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The Green Knight and the Heir of Meduseld  by Le Rouret 6 Review(s)
trinkiReviewed Chapter: 18 on 9/23/2006
Oh, good! Good, good.
Andunie is one of my favorite characters. For the sake of the story, she HAS to take Fastred with her. Since this is moving towards the resolution of the "bad part" of Legolas' death, and the story is told from Fastred's p.o.v., he has to be there somehow. But it seems out of character for her to take Fastred with her. Probably, I just don't know her as well as I think I do.
Also, lovely speech from Fastred to Brytta in the stable there. More than I would expect from a 12 year old who is angry, but "well-said," and Bandy puts it.
Well, I do know one 12 year old who could have pulled it off. ;-)

LynReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/27/2006
Forgot to mention I laughed out loud when I read this: "Yes, Fastred," snapped the Hobbit. "Can't you smell him? He's worn the same tunic three days running and he smells right awful." Not having to change one's clothes for days WOULD be considered a good thing by a boy! Think of all the soap he saved.

Author Reply: Have you been talking to my godson?!

LynReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
This is a beautifully written, well researched and heartfelt story which I am
very pleased to be able to read! About the "mine" used in front of a vowel
(mine uncle)---this was news to me. I haven't studied Shakespeare or
Elizabethan speech, but I honestly believe that if one wrote in full Elzabethan speech, no one today would understand it fully or would misinterpret the words.
Meaning is critical to a story; that is, the reader needs to be able to understand fully what is going on in order to fully appreciate the nuances. Much ado about nothing perhaps. Personally, I would drop the "mine" as I suspect no one will notice, but I admire your extensive research. The site you suggested had a list of 21 words which were rarely or completely out of use now, but I found only 4 whose usage were strange to me, such as "wherefore" for"why". Hmmmm....guess I'm out of date!

The previous chapter, I assumed that once the identity of the black horse
was known, an army would have charged out of Edoras whether Legolas was alive or not, but then I realized this story is being told from Fastred's point of view
so he would have to become involved somehow. I was surprised that Andunie would
allow Fastred to come along, endangering the only heir (did Eowyn have more
sons?). Still, it is good to imagine Gimli on a horse again, and eventually an
army will be headed in their direction! Also,I imagine they expect to see a
body in a deserted field. Should they not have brought an extra horse to carry
the body?

Author Reply: Why do you think they dragged Brytta and Taruku along?

Don't worry -- Andunie knows what she's doing.

You're right about the "my/mine" conundrum. I also write Eddings fic, and take a lot of pleasure in using the "high style" of the Mimbrate knights, and some of that bleeds over into my LotR fics! ("Pottymouth" excluded, of course.) And having been an English major in college, the Shakespearean thing comes, sadly, rather easily. I should probably have given it a miss, but it would've been harder to exclude than include it at this point!

I'm glad you like the story. It's getting rather fun, isn't it?

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
'Originally, my and thy were used before nouns beginning with consonant sounds, as in my book, while mine and thine were used before nouns beginning with vowel sounds, as in mine eyesas a and an still are. This distinction persisted into the 18th century.' I rather like the sound of it!

And I am not surprised that the rebels are off to seek Legolas's arrow-pierced body. I hope they find him quickly, since my fingers are crossed that he's tougher than they thought. And that finding him less than dead might earn them forgiveness.

Fastred's doing well, isn't he!

Author Reply: "Less than dead" -- made me think of that line from "Princess Bride;" "He's only MOSTLY dead."

Yes, I'm rather pleased with Fastred as well. It's hard to think like a 12-year-old boy, though.

ElenoraReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
This was a marvelous chapter, and I rarely say that of anything that doesn't contain Legolas actively in it! This story just keeps getting better and better, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. And you surprised me - I figured Legolas was going to get himself into trouble, but little did I suspect how much!

Oh Lirlindil!! That utterly shocked me. And while I'm sure Legolas will be found alive, the weight of grief and despair, and severely wounded as you are so far indicated that he is, is enough to satisfy even the most jaded of us Legolas/angst lovers! I'm on pins and needles waiting to see how this will turn out.

I loved that scene at the end where Fastred and Andunië keep running into others planning to sneak out to find Legolas's "body." I could not imagine Gimli and Bandobras NOT doing that, and Brytta showing up as well seemed quite fitting.

Thanks for the great read, and I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: Oh yes, the angst ... I so hate it in my own life, but I so enjoy writing it!

Don't worry, you pervy elf-fancier. There's plenty of Legolas to come.

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
First of all, let me tell you that I just *love* the way you write.Your use of "mine" actually adds to the charm of the story and it *does* feel as if everything was taken from a lost medieval novel.I love the way you incorporate olde English into every sentance.Frankly, I don't know how you do it :D

Poor Fatred, so desolate over his 'Lassah's' death.His thoughts were perfectly written and my heart went out to him.I was expecting Eomer to be the one to find him but was pleasantly surprised when it was Andunie who offered him comfort.I may be wrong, but does Fastred carry a torch for Andunie and not yet recognise it? He is quick to defend her honour, which is always touching to read.

Oh yes, Andunie knows her brother and knows how angry he will be when he finds his horse missing.I can't wait to read about his reaction!

So, what of Legolas? What has happened and where is he? I can't wait to find out.

Update soon.


Author Reply: I think Andunie and Bandobras have turned out to be my favorite OCs ... their dialogue is so much fun to write.

And who wouldn't carry a torch for Andunie? Rude, cold, stiff, unfeeling, terse woman that she is; I pity the fellow who falls for her!

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