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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 10 Review(s)
Red SquirrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/15/2006
I'm very sorry to hear that you have a hard time at work right now. *HUGS* Don't I know? You can tell I'm overloaded whenever I'm late in reviewing. A few days ago I worked the whole night through to complete something. And when I phoned my boss in the morning (as he requested!) all I got was "yes... well... no time right now... Monday perhaps... or Friday..." Would you believe it??!! But I can cope with that. I will NEVER forgive him, though, for making me miss your update! never ever!

I loved that little girl, she is so cute. In fact she is showing all the other villagers how silly they are. I do so hope that when she grows up she will see perhaps a bit more of the elves - perhaps even Thranduil's palace, LOL! That girl reminded me why I never wanted to grow up, because imagination would gradually be replaced by knowledge, or so it seemed to me. Well, at least we have kept our fair share - you have, at any rate, in creating these wonderful stories.

Your hint of Aragorn's first encounter with the Mirkwood elven guards was so hilarious, lol! You don't intend to write about it, sometime? *hint, hint* I'm sure you would do that brilliantly, and I would love to read it.

That pairing of Elladan and Gimli was quite unexpected, very sweet and something of an eye-opener for me, too. Of course it is said quite clearly, only Legolas did feel no fear - I never saw the implication concerning the half-elves. But somehow I feel this will not be the end of this story for Elladan and Gimli...

And oh, oh yes I'm extremely flattered you asked me for that fog of stupidity line! *giggles and blushes* Just help yourself to anything you want - you don't need to lable it. I would be just thrilled to read it in context. *bouncing up and down*

Once again, I will be out of town for a month, but will try to keep in touch - in the meantime, be warmly hugged by your rodent!!

Author Reply:
Little beats the comfort of hugging a big, bushy (HUMAN OR TOY ONLY!) squirrel - thank you so much! I'm trying so hard to not what's happening at work get me down, remembering the things that REALLY matter in life, like the wonderful messages you leave, or the heartwarming message from one of the readers of "For the Love..." who let me know that she has to translate the story into German for her chldren who clamour for it each day. THe thought of my humble tales being a little legacy for others to enjoy, and being valued enough to make a certain rodent mad at her boss for making her delay reading it (lol!), means more to me than any kind of reward that has been stripped from me at work, and that's something no boss can take from me. *Hugs back*

I'm glad you like the Elladan-Gimli exchange, but is this the end of the story for them? *shrug* ask my plot bunny - one furry cutie to another, lol!

Your foggy line will make its appearance in my story yet, just wait and see. :-) Thanks for the leave to use it. And as for that story of Aragorn's first encounter with Mirkwood guards - hmmm, that IS an idea to be stored for future reference. *hear the little wheels running in my head*

I shall miss you while you are away, but I will remember you if I post before you are back. Take care, and never stop being that little girl who sees quite clearly through that 'fog'. :-)

NayruReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/14/2006
Hello Legolass

I wonder why you feel depressed? Life's unfair? Well, it is. Only the worlds we make are perfect and beautiful. Oh well. This chapter is awesome! Especially since I feel Legolas so loyal to Aragorn. Both of them are my favorite characters. Well, I need to leave you for now. But also should you need someone to talk, contact me. See you.

Author Reply:

You've said it, Nayru - only the worlds we make are perfect, but some work worlds are better than others when you've got great bosses. I used to have a wonderful one, but he's gone and this new one's a whole world apart. :-( So LOTR is my Glass Pool (as another reviewer reminded me) - it gives me reprieve and solace. (If you don't know what that means, well, read my other story "For the Love..." if you have time; it's in there.)

I feel a little better this week and hope things will not start falling apart again too soon, but thanks so much for your offer. :-) And thank you for your review. I'm delighted that you share my love for those two characters.

kaygeeReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/13/2006
I've just stumbled across this and loved it. I think you 've captured the air of friendship between the characters wonderfully. I'm really looking forward to reading your next posting so I hope you'll be able to write soon. Have an electronic hug to keep you going!

Author Reply:

It's lovely to have someone new drop in and keep me company - writing can be lonely without wonderful readers. Thank you :-) I'm glad you like the story and will try to post again as soon as I can. In the meantime, you're welcome to check out my other humble stories.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/9/2006
Thank goodness Aragorn was OK at the start.It is nice to see how much his friends care about him.
I'm glad you give some explanation for the horse's wherwabouts unlike the film !Poor Aragorn,it will be much harder for him than his companions now.I liked Gimli and Elladan in this chapter.
I agree that LOTR is a good place to escape to !

