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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 6 Review(s)
Red SquirrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/23/2005
grrrmphhgnihihiiiii - I love this incensed, insulted, grumpy, disgruntled, irate, irritated dwarf. Best of all is that his friends consider this his 'normal', usual state. And his embarrassment at having punched Legolass! I strongly suspect he will have to go the whole way back with Aragorn and Legolass - sword, bow and helm, if I remember the riddle correctly. Poor Gimli! And the tale that those men from the village relate is most intriguing. Their distrust of elves and 'elf magic' reminds me a lot of Eomer's attitude towards the Lady of the Golden Wood - but perhaps there is something more to it? I'm looking forward to finding out soon!
Btw: Europe is my natural habitat, it's 3.30 pm, and I'm supposed to be working (actually: let's make that 'I'm at work' - nice phrase, sounding hopeful but not too committing). It's a shame, but I have loads of work to do before Christmas, too! Our 21st century does tend to horribly encroach upon everything that is beautiful and really important. But you needn't worry at all: you and your story keep me (and everyone else, I'm sure) as spellbound as ever, no way that I would desert you both. This chapter was a wonderful Christmas present, thank you so much (HUG)! Have the best of all Christmasses (:and presents!) ever, and a blissful ride into the New Year!

Author Reply:

I was 'at work' two days ago, with the open window behind me, when i heard a scuttling sound. I turned around to find - guess what? - yep, a bushy-tailed rodent running along the window sill. :-) I thought of you immediately, and I swore that if you reviewed this chapter, I would tell you about it. So here we are!

"Our 21st century does tend to horribly encroach upon everything that is beautiful and really important." Very well put, Rodent 'lady at work', and I agree, sigh... and sometimes I feel like ranting like our dwarven friend. Glad you like him that way. :-) Yes, you are right, the villagers' distrust of elves is very much like Eomer's attitude, and this will in fact be mentioned in the next chapter. ;-)

I don't celebrate Christmas, but I do respect the celebration of it (and feel the excitement too!) so - if you do observe it - have a GREAT, FUN-FILLED and BLESSED Christmas. Your loyalty to me and my story is your gift to me - thank you. *Hugs*

p.s. I'd intended to post the first part of Chap 11 by next week because of ... well, something I wrote there ;-) - but posting just the first part might be awkward, so it'll have to wait, I guess.

elizaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/21/2005
Mae govannen Legolass,

First & foremost,please don't apologise for the delay, I whole heartedly understand how quickly "real life" can take over. So as I tell my sons all the time, No More late nighters. Your fans will be with you no matter what-take care of yourself. Now on to the chapter review. Hooray the calvary has arrived. Lord Celeborn!! reminds me a little of when your a kid in trouble or lost and you finally see an adult, talk about relief. I bet that was some entrance (LOL) I'm sure Elladan is going to have a good time telling stories about their reactions when this is all said and done. I really enjoy how you give other characters from tolkiens world personalities and life, your gift for writing supporting characters is without equal.
Have a joyous holiday, take care of any "elf-owies in your life" and I keep you in my prayers,

Your fan,


P.S. Whew I knew Gimili was going to be one ticked off dwarf when he woke up. Loved how he sulked because Leggy wasn't effected. (giggled my head off actually.)

Author Reply:
Oh Eliza - this message from you went straight to my heart - thank you! I am actually pulling another late-nighter, and I guess it was worth it just reading what you wrote *like a warm touch to the heart* - but I shall go to bed right after this. :-)

Nice to know you liked Gimli's sulking and Celeborn's entrance. It was a long chapter, but worth writing.

THANK YOU for your loyal support. I love hearing from you, ESPECIALLY when you write in the middle of a (boring) Powerpoint presentation as you did some time ago, lol!

Have a wonderful holiday yourself. I'm not in the West myself but lived there for a while, so I still share the excitement. Remember me when thou consumeth thy turkey. :-) *Warm hugs*

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/21/2005
I am sorry that things are not easy for you at present and hope they will soon improve.

This was an enjoyable and gripping chapter.gimli was just hilarious and I loved the way you are making the summons increasingly urgent and your"legend".
I wish aragorn were planning to take a whole regiment with him but I hope at least the Elves will help,though I sense trouble ahead and not only from ghosts !

