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To Follow an Elf  by Etharei 10 Review(s)
venusinchainsReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/15/2006
Hey there,

I only just started reading your tale today, and I still have a chapter to go, but I had to stop here to comment.

I love the way you've woven humor into this story. A pair as divergent (and similar) as Legolas and Gimli need that buffer, and you do it so well. The image you painted of Gimli batting his eyelashes at Legolas had me howling right along with Aragorn and Faramir! (Yes, I'm a fan of L/G slash - I appreciate the nod.)

I can't wait to see what comes next. :-D


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/25/2006
Here I am finally, and feeling very much like a snail. :P I didn't finish my Teitho fic, and I lost my internet connection for some days. *grumbles*

Oh, my poor elf! *huggles distraught Legolas* There is nothing worse but to feel alone while being among your family and kin, it must hurt him so. And it is true that perhaps no one is able to fully understand what he feels. *sigh* Still, I hope that Gimli will be able to comfort him somehow, and I'm really glad that Gimli is there with him. It would have been so much worse for Legolas to be really alone now. *huggles elf and dwarf* Their friendship is beautiful.

I really loved Legolas' and Gimli's secret way of communicating, I've had such signs too with a best friend I once had (and I'm not good at remembering names, too ;-). I'd like to lock Derinsul away somewhere. *glares* I have to say I like Thranduil more and more with each chapter. :)

"Gimli had discovered that it was another thing both Elves and Dwarves had in common- that they could exchange words for an interminable length of time without once saying anything at all." - I think most people I know are either Elves or Dwarves. ;-) I loved the way you put that.

Poor Legolas. It doesn't look as if he will be very happy in Eryn Lasgalen. I wish Gimli wouldn't have to leave, or they could leave together. Well, I'll see what the nice friendly author has in store for my favourite elf and dwarf. ;-) I loved this chapter, and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

Tinu :)

Author Reply: Oh, you poor dear! *hugglesmuch* I do hope I get to see this would-be Teitho fic anyway. Just because you miss a deadline doesn't mean a story isn't worth reading :-) And eeek about the loss of internet- I've missed you online.

Yes, I'm glad Gimli's there with him too. Now he's going off without his Dwarven friend, and we'll see the result of that in a few chapters' time.

LOL, yes my best friend and I developed our own language (code words, really) over our years in High School. And I'm wondering if I'm portraying Derinsul a little too negatively, but he really is just a soppy big brother deep inside.

I know what you mean :-) Too many of my friends like to talk, but without really communicating anything of value.

Funny you should say that, as I have two alternative endings for this story now. I am endavouring to explain why Legolas, in the end, decided to go to Ithilien. Thank you so much for your lovely review, sweetie! It's what inspires me to continue writing *glomps*

Aislynn CrowdaughterReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/22/2006
Beautiful. I adore this story in so many ways. Legolas sadness at the end is very intense, and his and Gimli's exchange - the recognition that the ring has marked them all- very poignant. There is that saying: he who comes home after along journey will not go back to his old hiome, but will make his home strange. That is what Legolas is experiencing here, and you describe it very good. The family situation is also very believable. I loved two parts especially: "forestalling what promised to become a kin-strangling at least..." (snort, very apt, and very honorable reaxction from Gimli - and from Thranduil- there) and Derinsul's only hearing Legolas' forgiving tone, not really hrearing his words.Elder siblings can be so annoying and believing they know it all better, sometimes...

I also loved the description of the two fractions of the Elves in the hall out of Gimli's sight. Again you have managed to bing this Mirkwood reralm to life very grippingly and marvellously, here. Thank you for sharing!


Author Reply: Thank you so much for your kind words, sweets! I'm so glad that you can understand what I'm writing about. And that is a beautiful saying! Who did it come from? And I'm using that elder sibling thing that you spotted to increase the angst later on.

I'm greatly heartened by your words, especially as Mirkwood has been redone by so many talented authors countless times. I hope you will continue to enjoy the rest of the story!

PS- Sorry, but are you in the LOTR Fanatics Plaza? You have the same name as someone I know.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/21/2006
Well, I see my scepsis was not without reason, as the disdain of some elves shows.

