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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 8 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/26/2007
I am once again being attacked by a case of the chills. I thought for sure Elessar had sent the evil spirits away. But no, we are still left hanging.

You are such a masterful story teller. All you would have to do is change the names and I a sure you could get this story published. How wonderful that would be.


Author Reply:
Brrr... and the chills arent quite over yet, Tari. :-)

Thank you very much for your vote of confidence about my writing. A few other readers have suggested the same thing. For now, all I can think about is LOTR fiction - but perhaps one day I will try and get something published. If I ever do, I will remember your words of encouragement. :-)


RedSquirrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/2/2006
After a very long week this was such a pleasure to find - this internet cafe is incredibly loud and uncomfortable, but for the last half hour you have taken me back to the Paths of the Dead, and I have seen or heard nothing else. Of course, when Celeborn didn't finish reading the inscription, it was clear that there would be trouble ahead. No quick and easy solution (and ending) to this story, I'm glad to note. Now what?? I'm sure I'm quite as baffled as the whole company. Maybe someone should go back and decipher the rest of the inscription...
I have to keep this very short, just wanted to send a quick hello from this incredibly different keyboard here in a very small internet cafe in Aswan. Can't wait to hear more of what this particular host is up to! Hope to be back soon - and find chapter 15 on top of my screen *hug*

Author Reply:

Mae govannen, my furry friend - you're in Aswan?? Goodness - what are you doing there? And what DO you do when you are not looking for acorns? (:0 What an exciting life you must lead. Are you a 'nutty' professor, Rodent? :-)

It's lovely of you to read AND send a review from so far away - THANK YOU. *hug back* Because of that, I will try to have Chap 15 up by this weekend or early next week. Maybe someone SHOULD decipher the rest of the inscription... *rubbing chin* After all, the elf lord has committed it to his exceptional memory. Well, you will find out then what Celeborn intends to do about it soon. ;-)

Take care and get home safely.


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/25/2006
Here is your snail reviewer, formerly known as WP. *g* I lost my internet connection for some days. :P I'm suffering from some serious elf-withdrawal-symptoms by now and am going to devour this chapter now. ;-)

Poor Aragorn! (Your third paragraph makes me wonder whether men have ribcages to keep their heart from leaping out - what a wonderful idea! *g*) I would be really worried for Aragorn right now if I wouldn't know that Legoas would drag him back from hell if needs be... well, now that I think of it I'm really worried for both of them.

*gulps* I think it was a very good idea to read this chapter in broad daylight. I really wouldn't wish to be one of your characters now. I admire Celeborn's self-control. I hope summoning them now will not turn out to be a very, very bad mistake - I'm starting to wonder about the exact nature of this curse.

I'm so glad that the elves are there with Aragorn, and though I pity the Twice Forgotten I still have a very bad feeling about all this. “My beard’s grown two finger-lengths waiting for you.” - I LOVE Gimli, I think it's really a relief to hear such a comment when you have some living Dead on your heels. *g*

SHRIEK! I knew it! Something bad simply *had* to happen! Is something else needed to free these ghosts, or do they not even have the intention to be freed? This qualifies as a cliffie, you know? *taps foot* *sigh*

Well, I loved this chapter (apart from the little problem at the ending *grumbles*) and will do my best to wait patiently for the next one (and not lose my internet connection again).

WP *g*

Author Reply:

WP/SMD/A/ST and now SR :-)

You're no snail, you will ALWAYS be my purring wet puddle. *hugs* (So strike off that SR)

Poor you - I get grumpy if I lose my connection for ONE day, and you've had SEVERAL. How many shades of grey did your hair turn? (That was from Chap 25 of FtLotLotWT, I think) I hope you did not get indigestion from the delayed devouring of all the fanfic you missed!

"This qualifies as a cliffie, you know? *taps foot*"

Oh don't you look cute: arms folded, brows furrowed in a frown, lips twisted, one foot tapping. :D Okay, I will TRY not to let a pot-hole develop in your floor from all that tapping. See how I avoided talking about what will happen in the story?? All I can say for now is: it isn't over yet. But you already knew that didn't you? *grin*

Keep that connection going - talk to you again soon. *warm elven hugs*


lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/20/2006
Not good, Legolass, not good at all! To go to all that trouble and effort to summon those wispy guys and be told in the end, "thanks, but we're not ready to leave just yet"! What a royal pain! This chapter is really poetic in many places - I would list each and every one, but I have to vacate the building so the ladies can clean my room! But I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the heck out of this chapter - Legolas and Hamille are their ususal supportive, wonderful selves and Celeborn is all wise and serious and wonderful as well! And let's not forget his royalness, the King, who is trying his best to set these ingrates free - he's wonderful right along with the rest! And Gimli - I DO love that dwarf! Great stuff, Legolass, I look forward with held breath to the next chapter. (*turns slightly blue holding breath*)


Author Reply:

Mmm, doesn't look good, does it? But what's up? The next chapter will tell.

