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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 7 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/26/2007
Here I am again. I find it difficult not to read this story whenever time is on my side. I found a bit of humor in this chapter which was certainly needed given the darkness of the tale. I especially loved "an expression dour enough to picke orcs". That really made me chuckle.


Author Reply:
I wouldn't mind the power to pickle orcs myself. :-)

Thank you for letting me know you liked that image too, Tari.


Red SquirrelReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/15/2006
I'm back - and very happy to find a new chapter!! I've been away digging - for nuts, acorns, and various human 'droppings'. I'm definitely nutty (I must be), but not a professor.
*hopping blithely into chapter*
*giggles* "Another nail in their coffin - Not that they had any to begin with" *giggles* "an expression dour enough to pickle orcs" *giggles* “spare us the privilege of your roving imagination! We can paint our own pictures, thank you kindly.” *more giggles* “If you or that human come back half-dead, Legolas, I will gladly finish the job myself!” *continued giggling*
- I'm afraid this review will have to be delayed until *giggles* this fit is over *giggles*(hiding beneath a bush, leaves starting to shake)
... - very much later -
Ahem! Gimli really is inspired today! And Aragorn is on fire, too (trying to imagine the face that goes with the quietly dangerous voice and leaving it off quickly). As for this story having unexpected twists and turns, I don't object to snake's crawls or worm tunnels, as long as they have no ending! In fact, I'm quite enthusiastic about having a peep at the archives of Orthanc and meeting Shelob again (speaking from a very safe place high up in the branches, of course).
But... remembering how quite a lot of Miners sat on the doorstep of Smaug's hiding-place for a long time without the least idea how to get in, how a certain dwarf was no great help in getting into Moria, and how a whole army of enraged ents and huorns hadn't been able to make even a dent into the tower of Orthanc, I must admit I have certain doubts about Gimli's optimism as to the short work he will make of the lock (quickly disappearing behind a tree, bushy tail narrowly missed by the trusty axe).
"it shall all end then”? " there are no regrets”? Ugh, that does sound very ominous. I say, let's drop the consequences on Fierthwain, it's his fault after all, not letting Celeborn near the old man! I can't wait to hear what Celeborn will find out! I love the scholarly, fatherly air about him - reminds me a bit of Gandalf.

Author Reply:
Well, my Nutty friend: I'm glad this chapter gave you so much cause for mirth! *pretending to be annoyed*

Lol - Gimli is actually glad he amused you. He is precious - the bright spark in what could have been a morosely dark situation. :-)

But he doesn't appreciate being reminded of his kin's folly and helpless stupor in the Lonely Mountain ("Well, it wasn't ME there!") and his trusty axe IS hungry for some squirrel meat. *sits back and enjoys the spectacle of one grumpy dwarf going in search of one red squirrel". (Oh, and fatherly Celeborn is sagely witnessing it with me.)

The Dwarf lord also reminds you that after the Ents' wrathful assault upon Isengard, "the doors lay hurled and twisted on the ground" and much of the stone of Orthanc had "cracked and splintered into countless jagged shards" - and the stronghold of Saruman wasn't quite as strong any longer. (There! you've had a tiny peep into one of the coming chapters :-) )

But Gimli DOES agree fully with you about Fierthwain. (I'd advise you to keep his anger turned on that dolt - his axe looks mighty sharp.)

Oh, it was lovely to hear from you agin, my rodent friend - and I hope you managed to dig up plenty. Thanks very much for the visit.

Author Reply:

Actually, my dear rodent, you are right about Orthanc - Isengard is in ruins, but the tower is still very strong. But fear not - our stalwart dwarf will find a way! :-)

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/4/2006
It didn't seem a very good idea after all,letting those ghosts loose !I have a nasty feeling they won't go easily,even if they destroy Shelob.A lovely mixture of humour and tension. I like it that aragorn doesn't forget his family or Faramir and rises to the daunting task ahead.I eagerly await more.

