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Untrodden Path  by Timmy2222 5 Review(s)
viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/1/2005
Something about the whole 'Strider as healer' part was just SO appealing in this chapter. I guess that along with all his other great qualities, his being able to help the villagers in THAT way, too, just makes us love him even more. I don't know for sure, but I just loved it when he was able to help little Nelin and the really cute way he did it, too (distracting her with talk about his own childhood). Bradolla is quite appealing, too, the way she takes all this in stride (no pun intended) and adapts to Strider's heretofore unrevealed healing skill. Poor Bradolla, running from one man to another, with the terrible realization that there were too many and not knowing where to begin. Daevan's delayed reaction to all that occurred was nicely realistic. Adrenalin can only carry you along so far. Sorry it took me SO long to review, but rest assured that even if I don't review quickly, I'm always thinking about it. Thanks for a great story.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/21/2005
I enjoyed seeing Aragorn as a healer in this chapter. So sad that there are always those who remain suspicious and ungrateful of those who are there to protect and help. It was touching, yet painful, when he set the little girl's arm. Nicely done.

Author Reply: They are simple villagers, and strangers have to be regarded with scepticism. But, yes, they should be grateful after he risked so much for them.

Thanks for your review.

- T.

LaerienReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/14/2005
You thought I abandoned this story, didn't you? NEVER!!! This is among my favourites now and every time I see there is an update, excitement surges through me.

I loved how you wrote about the battle. Somehow, there was afew line at least about everything, about every kind of reaction.

But I loved the after effects of the fight too. That though it was quite a great thing, it came with losses. As always. But I am so glad they did this well.( at least considering the number of the orcs).

You know, Brandolla reminds me of my grandmother very much!:o)

And I can see I am not the only one, who loves Aragorn as a healer. :o) I simply do, and can't really explain why... Well, I may could, but it is hard.

My favorite part was the scene with Nilana and Nelin too. And not because I am a sadist, just because in a certain way, it was nice.

Well, Baeni... For a moment, I was angered at her words very much... Accusing 'the wanderer' of such things... (By the way, the Hungarian word for Strider was wanderer :o)) OK, I realized why she said those things but it was still hard to swallow.

Ah, and again the mysterious Strider for the end of this chapter... I really wonder how you will continue... Will this stoy be about the search for Gollum from now on? I would guess so. And Daevan should accompany him! But I am really not sure... Would you be so kind to clear up things a bit? Or you want it to be 'top secret'? :o)

Author Reply: Hi Laerien,

no, I didn't think you abandoned the story, no way... So thanks for the review. Hum, I really wouldn't want to spoil the mood of anticipation for all of you readers, so I have to keep the plot twists a secret, but - so much to say - the wanderer *has* to continue his search for Gollum. That's why he walked the Dead Marshes; that's why he left the village though he wasn't fully healed. There is no other choice for him than to leave again.

Yes, I loved writing the part with Aragorn and Nelin since it's the only chance to go back to his own childhood (and soothe the kid, of course...)

- T.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/14/2005
How very glad I am to see Aragorn in healing action, an activity I personally have ever felt he would have preferred to fighting. A wonderful surprise to all as they begin to realized this stranger is more than he appears, and has many facets to his personality and skills. I only feel sorry for the woman who cannot see what is, but reacts only to her own fears and suspicions--a worse malady in the end than many of the wounds they see about them.

Author Reply: Hi Larner,

well, why should all of the villagers praise Strider? I thought that the idea that he - as the stranger around - somehow caused all this evil to happen wasn't too farfetched.

Aragorn will always be healer first and king second *g*

- T.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/13/2005
Alright, they won. Who would have thought! Good thing that Aragorn is a healer too. I do believe that Bradolla is a little outnumbered by the wounded. Love the part where Aragorn fixes Nelin's broken arm, and confesses that he has had a few.

Author Reply: Hi grumpy,

if the villagers had lost it would've given the plot quite another twist... So, no, no captivity situation this time...

- T.

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