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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 10 Review(s)
ophiumReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/31/2005
My, my!
I've taken too long to discover this story... you've done beautifully again, not only in the fluent way in which you tell your tale but also in the way you 'trap' us around your finger, drooling to find out what happens next. I swear to you, as I saw the chapter's end coming closer and closer and Sam, so true to character, word-drifting instead of telling me, Aragorn and Legolas what we wanted to know, grrrr... I wanted to slap him silly!
But I'll behave and will patiently await for your next chapter to discover which sort of rabit Sam's pulling out of his 'hat'...
Great job, keep on pumping!

Author Reply:
Hi Ophium, wonderful to hear from you again. :-) Glad you can join us.

You're not the only one who wanted to grab hold of Sam and shake it out of him, but unfortunately, in this story, he'll only listen to me, and spill the beans only when I ask him to, lol! Don't worry - it'll be out next chapter.

Hope to see you then - and thanks so much for your kind words.

ArcherGal2932Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/29/2005
hey legolass! Sorry I haven't been reviewing...:( But I have been reading! Sometimes I only have time to check my email, read your new posting, and then I'm off to something else that demands my attention. So sorry.

This cannot be the end of this story yet, though....right? lol Keep writing, I'm checking my email often for updates!

P.S. thanks so much for dropping reviews in on me; I'm really happy with how my story's going! By the way, do you think I should re-send it to SoA? Its been over 3 months now (surprising, I know), and hopefully its far enough along that everyone knows I won't abandon it or horribly mess it up. (Which I hope not to, by the way!) anyways, thanks again.

Author Reply:
No worries, ArcherGal. :-) I know we're all busy - but it's nice to hear from you again. Thank you for dropping in.

No, Chapter 6 isn't the end of the story yet - come join me when you can.

As for re-sending to SoA - refresh my memory: why was it they rejected you before? I remember we were arguing that even if it is AU, there are other stories out there that are AU (like 'The Island'). Or - was it because Legolas was (in their opinion) out of character - 'possessed' by Sauron? If that is the case - I have a sneaky suspicion they may not accept it even now.

So - wait on it a while till we are clear about the criteria they said you did not meet. Maybe you could forward the message to me again (via emil)?

TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
*sigh* And now I have to wait for the next chapter like everyone else...I tried...I really tried to read it as slowly as possible!!! But that didn't work...*sigh*
Arrrr!!!!! You're too good at this!!! (and I love it!!!)
I shall await (patiently) the next chapter like a good little elf....and dance a jig on the tables like a good little hobbit when it comes...

Author Reply:
Yes, my dear - you'll now have to wait, I'm afraid - but you love the suspense, don't you? ;-)

You read it slowly... hoping to.... what? lol!! That was funny! What WERE you trying to do with a slow reading? Hee hee.

Speaking of jigs, I created a little jig for Silivren Tinu (formerly Smiling Dragon Girl) to congratulate her on winning 3rd prize in the September/October Teitho contest on Happiness/Unhappiness - you can ask her about it, and compare it with YOURS, lol.

BTW - I entered a story, too, for the very first (and so far, only) time. It's posted here and at, titled "The Joy of One". Hope you like it. :-)

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
That was such a beautiful chapter.This may sound mean, but I love the angst that surrounds our favourite elf when he experiences the sea-longing! That Hanille now understands his prince's condition only strengthens their bond and I can't imagine Hanille ever leaving Legolas' side--just as Legolas would not leave Aragorn.*sigh*I love friendship tales and your our the best.

I thought your Sam was completely adorable and quite in character.His stumbling over words was how I imagined he would speak about 'the Lady'.After all, he is only a humble Hobbit still and his nervousness around Legolas was quite endearing.

Now, to the evil cliffy!! I'm thinking that Sam may have something from his garden but I'm not sure.I'm on holiday from Monday, but I don't suppose you'd update before then so I'll have the next chapter to read when I return.I love this story!


TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
I really enjoyed this chapter, from the verses at the beginning through the revelation of how the sea-longing affects Hamille as well as Sam's mysterious appearance. I really liked the warmth of Legolas' and Hamille's relationship and how it did not take away from the friendship of Legolas and Aragorn. I guess Legolas will be Hamille's anchor. Can't wait to find out what it is the Lady wants Sam to give Legolas. ~TF

Author Reply:
Thanks, TF, for recognising the two different friendships - both are important, but each has a history and growth of its own.
And you won't be the only one waiting to find out what Sam has for the elf prince. :-)

RedSquirrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
AaaaHhhhgh! I can't believe you have stopped here! (Re-reading the last sentence) Oh no - what is it?! What?? A rack, surely, to tie insatiably curious readers down on. That conversation was so beautiful, so intense - I believe Legolas will be for Hamille what Aragorn is for himself, an anchor. This friendship is no less important, I think. He will stay to watch over his prince, after all. “It may not grow less, Hamille, but we… we can grow stronger.” ok, ok, I'm going to learn something from that. I will sit here, all quiet-like, and only nibble through the keyboard until your next update. Make it SOON, please?!