Thanks very much for writing in, and for loving those characters as I do, AND for liking them as they appear in the story. I must be doing SOMEthing right with them then, lol!

Will post as soon as I can, before you turn deep violet.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/20/2006
Mae Govannen, Legolass

How wonderful to have you back. Welcome! Forgive me but I actually had to chuckle a little at the end of this chapter, I just had this vision of 4 grown men (well elves) looking at one another perplexed and shrugging their shoulders as if to say, "OK now what?" (Forgive me it's Monday morning & I'm in the middle of my weekly orc torture, better known as "work planning meeting") Really nice writing here, boy your description of the door and the shrieks of the forgotten were creepy. Usually I rack my brain trying to figure out what's going to happen next but this has got me stumped and since I KNOW you're not going to give me a clue, you'll just have to update very soon.

As always, it's nice to hear from you,


Author Reply:

Heehee, yes, that image IS amusing. Glad I was able to make you smile on a Monday morning, and at an orc-torture session, no less!

You'll be sufficiently un-stumped in the coming chapter. I'll try to post it so it coincides with one of your future torture camps. Since you're a bio-chemist, I'm thinking you could concoct something to slip in their drinks so they leave you alone. :)

And it's always great to hear from YOU. Thank you.


Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/19/2006
What a great cliffhanger though I felt it seemed just a little too easy !How ironic that Aragorn frail and mortal compared with the Elves,is the only one who has power over the dead.I assume the words over the door explain why they won't go,but then if they were not those who betrayed Isildur,his curse may not be the problem.Totally gripping,I eragerly await more.

Author Reply:

Hi, Linda: Yes, you're right, it is ironic: it's a mortal who has power over the dead. But then Aragorn is no ordinary mortal is he? :-)

As for the nature of the 'problem'... mmm... I'm afraid I can't say one way or another at the moment - but then you already knew that didn't you? *apologetic grin* Things will unfold, if not sooner, then later.

Thanks very much for your review.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/19/2006
Ah a new chapter up! *looks around the room, checks under the bed and grabs favourite teddy bear before settling down to read!!!*

Oh Aragorn - when you have an elf with you and especially if that elf is Celeborn, then it is best to listen to him and bite back the Summons for just a little longer! I got bad feeling goose-bumps from that point on and I was right wasn't I!??!

All Aragorn could hear were the echoes of his own cautious strides along the paths of memories. I just adored this sentence Legolass. Have I told you how much I enjoy the detail in your writing? If not then consider yourself complimented and if I have then it is always worth repeating! *g*

Virtual hugs still being sent your way regularly!

Author Reply:
Hi, I gather you had a 'harrow'ing time reading the chapter. *ducking teddy bear thrown at me for lame pun* lol! Hope your goose bumps have receded. :-)

As for Aragorn listening to Celeborn: the man was in a difficult position, really difficult. Imagine having to return yet another time, and who knows when... Celeborn wasn't going to be able to interpret the message in a jiffy. Sigh... problems, problems. But that's why I'm writing this and you're reading it eh? And that's why there will be a Chapter 15 and 16 and... *grin*

Thank you so very much for your praise, Fabulous Feline. I would bow but I twisted my back and it hurts. I'm on medical leave today, but just have to sit here and type something till it hurts. So - thanks for the hugs (just keep them gentle for now, lol!) Always great to hear from you.

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/19/2006
Oh my, what a creepy chapter! Why are the Twice Forgotten not leaving and why is a glare being directed at Aragorn--what could they want? Creepy!!

I do love the fact that there are three elves protecting Aragorn and they can all see what he cannot, but are still willing to stand beside him to offer him support.It's handy to have friends and relatives who aren't afraid of the dead :D

I think I actually got goosebumps reading this chapter! Please update soon.I'm dying to read more of this story.

Take care.


Author Reply:

Hey, Ali. :-) I agree with you there: if we make friends, let them be those who don't fear the dead. As Gimli said in the movie: "Very handy in a tight spot, these lads" - though he wasn't referring to elves. :-) Oh what the heck I'd have elves handy any day in any situation, and the more they surround me, the better. :D

Re: why are the TF not leaving? I'm afraid that has to wait till Chapter 15. (As I told Harrowcat, I twisted my back and am home, maybe I'll use the time to type it up.) So, hang in there. Thanks very much for dropping in.

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