Wishing you a peaceful and joyous Christmas.Thank you for all the pleasure your wonderful stories give me.

Author Reply:
Thanks much, Linda. :-) Not sure that a whole regiment would be any good where they're going; after all, ARagorn only has to say "I forgive you" .... right??? lol!

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/20/2005
*huggles Legolass* This is the most wonderful Christmas gift you could ever have given to your readers! *wraps story in gift-wrapping paper and puts it under Christmas tree* ;-)

*grin* I knew Gimli wouldn't be too happy when he wakes up! LOL! *huggles irate dwarf* Somehow he's sweet when he rants like that. (And Hamille's protectiveness towards Legolas is sweet, too! *glues Hamille to Middle-earth to stop him from following the sea-longing*)

Very interesting. Finally, some mysteries are solved. I do not think I would like to live in that village, though it is fascinating to read about it. *delighted shudder* (And it happens to be midnight in my part of the world... *decides to turn on more lights*) Hm, these poor people... ghosts. It is quite unfair that they rebelled against their king and Sauron and were the ones who were not redeemed. I can understand their anger now. I only wonder how they should be able to fullfill their oath to fight against Sauron, as there is no Sauron any longer?! What will be needed to redeem them, I wonder? *has unpleasant images of ghosts sacrificing Aragorn on an altar* Loyalty among ghosts - I think I like them. For the moment.

And I like Hamille. *g* And Gimli. Poor dwarf. *eg* Lord Celeborn! YAY! I feel much better already! That's nearly as good as Gandalf (and I can understand that he didn't want to come from Valinor for the occasion...*g*). *huggles Celeborn and Legolass and purrs* I LOVED this chapter! Hm... this is so interesting - I wonder what role Celeborn will have to play?! *fidgets in chair* Well, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter (patiently)! :)

A purring Wet Puddle :)

Author Reply:
You're most welcome as usual, dearie. :-)

Now, what role does Celeborn have to play, huh? Huh? Huh? Come on... let's try to peek ... but wait! If we're both peeking - then's who's writing the story? :-0 Wait a minute.... I am! Oh okay - so YOU have to peek and I have to hide it. :-D

So now you understand how the Twice Forgotten feel - good! And how will they redeem themselves? Hmmmm... more peeking?

GUess you'll have to wait, Tinu. And I think you may have something to purr about in the next chapter... Does that entice you huh huh huh?

DOn;t know if you celebrate Christmas - but if you do, have a great one, and Happy New Year!

Love and kisses, Legolass

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/20/2005
And into the room stepped the impressive figure of Lord Celeborn of Lothlórien.

Cue the roll of drums and huge sighs of relief! Great Chapter Legolass.
Sorry to hear about your troubles but thank you for the delightful present and have a happy Christmas yourself.

Author Reply:

Lol! Drum roll - yes that would suit the ending of the chapter nicely, thank you!

Have a great celebration!

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/20/2005
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you and yours, Legolass.

Now, I'm so glad you were so kind to your many admirers when you revealed just who had accompanied Elladan! I loved how you described Celeborn and the complete awe he was afforded by everyone present.He certainly will be helpful, I'm sure.

Poor Gimli, he was so flustered when he found out just what the voices had made him do.His shame was evident but everybody loves him--and I knew that Aragorn would never hold anything against him.He's so lovable!

I'm not liking the looks the villagers are giving Legolas & Hamille.I wonder what stories they have heard about elves? Mmmmm, I'm sure that you will be working more on that aspect of the story.I'm glad Aragorn noticed their looks and they better not do anything to hurt the elves or they will have a very irate King on their hands!

Thanks again for this story and thanks for updating.I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Have a wonderful 2006.


Author Reply:

I had thought of leaving Celeborn out - but that wouldn't have been very charitable to readers now, would it? lol! So - I'm glad idenitfying him made you happy. Just wonder whether readers were expecting him *grin*

Yes poor Gimli was terribly embarassed was'n't he? :-) As for the elves - well, maybe nothing will happen to them besides getting dirty looks. ONe can always hope, right? ;-)

Thanks for your support, Ali. Have a wonderful New Year's Day!

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