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Of Elves and Men  by Eruanneth_Luin 2 Review(s)
NarielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/26/2007
It's nice to see Finrod so happy now compared to the previous chapter. Well, if he wanted children couldn't he just marry some elven maid in Middle Earth? There are no rules against that if the feelings are the same. I'm just saying this not to be mean, but the sentence you wrote about Finrod and Amarie just sounded as though Finrod liked her for breeding purposes only... Can you answer that please? Sorry, but that just popped out at me.

I like how Aegnor is to be the protector of Andreth. Since I have already read the story my whole review will be here though.

What I have enjoyed about your story for one thing is that it is about Aegnor and Andreth. There are not many stories about them on the net so it is also nice to find authors who are familiar with the HOME series. To be honest this is actually one of my favorite Tolkien pairings. Yeeeeesssss!!!!!

Is it not sad that their love was never fulfilled? I liked them also because this one is the only one with a male elf in love with a mortal maid. To think if they had wed and Aegnor was not afraid of the future... A lot would have been different. Maybe Beren might have been given the immortal life that Tuor was given(for being the second elf/man marriage -at least that's my opinion).

Hey, I would like to see more stories involving the House of Finarfin if you can because I really like how you have writtten them. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Author Reply: “Well, if he wanted children couldn't he just marry some elven maid in Middle Earth? There are no rules against that if the feelings are the same. I'm just saying this not to be mean, but the sentence you wrote about Finrod and Amarie just sounded as though Finrod liked her for breeding purposes only...”

First of all, elves are not simply pretty humans. Their whole concept of love, marriage and child-rearing are far removed from our perceptions of these events. Ilúvatar created them differently.

When elves marry it is not simply to have someone with whom to share marital relations and children. It is more of the fëa (spirit) than the hróa (body) and they are not fickle, changeable beings. An elf would be appalled to be informed that they might even consider bonding with a life mate only for breeding purposes. That is a human misconception of elven relationships.

You seem to have only read the first and second chapters, Nariel; there are a total of eight (8). You might find the rest of the tale interesting, as it depicts many instances of the vast differences between Elves and Men.

Thank you for the review, and happy reading.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/12/2007
I do love your stories of these first encounters between men and elves - especially Finrod. His desire to attend the birth of his friend's first child is tangible here (and I like his steward and how he manuevers to make the trip finally possible). The arrival of the elves and the race for the gates was breathtaking - but what really gathered my attention was this first meeting between Aegnor and Andreth. What a sweet baby girl - and he surely captured by her small hand and sweet face in more ways than one! Lovely story, Eruanneth! I can't wait for more!


Author Reply: Thank you for the review, Linda. I am delighted that you are enjoying this story. It has certainly been a long time in the writing.

Ever since first reading of Aegnor and Andreth, I felt that they must have known each other early in her life. As Angrod and Aegnor led the elvish warriors in the area, visits between the two peoples would have been likely. Andreth, being daughter to the first Lord of Dorthonion, would undoubtedly have been in the presence of elves often, but her special friendship with Aegnor developed over time.

My hope is to post a chapter each Monday. Fear not, the tale is already completed.

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