It’s quite intriguing to watch the elves and their reactions throug Gimli’s eyes. Our dear dwarf has now an insight in elves which is quite unique for his race, I suspect. The way he discerned the different groups was very perceptive. And his way of wordless conversation with Legolas was fun. Slashreaders would misinterpret the batting of eyelashes! *grin*

Are you surprised to hear I don’t like Derinsul? Arrogant brat. I hope he got a *very* serious tongue-lashing from his father. Was it deliberate Gimli called him only ‚Master’ Derinsul, not ‚Prince’ or at least ‚Lord’ Derinsul?

“It is a terrible thing for a son to return home and find that he has become wiser than his elders, and yet is forced to remain the youngest son.” How true! And I suppose that is something that can be said particularly of Pippin, too, who is still not of age, but has experienced more than his whole family can imagine. All of the Fellowship have changed, I think, and it is difficult for them to fit again in their former lives, no matter if their homes have changed, too, or not.

Author Reply: Showing Mirkwood through Gimli's eyes seemed like a good idea at the start, but it is making some things difficult, and I have to consider the things that Legolas may not have told him about. Of course, he's a very intelligent Dwarf, and he has been spending an awful lot of time around an Elf. *giggles* Yes, the eyelash batting was actually a friendly nod towards the legion of Legolas/Gimli slash writers out there. L/G is actually one of my squicks, but I have read some very good stories that have that element.

Awww, he's a protective older brother, really ^_^ Hmmmm, I actually hadn't noticed that *raises eyebrow at Gimli* Looks like our Dwarf is developing some political savvy of his own!

Strangely enough, Pippin also came to mind when I was writing that. I love Hobbit stories, though I don't really write them myself, but they do emphasize how the Quest would have changed the Fellowship. Your words are spot-on what I'm trying to convey! Thank you so much, sweets, and I hope you continue to like the story.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/18/2006
Great chapter! I really love political exchanges like this and I thought this was particularly well written. You did a great job showing the different factions in a variety of ways (images and words etc) but most importantly, I loved seeing Legolas's reaction to it. Clearly you are building to Legolas's decision to go Ithilien with or without anyone's approval and I think you are doinga great job of it. I thoroughly enjoyed this chap.

Author Reply: Squee, thank you very much, dear! Yes, I am exploring the reasons that could have compelled Legolas to set up his own colony in Ithilien. It was a bit tricky figuring out how to show Mirkwood's political factions through the eyes of a Dwarf, but fortunately Gimli is very perceptive and getting quite used to Elves ^_^

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/18/2006
Goodness, but Derinsul is a pain. And, as the Heir of Mirkwood, he should know better - not need to be taken off by his father for a dressing down.

I can see Legolas finding himself very much out of place. It takes time to settle back into your old life, even if you want to. He has seen other things, done other deeds, found new friends, changed - and come back to a changed wood.

Love the coded messages between the elf and dwarf. Although Gimli might want to watch the fluttering eyelashes. People might get the wrong idea!

Author Reply: Though he looks strong on the outside, Derinsul's actually quite insecure ;-) He still thinks Legolas is the little Elfling toddling around the place, and unfortunately Legolas loves him too much to be as harsh as he needs to be in order to correct this perception. But eventually both of them will have to face what Legolas has become.

*giggles* Well I couldn't go very far without adding something cheeky and funny to the narrative, and I remembered that my friends and I have developed a secret language of sorts over our years together. Plus, it was a friendly nod towards L/G slash writers out there. I don't read L/G, myself, but I know that there are some very well-written stories out there.

LynReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/17/2006
Excellent! So well written. I envy you!

Just one comment...why do so many fanfic authors believe Thranduil's
wife and Legolas' mother is dead? Tolkien never mentioned the women
at home because he had a tale to tell and could not be bogged down with
mentioning "everyone". Men and Elves and Dwarves kept their beloved
treasures at home, where they were safe...the women caring for the children,
who needed their mother. Only Elrond's wife, Celebrian, was mentioned as
having sailed to the Valar because of the horrors of captivity by orcs,
even though Elrond had healed her physical wounds.

*sigh* Perhaps someday someone will casually mention that Legolas' mother
is alive and well...just not making headlines in the Elvish newspaper.
Thank you again for a wonderful story! Your skill with words is outstanding.

