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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 7 Review(s)
TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/28/2005
I'm finally back! and I have to say it's taken *much* self control to wait to read this story and I also must add that it's been totally worth the wait too.....oooo...getting all excited about the next chapter....and for once I don't have to wait for the update!!!! hee hee hee!!! ;)
I just love the subtleties of the friendships you have created between various characters. You do this so well and it gets better with each story you post, like adding brushstrokes to a painting...oh and Thranduil's little jibe about the chestnuts was priceless!!
Thank you for this lovely homecoming present!

Author Reply:

Well hi there Tinnuial! Did you know I was JUST thinking about you last night, after I'd posted my latest chapter (so you see you were just in time.) Did you enjoy yourself - wherever you were? Or was it work-related?

Thanks for your compliment - I do hope that writing about these characters helps us understand them more. " adding burshtrokes to a painting" - wondeful analogy, my friend. :-)

Welcome back, and hope to see you around!

elizaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/12/2005
Mae Govannen Legolass,

What a fine chapter. Whoa is this getting spooky or what, (but don't listen to me, my favorite character in the wizard of Oz was the cowardly Lion! LOL). Very glad to see the twins on board and I really like that you had Legolas explain how the sea longing might affect the other elves. I always wondered if Elladan & Elrohir worried about it. Remember for your first story, I said you may have to stick on warning labels for my heart. We may have to consider reinstating them...

Until next time


Author Reply:
Well, Eliza - I hope this does get spooky for you, because it should. But just a little. :-)

As for warning labels - okay, I'll consider them, have them printed in spooky colors or something...

Thanks for the review!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/12/2005
Oh you evil author, evil! Leaving us hanging with nasty things with red eyes looming through the mist. I am hiding under the bed and peering out at my laptop screen just to make sure they don't come my way. Please get Aragorn and the elves talking before it is too late! (But then cliff hangers wouldn't be so much fun.)

P.s I've finally got around to getting you on my author alerts list. Should have done it ages ago but keep forgetting to log in before I start reading!

Author Reply:
LOL! What a vision - you under the bed peering out!

Well, if this story develops right, I think that space under your bed may see a lot more of you. :-D

Thanks for reviewing - and for placing me on Author Alert (I feel honored).

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/12/2005
YAY!!! New chapter! *galopps into story at full speed*

Hm, I think Legolas should really have an eye on Aragorn. Aragorn obviously feels something, if only he would take it seriously. *shakes head* I think without each other they wouldn't have survived the first couple of years.

Now, don't tell me Merry and Pippin are dancing *that* jig?! ROTFL!

I would be pleased too if I were that tree! *dreamy smile* Hm, whatever they are feeling, Legolas seems to feel it stronger or more accurately than the others. Gimli is affected as well? Now I wonder if Faramir and the others feel something, too.

Why do I have the feeling that it will be too late when Aragorn finally decides to speak about his problems and feelings? *looks at seeking red eyes and shudders* It seems to me you already have a good Halloween-story. :) I loved that chapter and am looking (patiently and expectantly) forward to the next one! :)


Author Reply:
*galopps into story at full speed*

Now I have a new name for you - the Looooooooone Ranger - OR - the Headless Horseman. What the heck, I already think of you as the Wet Puddle.

Merry and Pippin dancing that jig - now THERE'S a thought!!!! :-D

As for Legolas feeling more accurately than the others: I think it's because he has experience enough with the Sea-longing to be able to compare the two, so he can be more discerning with the two types of discomfort; the others just feel the unease and have nothing else to compare it to.

Do Faramir and the others sense it too? You'll find out soon... ;-)

It just so happens to be close to Halloween eh? *rubs hands in glee* maybe I should spook you guys more... *looks right and left* Maybe I should make you melt from fear now...

Nah, I'm not good at writing scary stories - so no worries there, lol.

Thanks for the review, sweetie. :-)

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/12/2005
Very interesting! I wonder who the glowing red eyes belong to? Wargs, Orcs--vampires?! I can't wait to find out.

Ha, I would have loved to have seen the faces of the tongue-tied elves when Gimli asked if Dwarves felt the sea-longing! Gimli is sure to remember that for future teasing.

I really like how you have paced this story but now it is accelerating towards something sinister and I can't wait to read more.

Keep up the great work.Update soon.

Take care.


Author Reply:
Thanks, Ali - and yes you'll have to wait to see if they're wargs, vampires, orcs, etc... Take care too.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/12/2005
"They had come with the mists, and they, too, were seeking."

Oooo, you are really building up the tension. I am so wondering what the heck it is that's following them. Can't wait for the next! ~TF

Author Reply:
You may not know till maybe two chapters from now. :-)

THanks for the review!

Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/12/2005

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