Author Reply:
A 'quiet-like' rodent nibbling through the keyboard -- that sounds about right, lol! I will try not to let too many of your keys be chewed up before the next update. :-)

Isn't it lovely how each of them is an anchor for someone else? That's what all friendships should be - if we're lucky enough. *sigh*

Thanks very much for reviewing. Always good to hear from you.

elizaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
Aahhhhh!! You're trying to kill me, I didn't review the last chapter and this evil cliff hanger is my punishment. Ok, I've calmed down, medication has kicked in. Poor Hamille, I hope he doesn't leave. I really enjoyed how tenderly you wrote the scene between him & Legolas. Really, really well done. I also like they way the fellowships' friendship & love has stayed intact even after Aragorn became king. Sam still calls him Strider, not "your highness".
I've got to stop reading these updates at work, people think I've got some kind of "imbalance" because I keep falling out of my chair at the end of the chapters (LOL)

Update soon ( I am so way pass begging, offering up first born child)


Author Reply:
Oh, dear 'unbalanced" Eliza - were you also the one who offered your first-born for updates in "For the Love..."? (Hmmm, no, I think that was someone else...) Okay - I shall have a collection of first-borns then, lol!

No, I can't imagine the hobbits calling Aragorn anything other than Strider or Aragorn - remember how they greeted him even after he had been crowned? :-)

As for Hamille - we'll have to wati and see... ;-)

Thanks for checking in. NOw stay seated, lol.

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
UPDATE!!! *beams and dances certain jig* It's so funny, I always get your updates during lunch break. Yummy! ;-)

*sniff* Wow, what a powerful description of the sea-longing. This is so sad... and beautiful at the same time... and painful. How strong Legolas must be, to deny such a strong call from a world without pain and sorrow. *sniffle, sigh* "Leave the weariness of Arda, and turn your fair face West." *deep sigh* If you write on like this you will soon lose all your readers to Valinor. *listens to gull's cry and sinks into daydream*

*sigh* I really hope Hamille won't sail. It will make everything worse for Legolas, and apart from that, I like Hamille. Legolas might see him again in Valinor, but I won't! *wails* Mmmh, this scene is so sweet... Poor Legolas. *huggles elf*

Well, Aragorn and Legolas are much more patient than I am - I think I would have grabbed Sam and shaken him. *g*
*stalk eyes* Wait a moment - you can't stop there! I want to know what Sam has in his pack!!! *pouts* One of these days my curiosity will kill me... *groans and settles down to wait for update* I LOVED that chapter, though the ending could be improved... *glares daggers*

Your purring Wet Puddle (who can't decide if she suffers from update-longing or from sea-longing atm...) :D

Author Reply:

Lose my readers to Valinor, you say, Wet Puddle? I think I would sail first :-) - and I would, in a heartbeat, if that Road were open to me. Sigh...

As for Hamille, we'll have to wait and see... I will miss him, too, so maybe he won't leave just yet. After all, who would want to leave a wonderful prince like Legolas? :-)

Hmmmm.. how to improve on endings like that one? *Tapping forehead* well - guess I won't! I think - instead of tissues for this story, you'll need bloom pressure meds, lol!

BTW - do you work or study? Do you have time to read chapters during lunch? ;-)

Finally: do read the replies I left for the last two reviewers of this chapter, won't you? Then think about your 'purring' (and specifically, WHICH animal purrs) - and tell me if this isn't all a little weird.... *delicious shiver down spine*

RobinscatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005

I haven't reveiwed this story yet, but wanted to tell you it is everybit as good as Whitetree. You write with feeling, while not overly descriptive. I can see and hear and feel the story as it unfolds.

Ugh! if Sam was not so tongue tied we would know what the Lady's message was! LOL. But you wrote Sam just right. He would have stumbled and stuttered and muddled his way through what he was trying to say.

Great chapter.

Thank you for your gift.


Author Reply:

Hi, Robinscat :-)

This has GOT to be some kind of sign - the first two reviewers for this chapter are you and Harrowcat, and like I said in my reply to her (?): I dreamt of a gold-orange CAT last night - and it was out to bite my leg for some strange reason. Now I wonder which one of you it was - and whether either of you were out to give me a 'biting' review, lol!

Well, your review was certainly not biting - you are very kind. Thank you for following this humble tale as well, and for appreciating them. And Sam - poor hobbit - I wonder if I made him "stumble and stutter and muddle his way" too much, but I imagine it would have been hard for him to talk about his dream without feeling a little nervous about whether they would take him seriously. :-)

Hope to 'see' more of you. Thanks for dropping in.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/28/2005
Oh I just love the descriptive poetry at the beginning of this chapter. And your image of an uncomfortable Sam is great.

Author Reply:
Well this was a quick response. :-) I was just about to log out.

Thank you on both counts, Harrowcat. I enjoyed writing the verse (though I swear I felt its intensity as if I were Legolas) and Sam (more to come in the next chapter).

BTW - I dreamt of a gold-orange cat last night - and it was out to bite my leg for some strange reason. Was that you - threatening me to update? lol!

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