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All Those Who Wander by daw the minstrel | 25 Review(s) |
Noor | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/28/2005 |
Thank you Daw for another story..........I was suffering from not hearing about Eilian and co....I remember in Times Turning when a reference was made to litttle Legolas' cold feet........ I have just come back from aholiday to mountains of paperwork so it was a joy to have your story to read! Author Reply: I'm glad to be writing about these people again too, althought this story looks like it will be short. I think it's only 5 chapters. And this has grown from references in several other stories -- the cold feet, Eilian's behavior just after he came of age, Legolas with his father and brothers in the woods, Eilian's caution while on patrol because he doesn't want to put Maltanaur in danger. Holiday, yay! Paperwork, boo! | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/27/2005 |
I love Wetblanket!Ithilden and Always-in-trouble!Elian, but I think they are all going to manage to misplace Legolas. He may have real reason to call something orc-spit soon. Clearly Alfirin was very good No-no-no!Ithilden, which means Sinnarn (may he rest in peace) had a much more reasonable childhood that he might have otherwise. :D Author Reply: I think Legolas probably wore some sharp edges off Ithilden and then Alfirin was a nice balance too. Ithilden is not at his best right now. He's still trying to recover from not having guarded Naneth sufficiently. | |
Nelsonia | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/27/2005 |
Hi Daw! Great chapter as usual, you had me grinning all the way through! I was just thinking, it must be hard for Thranduil as he has literally no one to turn to for advice in the handling of sons! I am looking forward to see what happens next! I will write a longer review as soon as I finish this (submitting next friday yay!) best wishes Nelsonia Author Reply: That's a good point about no advice, and that must be unusual for an elf. They'd have all those older relatives in the normal course of things, not to mention a spouse of course. And Thranduil's people, who live in those villages, could ask one another. He's much more isolated, poor guy. He must be lonely. In a way, Ithilden is his closest friend. | |
perelleth | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/26/2005 |
I was called to embark yesterday just when I was beginning togo through Eilian's flashback , and i was so curious to read about the webbing and eilian's creative mind! that was hilarious! It is so painful to watch Thrnaduil forcing his own grief back, and dealing with his children's, in its different manifestations.... I laughed whe he thinks he's not going to indulge Ithilden, even if he might be indulging LEgolas!! It's a slow recovery and I believe that Thrnaduil has been so strong, for we only get glimpses of his own pain, yet he's always concentrating in what his chilren, or his people may be needing... go Thranduil! Seeing Eilian back to his troubled an uncertain youth is amusing.He was such a pain for those around him! so full of energy, and boredom is danger in such a creative mind! And now, having all four chidlren of oropher out on assignment is such a treat daw! it's going to be full of unexpected turns, I bet! Author Reply: Eilian was a very difficult youth. He's settling down a bit now, but he's still no cup of tea. There are apparently penalties to be paid for that long, slow elven maturation. Thranduil does his best for his sons, as he does for his people, but he can't anticipate everything, poor guy. :-) | |
Rhiannon | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/26/2005 |
Uh-oh, no special blankey???? Talk about the makings of a major meltdown! Poor Thranduil will come to regret leaving that blanket behind when he is kicked in the ribs by a sleeping Legolas. LOL, I love little Legolas saying orc spit in front of all the whole village. Of course, only a male would let a little one try to cut his own meat while balancing a plate on his lap. I know some adults who can't do that. Looking forward to the next chapter. Author Reply: Yeah. My kid had a special blanket and if we'd left it behind like that, I'd have seriously considered sending a messenger home to fetch it. Those cots are quite a lot narrower than the beds in the palace! Thranduil begs to disagree with you on the amusement level produced by Legolas saying orc spit in front of the Valar and everybody. (But I thought it was amusing and am glad you did too.) daw | |
thechevin | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/26/2005 |
First off apologies for late review life seems very chaotic presently still it is as ever a pleasure to sit if only for a short while and visit with the family Thrandullian on their trip into the forest Now they see what Nimloth has done all this time!! No special blanket how will Legolas cope? I had to smile at the thought of Thranduil sharing his narrow cot with a wriggling elfling I am surprised any of them got any rest no wonder Eilian is sleeping with the warriors, for which I am sure he was very grateful when Legolas came out with his new saying this had me laughing out loud it is so true of young children that they seem to to find the worst possible time to show how good they are at speaking amongst strangers It was interesting as well to see the different way the two elder brothers approached their spell of elfling sitting I guess that shows their differing personalites up perfectly I am so enjoying this story Author Reply: Chaos seems to have set in for a lot of online folks. I hope you and yours are all right. I have to admit I flinched at the idea of sleeping with a kid in a cot. I picture Thranduil sort of hanging off one edge! And you may have laughed when Legolas let loose with his new vocabulary, but Ada Thranduil was not amused. Poor Eilian. He never meant for that to happen. Eilian probably enjoys sitting around watching Legolas play games. Ithilden probably thinks of that as wasting time. And in that case, poor Ithilden. He needs to unwind a little. | |
Socket | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/25/2005 |
Poor Legolas! He left his security blanket at home, his food spills on the floor, and he realizes too late that repeating Eilian's "orc spit" is not acceptable behavior. It's a not-so-good trip so far for the sweetling, is it? At least he's finally playing with some children (although that is no doubt fraught with potential disaster). It was a nice touch to have Ithilden acknowledge that he's sometimes jealous of the close relationship his two younger brothers have (but not when it comes to having the youngest brother sleep with him on a narrow cot). It's not easy being the serious older brother, is it? Author Reply: Poor Legolas indeed. He was so excited and then things went wrong. At least Eilian was there to try to make things better and Ada carried him back to camp. You're the first reviewer to mention that thing about Ithilden's jealousy! I was interested in it when I thought of it. It seemed to me that he occasionally has to feel a little excluded from the cosy affection of the younger two. He really, really needed Alfirin. | |
White Wolf | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/25/2005 |
After dealing with hurricane Rita's aftermath, it was nice to be able to enjoy a new chapter. I wish that Thranduil and Eilian didn't have such a difficult relationship. I know they love each other, but things can sure get quickly out of hand between them. I nearly fell off my chair when Legolas said "Orc spit" after he dropped his plate. That was so funny. It was nice to see Ithilden spending some time with Legolas. That doesn't happen very often. Author Reply: Were you in the path of the hurricane, White Wolf? I hope everything is calmer and all right now. That whole thing is very frightening. Thranduil and Eilian seem to snipe at one another almost as a matter of habit. It's like they expect to quarrel, so they do. I liked writing about Legolas and Ithilden together, but I'm not so sure Legolas had a good time. Ithilden said "no" about every two minutes. It's a good thing for poor Sinnarn that Legolas softened Ithilden up a bit before he was born. | |
moonshine44 | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/25/2005 |
Great chapter. My neice did something similar in a store. She swore in front of ten other people. My sister and I still don`t know where she learned the word from, but we laugh about it now. Children always amuse me, and I still think I`m one myself sometimes : ) Until the next chapter, bye! Author Reply: I think every parent has been there at some point! Those words do sound really bad coming from this innocent looking little kid though. I'm glad you were amused. | |
Brazgirl | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/25/2005 |
That was really a nice chapter to read! Really funny. Oh my, Thranduil was more certain of the source of the that bad word than Ithilden! I wonder what will Eilian hear from his father. It's always great to read from you, Daw! Author Reply: If I'd been Thranduil, I'd have thought of Turgon right away, just like Ithilden did. But Eilian was there, looking guilty, so what could he do? Glad you liked it, Brazgirl. | |