Author Reply:
So, the missing explanation for how the horses came back to their riders in the movie bugged you too? lol! I was SO hoping they would show it in the Extended Edition, but no, that was not to be! Well, we will know exactly where each horse and each rider is in this story.

Thank you, Linda, for your appreciation for Elladan and Gimli. It's about time Gimli started getting closer to other elves besides his friend Legolas. But Legolas will always be special. :-)

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/8/2006
Well met Legolass,
I copied these lines from your first story, it's one of my favorites

"Elf and Ranger would visit the Hidden Glass Pool, ever protective of the one place that was theirs alone, where – for a day or two or three – the burdens, turmoils, and social demands of the outside world could not touch them, where age and designation did not dictate or restrain, where they could savor the simple pleasure of just being who they were."

So my hope for you is that you have your own "hidden glass pool" to go to whenever life weighs you down. As a decidely anal-retentive, left-brain sided person (I'm a biochemist during the day)I am immensely grateful for your fine gift of weaving tremendous stories. (I can barely sign a check, let alone write a story) Without these stories my days would be decidely greyer.

Last but not least, great chapter as usual. The little girl was enchanting, amazing how little children see things alot clearer than adults, I still say lets give my favorite dwarf, free rein. These people are beyond reasoning, time for some boots up the @#$&. Estel gave our group quite a scare. I don't envy them this time.

Hope you feel better,
your fan

Author Reply:

Eliza, my friend, I was just about to log off when this came in - and how welcome it is! Mae govannen, mellon nin!

How is it that a review from you can make me both feel good and teary?? Because it did *sniff* - this is so meaningful: you're making me feel better with something I wrote myself. And is it not just what our LOTR friends do too: reminding each other of the things that matter, and of pleasures we lose sight of? These stories, this site and my LOTR friends are part of my Glass Pool haven - and I am incredibly flattered that you remembered the idea. THANK YOU!

Re this chapter: you're not the only one for letting Gimli loose, lol! Now we just have to persuade our ever-composed elf to comply. And as for Estel - I wonder if it's the last time he will give the group a scare...? :-)

Thank you again for these moments blessed with the presence of an LOTR friend. *Long, warm hug*

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/7/2006
Legolass, I have been so bad, bad, bad about reviewing this story, and that's even worse because I look for it and look forward to reading each and every update. When I read your note at the end, I thought I know exactly how you feel and I, too, love this site for the interaction with other LOTR writers and fans. You have a lovely, scary little story going here! The idea to have some of the Dead missed in Aragorn's initial run through the mountain is a yummy one! This was a great chapter, too, what with Aragorn so out of it at the beginning. I was worried they had him and wouldn't let go! I like the presence of Celeborn, Elladan, Hamille - in my mind, the more elves, the better! Your interactions between Legolas and Aragorn (and Legolas and Gimli) are just wonderful! I love that close friendship they have. And having Elladan reacting to the Dead as he did was spot on, too! He is half-elven after all! Wonderful wonderful wonderful! I will try to go back and review some of the earlier chapters, but if I'm not able to, know this is...wait...let me say it ONE MORE TIME...WONDERFUL!


Author Reply:
Linda, so lovely to hear from you! And thank you so much for sending my this review just when I need some companionship with LOTR lovers, even better when they love elves too. Pleased that you like the story so far, and that the character relationships appeal to you. :-) They really are WONDERFUL people, lol. I would love to hear from you again if you could manage it. Thanks again for your company!

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/7/2006
I've just spent some hours thinking about sea-longing, and now I really need something that makes me happy - like a nice, tasty update from you in my inbox. *squees, hops in circles and plunges in*

Aww - all this worrying is already so sweet! :)

Hm - this makes me really wonder *what* exactly has happened to Aragorn. I'm still not sure whether these ghosts can be trusted and how Aragorn is supposed to free them. I'm really curious whether Gimli will go with them or stay behind now. ;-) I'm not sure whether a Loyal dwarf with a heart-attack will be much help... *g*

I love that little girl, she obviously has a lot of common sense (and I would have taken the chance to run to Legolas, too ;-). LOL - go, Gimli! Sometimes the honesty of a dwarf can be really refreshing.
"...cast another look at the diminished figures of the villagers behind them, chastising them for their narrow-mindedness, yet feeling sorry for their never having the privilege of truly knowing the beauty and wonder of the Firstborn" - how often have I felt like that in my life. As someone else said it: "Your eyes are empty, like those who never saw a unicorn." :)
God, I love how you describe elves! *melts*

I like Aragorn's respect towards the mountain - do you know Mount Eiger? I felt the same about it - there are so many dark tales of death clinging to it, and yet it is such a majestic mountain. Your description of their ride and the landscape is perfectly Tolkienish. *sighs happily*

I like it how they all constantly look out for each other. :) *giggle* I would like to see them "jumping out of their livery and boots with shock". LOL. *huggles Hamille*

“And bring this elf back in one piece!” - I knew I like this dwarf for a reason! *g* Very interesting - I think you are right, Elladan and Elrohir would have felt part of that terror. I never noticed that Tolkien said only Legolas' heart did not quail.

