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Untrodden Path  by Timmy2222 6 Review(s)
rsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/31/2005
Aaah.. the brooch.. Is that the evenstar pendent that Arwen wore?..If not, was the brooch from Arwen?? I'm confused. I must have missed something in Tolkien's book. Anyway, I like Nilana, I kind of feel sorry for her, I don't know why just yet..maybe because people keep mentioning that she needs a husband?, or that maybe her husband died, or that she is seeking something that Aragorn cannot give her? Boy..Bradolla sure is feisty. And Doran... he remembers that face???. I'll keep reading.

Author Reply: Hi RS and welcome to this story!
To clear up the question about the brooch: Tolkien himself mentioned that Thorongil wore such a jewel; it is unclear (at least to me), who gave it to him. If it was a gift of ancestry or honour, I can't tell.
It's great to read you like Nilana, and, yes, she is a very caring soul, who deserves better.
- T.

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/8/2005
Now that's an interesting take on the whole Gollum episode. I must admit that I had to shove my inner canon geek firmly back (I once beta'd another Gollum story and being overly familiar with that episode sometimes comes as a hindrance), but now that she's safely locked away, I really enjoy your story. Interesting effect the water from the meres in the Dead Marshes has. It's quite unfortunate that Aragorn cannot speak. And I can well believe that he chose to omit that part of the tale at Elrond's council :-)

Now I wonder what it will take him to capture Gollum again (now that he knows what he's facing, he will sooo not look forward to another encounter).

Author Reply: I remember you telling me about the 'other' Gollum/Aragorn story. The more I'm glad you chose to read this one. It will take the ranger a lot to get a hold of Gollum again... *mean grin* (can't help it)

- T.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/4/2005
Aragorn seems to have fallen into good healing hands, Nilana seems to know what see is doing. To bad they let Gollum go, sneaky little beast. I like the characters of this village. Wonder where Doran remembers Aragorn from?

Author Reply: Somehow Gollum had to escape, hadn't he? Imagine him being brought into the village to frighten the children... Nah, not really. But so Aragorn has not yet achieved his goal.

- T.

viggomaniac (thorongirl, or...whatever)Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/4/2005
Brilliant, unexpected chapter. You had us all thinking that Gollum was somehow going to be the rescuer, but you really know how to twist that plot bunny. Simply grand. Okay, now I'll calm down. A little anyway. Really, great chapter. You conveyed Aragorn's sense of discomfiture and disorientation wonderfully and also introduced us to some very interesting original characters. Seems like the marsh waters were quite ghastly indeed. I couldn't help but love the feelings of helplessness radiating from Aragorn. I can't help it. I love it! Nilana is terrific, although I do envy her! (If you have to ask why, then my thoughts aren't as transparent as I believed -- although I'm pretty sure they are). The busybody visitor, Baeni, rings wholly true. I 'know' people like that. "A fine catch" -- indeed! But I like the way you show Nilana's understated embarrassment not giving in to doing what has to be done regardless and her recognition of Aragorn's bewilderment. She's just coming across as so compassionate and likable. Also liked her ponderings on the Evenstar. Next question, 'who is the old man?' and what connection does he have with Aragorn? I hope you continue writing LOTR but that of course, is up to you. I personally think you 'play' with Tolkien's work beautifully!

Author Reply: Thanks for your praise, really. I'm flattered. Aragorn's 'waking up' was the trigger to the whole plot, so... go figure! Some more OCs are on the way, so stay tuned!

- T.

LaerienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/3/2005
I liked the change! Though, first I thought I am reading another story :o)

Is this story going to be VER AU?? You know I do not like AU stories nor do I read them, yours is the exception... But I hope you will try to be canonical.

Oh, they released Gollum!!! I can't believe it! Now he has to capture him again!? Valar, no wonder he was shocked... After how much time he will get back his voice? It would be better for both him and Nilana if they could talk.

I like Nilana. She takes good care of him, she is very nice.I loved when she didn't want Aragorn to hear about bad wounds and such things... :o)

I hope you update soon! (Sooner than you did with this chapter ;o) )

Author Reply: Yes, as said in the header of the story, if you stick to Tolkien's hints, this story is AU. The Ranger and Gollum are not going the straight way to Mirkwood. I do not know if it is *too* AU for you, but the story takes quite a few turns from here...

- T.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/2/2005
Oh--nice cliffhanger. Now, to see how Aragorn recovers and Gollum is at last recaptured.

Author Reply: That - I think - is the only 'bad thing' about writing a gap-filler: the end is quite clear. But I hope to entertain you in spite of that certainty.

- T.

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