Author Reply:

YES!!! I knew you would be (at least) the one reader who would notice that Aragorn spared a thought for Faramir. Thank you!

You have a nasty feeling that those Dead won't leave? :-) That is what they have been waiting for, though... ah well, we will find out when we find out. ;-)

Thanks very much for the review, Linda.

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/4/2006
Update! And so quickly! *enthusiastic Wet Puddle hops into story with a splash*

Uh-oh - I feared this little detail of their oath would cause some problems... I don't think Aragorn can resurrect Sauron (or would want to), even for the Twice Forgotten. ;-)

“Another nail in their coffin,” - Gimli always finds a way to make me giggle, even when there is really no reason for amusement. I never thought anyone would wish to see Sarambaq again (he *is* dead, isn't he?!) - now this is a rather bizarre situation. *hugs Gimli* Exactly my thoughts! *g*

*giggle* Gimli is in really good form today, isn't he? To hunt down Shelob is a great idea (though I prefer a vacuum cleaner to the Army of the Dead where spiders are concerned, but luckily said beasts are usually smaller than Shelob ;-). That is the first time that I actually hope Shelob is well and alive.

These nice "ghastly fellows" are really not the kind of guests you want to bring home to your family. *shudder*

"A strange light flashed in the eyes of the old man, but it was extinguished as quickly as it had flared, and his face went impassive. “Yes,” he said dully. “Yes, it shall all end then.” " - I don't like this! I don't like this at all. There's something this ghost doesn't tell, and I'm sure it is something bad. *looks at Legolass suspiciously*

I think the ghost could find a nice cozy home in Fierthwain. *glowers* I wish Celeborn, Elladan and Gimli could come along - but it is probably really more important to find out what the runes say (though I feel much more safe with Celeborn around). I'm only glad you don't separate Aragorn and Legolas. :)

I really like Celeborn's fatherly attitude towards Aragorn and Legolas. :) “If you or that human come back half-dead, Legolas, I will gladly finish the job myself!” - Did I mention that I love that dwarf? What a dire threat, lol! *g*

It's a pity Sarambaq could only die once - that would have been such a nice fate for him! :D Did I mention lately what a wonderful author you are? ;-) I'm already eagerly looking forward to the next chapter! I like the idea to go into Mordor again and see what has become of Shelob. *delighted shudder* And that with a Host of the Dead at their heels - really, poor Aragorn!

a purring WP :)

Author Reply:

Hee hee - I'm imagining the Shadow Host being one gigantic vacuum cleaner for Shelob! :-D That would be one BIG dust bag we need!

Yes Gimli's on fire today isn't he?

And separate Aragorn and Legolas?? Try pulling that elf away if you want a quick death. *ahem* I imagine Celeborn would feel fatherly towards them both; after all, he is SO many thousands of years older.

Well, I'm glad I made you shudder. It's a lovely image: a shuddering wet puddle. :-) Thank you for your compliments and your review. *bow and HUG*

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/4/2006
Yep!! You are right Legolass. Too tired. Perhaps I can get you to start 'beter-ing' my reviews?

Author Reply:
Lol!! Hope you're feeling less tired now and having a great weekend. :-)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/4/2006
I just knew that the title of this title was ominous and I was right. great chapter Legolass

Author Reply:

Did you mean "the title of this chapter", harrowcat? :-)

Glad you were right. Thank you for your review.

nessaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 3/4/2006
Its a scary thought of what may happen in Cirith Ungol. But is Shelob really as big a foe as they need to redeem themselves? Maybe they will be needed to fight the evil in the south instead? Do we foresee some major angst on our way? Hope so.

Author Reply:

Mae govannen, Nessa.

They are a small host, so I guess Shelob will fulfill the condition - that much I can tell you for now. :-) As for the angst you hope will come... your wish is my command, lol!

Thanks for reviewing.

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