Author Reply: *blushes* Thank you very much, dear! I know what you mean, but I have come across a number of stories with a living Mummy of Legolas (though I think they're all slash). I had several reasons for not having her in my story- there are aspects of Legolas and his siblings' emotional development that will be attributed to the loss of their mother; I wanted to minimize the number of OCs I make for this story, because it is already necessary for me to make so many; and Tolkien actually did mention a number of important women who nevertheless stayed at home (I'm thinking about the Rohirrim and the Hobbits, in particular). Anyway, it just made sense for this story. In a slash story I'm planning, however, I do have her alive and well, because in that story Thranduil needs someone to balance him.

But I do know what you're getting at; stories with Thranduil having a living and present wife are few in number. I hope you continue to like this story!

PS- Thank you for reviewing Mirrors in FF.Net, as well! I would've replied, but it was unsigned. FF.Net has been a big headache for a long time, but I will try my best to correct the formatting,

LynReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/17/2006

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/17/2006
Very interesting chapter. I'm beginning to see the logic of Legolas founding a long-term settlement in Ithilien instead of just bringing some elves to Minas Tirith for a year or two to help with the restoration. He can't really go home again. Home has changed. He has changed. Things that never bothered him before certainly bother him now. And he's not entirely welcome at home, either.

I cannot help but wonder, though, why Gimli chose to permanently make his home away from his own people. It's an even bigger decision for him than for Legolas. For Legolas, who probably already realizes that he's eventually going to sail to Valinor, a century or so in Ithilien is only a short span of time. But for Gimli, a century in Aglarond is basically the rest of his life. Why did he choose it? Perhaps Gimli will tell us -- through you.

Author Reply: Yes, one of the things I hoped to explore in this story is why Legolas would go and set up a colony in Ithilien. You certainly hit the mark there!

Ah, yes, that is another thing that will eventually come out. Though not necessarily in this story, at least not in its entirety. For guess where the sequel would be? Gah, I really need to finish this first, though! But you've mentioned something that I never really gave much thought to, before. I shall ask Gimli about it :-)

Thank you very much, sweets. *hugs*

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/17/2006
Wow! This is such a subtle chapter, showing the factions of Thranduil's court beginning to assert themselves. I really liked Gimli's observations, based mostly on the differences between the "neat" Elves and the "battle-worn" ones. Very interesting indeed, and it makes me wonder about them--why have those particular Elves not seen battle, and why they seem to "have it in" for Legolas?

Derinsul seems to be somewhat clueless. Being Thranduil's oldest son, he ought to know how his father would react to any discourtesy to a guest in his hall, or to disparagement of his younger brother in public. I know this is Gimli's POV, but I would very much like to see that encounter between him and his father. I am quite sure that being reamed by Thranduil would be a, shall we say, learning experience?

I want to hear some of those Dwarven tales as well.

And I just love the little signals that Gimli and Legolas have cooked up between them.

The talk at the end was very telling. Like the hobbits returning to the Shire, these two as well are going to find "going home" has a whole 'nother meaning than they would first imagine...very poignant!

Well done! And I look forward to more!

Author Reply: *glompies* Figuring out how to show the political factions in Mirkwood through Gimli was a bit tricky, so I'm heartened to know that you like it. I'm of the opinion that just about all Elves in Mirkwood are probably capable of taking up arms, but of course there will always be those who do not do so unless as a last resort, and they'd be the ones in charge of the administrative details of the kingdom. Their slight animosity will be explained soon, unless my muse decides to throw up a plot twist or two *g*

Derinsul is driven my forces deeper than what one would originally assume. He did go a bit too far there, though, didn't he? Awww, maybe I'll write an out-take of that encounter? I think I need to see it, too, in order to decide what he'll do next.

Me too! It was strange, after writing that I kept envisioning what the battles would be like *has an image of Gimli telling them to ickle Hobbitlings in front of the fire in Bag End, and the Hobbits insisting that Merry, Pippin and Sam act it out*

Thank you so much, dear! Considering your stories basically gave me the "going home" theme, it's an honour to learn that you like my Legolas and Gimli version of it :-)

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