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Untrodden Path  by Timmy2222 9 Review(s)
viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/31/2006
Hi Timmy! Don't think I left a review for this chapter, but suffice to say that it was as enthralling as all the others. Dwarves? Well, I suspected but the story is so incredibly interesting. Never know where you're going to take us next. And now, the task at hand...(I get to read ahead because you just posted your next chapter and I don't have to wait very long). Daevan must be wondering what he's gotten himself into! Wish I could be a bit more detailed but I'm suffering from a severe lack of sleep (the nap comes AFTER I read your next chapter).

Author Reply: Hi Viggomaniac!
How nice of you to first read and then go for a nap! *g* Daevan made a decision that changed his life, and now has to face the consequences. Glad that I can still entertain you...

- T.

RSReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/27/2006
Oh boy! Here we go again! Wonder what those dwarves are looking for. One advice for Strider--Duck! Keep your head low. Strider sure was quick to reveal himself as Thorongil to the dwarves-- he would use it if need be to his advantage--or in this case, an emergency! This will be a very interesting journey with the untrusting dwarves. As far as Daevan, I believe he now has the instincts of a warrior! Strider was indeed a very good teacher!

Author Reply: At least Daeven should know how to survive, now that his teacher is somewhere in the depth of Moria.
Hum, 'emergency' is a good word... There might be some more moments of it coming up. -- I know, I'm a little bit mean. Just a bit. *g*

- T.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/26/2006
Well Ive been a lurker long enough,I ran out of chapters to read. I really like this story,you have made it very interesting,cant wait for the next to be up!Thanks for writing such a great story.

Author Reply: Welcome, Elflingimp! Glad to have you here!
The story is complete on my PC, so there will be frequent updates. I suppose the full story posted by summer's beginning.

- T.

LaerienReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/26/2006
Thanks for updating quite quickly! It is so good to find a new chapter more often! :o)

So, the figures were Dwarves. Well, they certainly wasn't that friendly, but at least they will help each other.
I loved that little incident that as soon as Strider could straighten, he took the stance of a warrior and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. And how the dwarves reacted... :o)

In the end Daevan will become a warrior...

Now I wonder how they will find each other again. Moria is huge, and Strider won't be searching for Daevan, after all he thinks he left.

Author Reply: Uh, yes, I know I let you wait for chapter 18 quite a while. Sorry. I will update in shorter intervals if I can manage.

Right, Strider would think of Daevan to have left. Which would be a wise, even clever idea considering the lot of Orcs out there. And no one would think of him as a coward... only he.

- T.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/25/2006
Oh, my goodness! How wonderfully written and suspenseful the last two chapters have been and I hope there is not a long wait between updates. Poor Daevan, to be all alone in that place... he is fortunate that he has had weeks of at least basic training with Aragorn... hopefully it will be enough for him to hold out. I love the idea of Aragorn with the distrustful dwarves and I'm anxious to see exactly what treasure they are searching for and what adventures or misadventures you have in store for them. Although, I hope you don't leave Daevan on his own for too long!

Very nicely done, I am so enjoying this story.

Author Reply: Thanks, Radbooks, for the praise! I loved writing this story very much, and I cherish every review!
And *misadventures* truly hits the nail on its head. *author clears throat*. After all, this is an Aragorn story, and you would expect some nasty twists, wouldn't you?

- T.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/25/2006
I have UPS Strider a safety helmet, and am looking arround for a electronic Gollum finder for him. Hope the UPS nam can find him in Moria. Whatever are the dwarves after? Daevan did quite well for himself, in his battle with the orcs.

Author Reply: LOL! UPS in Moria! Well, after all they advertise they deliver everywhere anytime. Would be a real challenge. Imagine the poor soul running through Moria with the package tucked under his arm...

- T.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/24/2006
The drarwes are real characters and their appearance was most unexpected.I would not like to have to try to justfiy myself to them !

Author Reply: No need to! Thanks for your review, Linda, as usual it's very kind you leave me a review though knowing it all!

- T.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/24/2006
Good--both safe so far. As is, of course, right and proper.

Author Reply: *Safety* in Moria is a very fragile thing... *author withdraws with a malevolent grin*

- T.

Gandalfs apprenticeReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/24/2006
Now just what are those Dwarves after? Nice convergence of plotlines here! I'm looking forward to both Aragorn and Daevan doing brave and remarkable deeds! And, presumably, they catch Gollum eventually....

Author Reply: Hi Gandalf's Apprentice,
hum, let me see what's on the list: another plotline... OK, both main characters doing brave deeds... eventually, catching Gollum... doesn't look likt it at the moment. *g* But, eventually, they have to catch the slimy little thing, haven't they?

- T.

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