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Facing the Darkness  by Linda Hoyland 8 Review(s)
VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/13/2008
This story brought it home to me just how lightly Tolkien makes of things that must have been deeply distressing to all concerned. Faramir especially, but Aragorn too, have made such deeply wounding experiences that it makes one wonder indeed how they will be able to recover.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.Someone I used to be friendly with used to grumble at me for showing the characters suffering, but I feel they must have done and been scarred by it.They are not cartoons after all.Tolkien only shows us how Frodo is effected,but the book is from his POV.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/24/2006
Aragorn must have been operating on nothing but adrenaline by this point. It's just as well he went to the Black Gate on horseback - he could, perhaps, take a nap or two as he rode!

I like the search for suitable apparel - and that he left wearing Boromir's cloak. It sort of pulls the past and future together.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/22/2006
It's lovely to see Pippin so eager to swear allegiance to "Strider", and renew a vow to a King and a city so honored in his heart.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I'm pleased you enjoyed Pippin's oath.At last he has found a worthy lod to swear to.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/22/2006
I thought that it was excellent the way that you included Pippin swearing loyalty to Aragorn before the battle. Denethor did release him and it makes sense that Pippin would have repeated his oath to Aragorn. Now, poor Merry and Faramir are in for a long wait. I do hope that they find comfort in each other's company. I am looking forward to more of this lovely story which I only found tonight.

Author Reply: Many thanks for your much appreciated review.I am so pleased you enjoyed Pippin's oath. I'm afraid this is the last chapter in this story, but its sequels are posted on this site.The next in the series is "The Hidden Days of Healing"dealing with the aftermath of the battle,followed by "New Beginnngs " and "The White Tree"

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/25/2005
Linda...Wow!! I've only read your shorter stories before and loved them, so decided to take a gander at this one. I loved how you intertwined some of the aspects of the Movieverse w/the Bookverse. I won't be able to look at Viggo as Aragorn at the Black Gates now w/out thinking of him wearing Boromir's cloak. What a lovely idea that is.

This was very, very well written and fleshed out. Very nice gap filler indeed.

Author Reply: Thank you so much,you have made my day with your kind review.I'm so pleased you decided you take a look at this story.My longer ones tend to be darker and more complex.I love the scenes in the film at the Black Gate as VIggo/Aragorn looks so sad and handsome !

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/7/2005
I found this after reading your latest and I loved it. I loved the oath-taking scenes and, especially, Aragorn's reactions.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your kind review.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/5/2005
Sorry, I had somehow overlooked this fic. Thanks for the hint! Would that all sequels were so prompt there when I want to read them ;-)

Another well done fic. It is touching, but also sad, how desperatedly Faramir wants to please his King. He must have had a very hard time while his father still lived, and now he is so weak, but in charge of the City, and has to cope with his father's death, the attempt to burn him alive, the worry what will happen at the Black Gate ... Anyway, the poor guy will be in for some nice surprises once Aragorn returns to Minas Tirith. He will soon come to realise how different the King is from his father Denethor, and for this I am glad. Faramir deserves it to find acknowledgment and friendship.

I look forward to more stories from you.

Author Reply: Thank you for your kind review.I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story.I have actually toned down how badly Faramir was treated by his father from my original version of this story but even sticking closely to canon,it is a great deal poor Faramir endured ! I have just posted a sequel in which he gets some of the nice surprises you mention.Thanks again.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/3/2005
What a marvelous little ficlet! I can imagine it happening just this way. Poor Merry and poor Faramir, having to stay behind, yet secure in the knowledge that the one who was leading the host was a man of courage, integrity and honor, and great love.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your kind review, the first i have received on this site.I am so pleased you enjoyed my story.

Thanks again, Linda

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