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Untrodden Path  by Timmy2222 6 Review(s)
viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 11 on 12/1/2005
Hello again! As always, so many things to like about this story, from Strider's observation that "everything in this village was simple. It was not a place of importance with stone walls built to defend valuable goods. But for those people it was a home and dear to them." So, just one little battle amidst all the big ones, but important nonetheless. Sweet Nilana. Sometimes emotional stress just makes it impossible to hold back the tears. And then, little Nelin's 'soft touch' on Strider's face to wake him. Awwwww. That was just SO sweet. I liked that her mother, always considerate, cautioned her not to tell Bradolla that Strider was a very skilled healer. Then, with the honesty of the young: "You're hurt too. Your face looks awful." That made me chuckle. Good thing Daevan went along as scout or our poor Strider would have met his doom. Great scene there, you actually had me worried even though I knew he would rescue Strider. (BTW, wanted to commend you for so thoroughly making us think of Aragorn as merely 'Strider' that calling him Aragorn seems almost strange). Again, Daevan's thoughts that he might have lost the 'son of Thorongil' during the first week of their journey was reflective of what a person actually would think after such an incident. Ah well, now for a delicious meal of fish. Poor Strider. You better give him a better meal at some point *smile*.

Author Reply: Hum, a better meal? Well, what is to be expected when walking through a fen and ending up at a river? LOL! Daevan will have field days all over...

Glad you liked the details I added (with help from Mouse, of course). Yes, since no one knows him to be Aragorn in this story, Strider will have to suffice *another big grin*

- T.

LaerienReviewed Chapter: 11 on 11/30/2005
I am late I know, but it is still better than nothing.

Can't you make these updates more frequent? You leave us with such a long time to wait after every chapter, it is a torture!

I agree that the image of Nelin stroking Strider's face was truly lovely.
"Your face looks awful." How kind of her to mention. :oD

I couldn't help but giggle at the fate of Daevan... Oh, how many times was my mouth faster than my brain?! I couldn't count. But I am so glad he was there when he was needed.

“Listen to a guide as long as you got one.” ;o)

I wonder what adventures are still waiting for them... :o) And I hope Daevan will get to know the son of Thorongil a bit better! :o)

Author Reply: If Strider doesn't play Mr. Taciturn Daevan might get a chance to learn some facts about him... But as we all know Strider's not truly a chatter-box *LOL*

And I'm not out to torturing anybody... *author withdraws into shadows, blushing for the lie*

- T.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 11 on 11/29/2005
Strider is on the road again, and this time he has company. Well he is not really on the road, more like a mud track, with a sidetrip to see a fen, up close and personal. I share Strider's distaste for fish, hershey bars are much better.

Author Reply: If the villagers had had Hershey bars I'm sure they'd have preferred them, too *vbg*
- T.

RSReviewed Chapter: 11 on 11/29/2005
Love the part with Nelin and Strider. "A soft touch on his face woke him". I can just picutre her little hand stroking his stubbled cheek. Cute!! Such a sad parting though. I hope Daevan becomes the person who he wants to be or what he is seeking. I'm starting to really like him. Daevan should not have told Strider that he was slow. He dearly paid for it!!! It's a good thing he decided to stay with Strider. Who else would have saved him from the sinking mud and show him were to replenish their supplies... and fish!!!(BIG SMILE) Waiting for the next update.

Author Reply: *Fish* will be the answer... Well, Daevan is just an honest soul, isn't he? And though he's young and truly inexperienced in war, he has learned much about surviving in the fen.

- T.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 11 on 11/28/2005
Nice chapter, I'm glad that Daevan decided to go with Aragorn. I was afraid that he would end up staying home. Scary scene with what I assume was some kind of quicksand... not a good thing! :) And, yes, Aragorn should follow the guide that he has. Looking forward to the next update.

Author Reply: No, no, no, no good leaving Daevan at home! Strider already proved that he might be a great warrior (OK, as Yoda says, 'Wars don't make one great!'), but has little knowledge of the dangers of the fen.

And thanks a lot you noticed the little quote I borrowed from FOTR. I just couldn't help myself...

- T.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 11/27/2005
I, too, love the assumption that Strider MUST be the son of Thorongil, and have played with it in my own stories.

Love the feeling of realism you give to the entire journey, and the moment between Nelin and Aragorn. Am, of course, looking forward to the next update.

Author Reply: Thanks so much for your kind words! Yes, what else should the people think of a man, who looks so young, but should be so old?

- T.

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