*shiver* I do not envy Aragorn at all... A wonderful chapter, I'm loving this story more and more! :) :) :)

I'm sorry you feel depressed at work! *huggles* I hope it will soon be better, and I hope there are lots of elves with you, at least in your dreams. :)

Patiently waiting for the next chapter and still squeeing over this one,

a purring, smiling, melting Cheshire Cat :)

Author Reply:

My beloved melting, squeeing, wet Purrer. :-) Oh it's so good to hear from you; you sometimes say the funniest things: "a Loyal dwarf with a heart-attack"! lol. And boy do I appreciate the boost now, thank you! *hugs*

So you thought about the sea-longing for an hour? Let me guess: you're working on another story? :-) It's so good to know there are others constantly thinking of LOTR fiction as well.

Re Mount Eiger: no, I don't know anything about it at all, but you've intrigued me - could you tell me about it please?? I'd love to know! I don't know why I wrote what Aragorn remarked about the mountain; it just seemed so sad to me that a mountain (and I just love them) should be so cursed. But who'd have thought those words could refer to a real-life mountain?! Just wonderful, can't wait to hear about it if you have time to write. :-)

I actually finished this chapter sooner than I expected, but then, as I said, I just really needed to do it. Hope I can work on the next one soon.

Thanks so much for your company, WP. :-)

mystwingReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/7/2006
Great story! It's an interesting plot to think that Aragorn could have missed some of the spirits on the Paths of the Dead. I think you have worked out the storyline really well, and it's a great read! I liked the way you described Aragorn looking to his friends for support and encouragement in this chapter. I get a sense of events beginning to happen quickly and I can't wait to read the next chapter!!

Author Reply:

Hi, Mystwing: I can understand how Aragorn feels - needing friends for support and encouragement. Your review just provided some. :-) Thank you!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/7/2006
holding to the strength of his elven friends,

Oh I was sad to hear about your work-related depression. I am not an elf (I wish!) but be assured of my good thoughts and prayers.

BTW The chapter is great too!

Author Reply:
Thanks so much, harrowcat. I appreciate your thoughts and your review. :-)

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 13 on 2/7/2006
Sorry to hear that you're feeling a little depressed at work---I just know how you feel! My twin sister and I work in the same factory, as we have done for 20+ years, but now we've been put on slightly different shifts which means that we can't even go shopping together on Saturday's.So, as usual, I come home and indulge myself in the world of LOTR while listening to U2 at full blast.Here's a tip--if you need uplifting music to chase away the blues then U2's latest CD is just the cure.'Miracle Drug' will lift your spirits!

Well, on to the exciting chapter! Crumbs, I was worried about Aragorn! I was so sure that his mind had been taken over and I was as relieved as Legolas when he answered his friends' pleas coherently.Phew--it was close.

Poor, poor, Gimli.You have to feel sorry for him not wanting to go through the Haunted Mountain again and not wishing to seem weak--but he is very lucky to have understanding friends who would not want him to suffer.I must say that I was surprised that Elladan elected to stay behind,too.At least Gimli and Elladan can comfort each other in the knowledge that even the bravest warriors have their limits.

So, they are on their way and I'm very excited about what happens next.You manage to create a very tense atmosphere using very few words and I love that in your stories.Update soon!



Author Reply:

Oh, Ali, so sorry to know you're having a bummer of a time at work too, and THANK YOU for writing me about it. As Aragorn says: two are better than one when we're faced with something unpleasant. :-) Glad you have U2 as well - I remember your going crazy over their concert!

I'm pleased that you understand Gimli's position - and surprised about Elladan. I was just picking up on Tolkien's description and giving it my own interpretation. Anyway, this whole chapter reminded me about how important friends and family are when one walks on paths of fear.

Hope things work out better for you and your twin. I have my wonderful family, but I wouldn't mind a couple of gorgeous elves as well, lol.

Author Reply:

Hey, U2 is singing at the Grammies! Are you watching it? (Date: 9th Feb)

Author Reply:

And they won best album for How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, I think? Yay!

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