Amroth would have them. This was a wonderful fic, and the interactions between the characters were perfectly drawn. Poor Eomer, he really could have ended up with the short end of the stick had Lothiriel not entered the picture. Either that or he could have made Eowyn and Faramir both really miserable.

I have to say that I can truly identify with Lothy and would love to have riding lessons from Eomer (ah, if wishes were Mearas!)

Great job!

Author Reply: Hi Edlyn -

Thanks for reading "Family Matters." It's an oldie but a goodie, in my humble estimation.

Over the years, I've tried to base my fanfic interpretation of Minas Tirith on cities in Romanesque Europe, taking my inspiration from the production designers (Alan Lee and John Howe) of the LOTR films. Those times saw the rise of the trade guilds, in which a master had at least one apprentice who assisted while learning the trade. I imagined Lothiriel as "apprenticed out" to a lawyer in Dol Amroth. Now, whether a woman would have served as a lawyer's apprentice in 1000 AD Italy is another story. Not likely.

When I wrote "Family Matters," the Lothiriel/Eomer romance subgenre of fan fic had not really exploded as it has today. In some ways, I wish I had done more with Lothy the legal assistant and her romance with Eomer. I'm glad you enjoyed my little glimpse into their life to come.

- Steff

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/23/2005
This is a nice story. I like your use of Imrahil. It is also a very unique twist on how Lothiriel and Eomer started showing signs of romance. :)

<>< Saved from sin through Christ,

Author Reply: Thanks, Jedi. (I love SW, too)

Imrahil is one of my favorite minor characters in LOTR. I'm glad you found this story and like how I portrayed him. Imrahil shows up in a chapter of "Avoidance", the other story I have on SoA. I hope to write some more Imrahil next year in "Avoidance," which is almost complete, and in the great story scheme in the sky that I have :) . I'm really slow when it comes to writing fan fiction.

- L.Steff

lucidityReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/8/2005
I like how you've written Gimli!

It must have been very difficult indeed for Eomer to try to govern his land from so far away. It makes sense that he would rely on his sister, since she was physically present so much more often that he was and would understand the day-to-day running of the kingdom.

They call Faramir 'Red'? Ouch! It's not such a kind sounding nickname, LOL!

I thought you portrayed Imrahil very well. So little is said about him and I love that you had him so caring of his family.

I like your version of Lothiriel as well. I like that you didn't have her be drop-dead gorgeous, but serious and smart. She was also able to calm Eomer using only words.

Bravo on a well-written story!

Author Reply: Hi Lucidity.

Good to see you here on SoA and glad that you enjoyed "Family Matters." I'm partial to this story, myself, and hope to do more with the characters once I finish "Avoidance." Imrahil will make another appearance in "Avoidance" toward the end of that story.

Re: your comment "They call Faramir 'Red?'"

Heehee. Imrahil's family gave Faramir that nickname in reference to his reddish blond hair. (Say what?? Read on.)

That's why "Family Matters" bears a warning that all characters who appeared in the movies have the appearance and backstory given them in the movies. Faramir doesn't appear in "Family Matters," but if he did, he would have reddish blond hair like David Wenham's wig--not so different from his real-life hair.

Look forward to chatting with you on CJ.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/5/2005
Clever way of introducing Lothiriel to Eomer - and I love that he immediately seemed attracted to her, despite his momentary anger. And riding lessons as a fee for legal services - what a great notion. Eomer has a brain under his horsehair-plumed helmet, too; those lessons will give him plenty of time to get to know Lothiriel...

Author Reply: Thanks, Raksha. And thanks for helping me "keep it real" with the Beta reviews. Yes, there is an immediate attraction between E and L, which I toned down a bit for the final story. It wasn't my intention to do an Eomer and Lothiriel romance as an offshoot to this tale, but maybe someday.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/29/2005
Somehow I can't quite see the Northern Dunedain being that rude, but it's an interesting story.

Enjoyed the byplay as Eomer begins to appreciate Lothiriel.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Larner. I'm a big fan of "Lesser Ring", BTW. Just a bit of clarity about the rude boys guarding the river. They aren't Aragorn's rangers but young, rowdy, ne'er-do-well kin and friends of the rangers who have come down from the North for the big party, so to speak. So to keep them out of trouble, Aragorn has given them the job of patroling the docks. Maybe I should have made that clearer.

- Steff

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/29/2005
Wonderful story and an unusual view of the situation just after the Battle at the Black Gate.

However, I wish you had changed only one line. When Eomer challenged Lothiriel on marriage and she replied:

“I am unmarried, Eomer king,” Lothiriel said."

I wish you had written:

"Not yet, Eomer king."

Author Reply: Thanks, Utfrog. I admit I was tempted but urged by a group of fellow fan fic writers not to give away the game so fast, so to speak. But I kind of like the idea of Lothiriel taking one look at Eomer and thinking, there is the fish that I am going to catch.

- L.Steff

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/29/2005
I really enjoyed this short story. You were able to grab my attention quickly and kept it. Now I want to know why you are not going to continue it. This would make a great companion story to Avoidance. I don't think there are enough fanfiction writers out there who write about how these two met etc...(Eomer & Lothriel).

I sincerely hope you continue the story. Maybe after you complete Avoidance, I am also reading that story and have been enjoying it. Very few fanfic writers really go into detail about the House of Healing and the Eowyn/Faramir meeting. They always start up after they have fallen in love. I think its original and refreshing. Keep up the good work.

Author Reply: Thanks, Adamas. Sorry to have not responded sooner to reviewers, but I was out of town for a couple of days.

"Family Matters" is, indeed, a companion piece to "Avoidance." In fact, it hinges on a plot point of "Avoidance" that I have planned but haven't written so far--Eowyn and Faramir's contract of betrothal (aka pre-nuptual agreement). My progress on "Avoidance" is currently about four chapters behind the time period of "Family Matters." I promise you I will catch up and go beyond that point in "Avoidance."

I paused in writing "Avoidance" because I really wanted to write a story with Imrahil as its star. I guarantee you that Imrahil will show up again in "Avoidance" and possibly Lothiriel as well.

Oh, and if you would like to read a great Eowyn/Faramir romance with plenty of Houses of Healing within, I suggest Shield Maiden's "An Act of Desperation," if you haven't gone there already.

- Steff

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/29/2005
Oh, now this is delightful! I love your Imrahil, poor fellow, beleaguered by all this and the bearer of momentous tidings, uncertain whether they are good or bad. Lothiriel is very interesting--it would never have occurred to me to think of her as a lawyer, of all things. How fun!

Author Reply: Thanks, Dreamflower. I hope to do more with Imrahil in other stories. He's always intrigued me and the fact that he didn't appear in the films gives me more lee way as a writer to give him some backstory.

- Steff

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