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To Follow an Elf  by Etharei 6 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/12/2006
*blinks* Do my eyes deceive me or are there *two* more chapters by now? *sighs happily and plunges in*

LOL! I loved the humour in that chapter: "if it might be more conducive to his continued existence to pretend inertness for a little while longer", the entire part about soft mattresses *giggles at thought that Gimli is eaten alive by his mattress* and the very interesting conversation between Gimli and Legolas while the dwarf was writing that chapter.(I wonder what Gandalf did to the poor elf afterwards?)

I think Dúathfel was quite lucky that Gimli's injuries were not serious - I don't want to know what Legolas would have done to him otherwise. O_O I hope he stays on cellar duty for quite some time.

As in the last chapter, I really like Gimli and Nasseryn together, I think they are very similar in character or spirit. I also liked Gimli's concern and his insight's about his friendship with Legolas (I always love these details about their friendship :). The information about dwarven custom was also very interesting, and it shows once more the differences and difficulties those two are facing in their friendship. It was very gracious of Gimli not to mention it to Legolas, he would undoubtedly have been very remorseful. ;-)

Just one thing, you used italics for both Gimli's and Legolas' conversation in the present *and* for Gimli's thoughts in the past. This could be a bit confusing - perhaps you could use horizontal lines or something to indicate happenings in the present?! It's not really important, though.

Well, I absolutely enjoyed this chapter and will no go on and read the next! *rubs hands*

Tinu :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/27/2005
Oh, I'm so glad that Gimli is not seriously wounded. I love the mattress--how fascinating--a mattress that keeps the patient prisoner without any restraints! My husband would love to have the secret of *that*!

Nasseryn is delightful as usual.

I am a bit surprised that Duathfel did not recieve a worse punishment than cellar duty. But I loved the smart remark about Dwarves and a Hobbit, LOL!

And, and *no fair*! I wanna hear more about Legolas dumping ice-water on Gandalf! *snerk*

Author Reply: LOL, the Cannibalistic Mattress (as someone put it) seems to have caught quite a bit of interest ^_^ Tee-hee, maybe I'll secretly send the DH the idea behind your back ;-)

Well, I reckon that since Duathfel acted more out of passion than real malice, he should get more of an object lesson that would humiliate his warrior's pride than anything physically demanding.

Hahahaa! Maybe I'll write a vignette about it, or put it up for adoption :-P Suffice to say that the wizard was extremely unamused, especially since it was the last of his Old Toby's. He had to borrow from Pippin after that.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/25/2005
I liked Gimli's slow return to consciousness here. That was really well done. And I loved the fluffy, patient-eating matress. Too funny. But I especially liked Gimli's reaction to hearing that he would not get to face Dúathfel--I think he should be very glad for that. I am looking forward to the feast. :-)

Author Reply: For some reason I always coming in a few moments before a character regains full conciousness. Only rarely do I have them jerking awake, and only if they're in danger. I think it's because that moment of suspended time is a wonderful opportunity to introduce some introspection or other neglected aspects of the character.

LOL, I'm kinda glad that Gimli didn't have to face Duathfel. I hate losing OCs after going through all the trouble of creating their character ;-)

Half of the feast has been done, and will be sent to the betas soon!

Thanks for coming by!

LamielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/24/2005
Interesting comparison between the customs of Elves and Dwarves in matters of honor. I think both approaches make sense for the given culture -- Dwarves want to confront their opponent face to face, while Elves might be satisfied with a meeting between representatives, which does provide for calmer discussion. I'm not convinced that being assigned cellar duty is sufficient punishment for Duathfel, but then Legolas always did have a soft heart.

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing! I know that I was on shaky ground with that issue, and there's probably something on HoME disproving my version (alas for not owning Morgoth's Ring), but it seemed to make sense at the time, and I'm glad that you understood the reasoning behind it.

Well, it's more of an object lesson. There is some justificiation- however teeny- for Duathfel's behaviour, and he acted more out of passion than true malice. Cellar duty is dull and tedious, and the significance behind it is meant to wound his pride, rather than make him suffer physically. But I know what you mean, and am considering changing a later scene to take the leniency into account.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/24/2005
It spoke volumes of their friendship that Gimli’s first thoughts were not about his own injury, but about Legolas and that he wanted to be with him to help him tell his family about the sea-longing.

Loved the idea of beds who held the patients in place, if they want it or not! Have the elves of Eryn Lasgalen the same beds for adventurous elflings who want to sneak out of bed and make mischief, I wonder? Would be useful, wouldn’t it? :)

Somehow I have the feeling Gimli is helping Nasseryn, too. The way he acts around her seems to do her some good, or is it only my imagination?

The end was funny. Someone - can't remember who and where - called it "Elrondian eyebrow" and I think that describes it very well ;)

Merry Christmas to you!

Author Reply: A belated Merry Christmas!

Strangely enough, the most difficult aspect of writing this story is remembering that, at this stage, Legolas and Gimli's friendship is still quite new. Most stories out there either have them being at odds during the early stages of the Quest, or else have been close friends for years (usually the latter). Here I'm dealing with the awkward stage where they're both fairly comfortable with each other, yet their bond is not necesarily strong enough to withstand too much stress. They seem to be doing well so far, but I intend to make it more difficult :-)

LOL, unfortunately these beds are very valuable, though that sets off some interesting ideas about wee!Legolas stories ^_^ And you're very right about Gimli helping Nasseryn, the full extent of which we'll see later.

I have no idea who quipped Elrond's Eyebrows of Doom first, but it seems like the whole fandom's taken it up :-P

Thanks for reviewing!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/24/2005
I just loved the first paragraph - Gimli's experience shows here as he regains consciousness - but I think the byplay about the beds was the funniest thing. I can just picture these almose cannibalistic beds holding their patients captive in the best position for their health. And taking three centuries to work out how to escape their caring clutches!

Nasseryn is a great character - so strong - and I think Gimli is good for her. Legolas, too, probably. I like her relationship with them - and theirs with each other, come to that. Overcoming difficulties and looking for similarities rather than differences. Just what Nasseryn needs.

And Dúathfel will spend some time in menial toil. Good. As long as he doesn't poison the Dorwinion.

A very pleasant conversation indeed.

Author Reply: Thank you!!!

Actually, the bed thing was entirely unplanned. Gimli just said "I think my mattress is trying to eat me" and that whole thing evolved from that line ^_^

I'm relieved that you like Nasseryn, as I'm always most uncertain about my OCs. It's nigh impossible to write this sort of story without a host of OCs, but I'm trying to keep it down to a minimum for the reader's sanity (and mine). Nasseryn will probably be the most developed one of them all though.

Oooh... *watches a bunny hop towards the cask of Dorwinion* :-D Thanks again!

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