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Many fruitless victories  by perelleth 10 Review(s)
aiholicReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 4/9/2016
I read this story almost a decade ago when it was first written and it is still as melancholically beautiful as I first read it. Unlike most I love elves in the modern world au fics but only in the capacity of elves trying to integrate with the humans and ended up being bemused elders at the antics of the younger ones. It goes without saying your end of the world fic is by the far the only realistic one I've read, as realistic as it goes with doom prophecies and elves but it is a lovely amalgamation with cool scientific facts. I love the atmosphere you've created with Thranduil and Celeborn, I can almost visualise the world dimming as time passes, which I'm not sure if its your intention but it works nevertheless. All I can say at this point is, thank you for the lovely fics you've written so far=)

Vana TuivanaReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 9/6/2005
You know how you read some stories and you know you can never forget the feelings and the images they create in your soul? You know how sometimes you forget you're reading at all, so caught up in the moment are you, and think that you actually experience the story? You know how your heart feels full to bursting after reading such a story and your only desire is that everyone in the world should read the story and have that experience as well?

That's how I feel right now. What a powerful ending, what a magnificently-told tale. There are honestly no words for the emanations I'm getting at this moment, but they involve lots of sitting and staring at my computer screen in awe. You, Perelleth, are truly a gem among writers, one whose abilities are so far above my own that I can't even comprehend it. Marvelous, fantastic, stirring, powerful, evocative, no more and no less than perfect.

Author Reply: Ypu're way too kind , Vana. I'm only older thatn you, and have ,conequently, lived more. Anyway, I'm truly rewarded by your words, for it is what i felt, too. The story somehow hit me and I jsut simply poured it down. It is good that it made an impression, for I just wanted to share those images and experiences and the message within... I'm glad that you liked it, I, too, had very intense moments writing it and reading reviews from readers, so, again, THANKS for your words! :-)

TinnuialReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 7/7/2005
Your story moved me to tears. It was so utterly mind blowing and tragic and beautiful and bittersweet at the same time. Your skill at weaving in the bits of myth and legend from the so-called "real world" as well Tolkien's Arda is marvellous. I find myself wishing that the story would never end. I loved the characterizations, I loved the ending. Thank you so much for sharing this with us all.

Author Reply: Well, thanks, Tinnuial, I'm glad that you had a good time reading it...( not sure if moving you to tears is something I should be glad of, but it's kind of flatering, anyway..)

At first I was afraid of writing a modern-day setting, but then i remembered what Tolkien said about an agreement between C.S.Lewis and himself, that LEwis would write space-travelling and tolkien himself would write time-travelling, so in the end it wasn't all that "sinful", provided that I managed to stay more or less true to his characters... and environmental preservation seemed quite accurate to the elvish character... Thanks again for your words!(I ,too, felt a bit disheartened when it all came to an end...I became shamelessly fond of their characters, too ;-)

BejaiReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/29/2005
Perelleth, this was brilliant. I've been following it for some time now, and haven't had a chance to review properly. (Lots of traveling back and forth across the country of late, and it isn't over yet). I will go back and give this the kind of review it deserves when things settle down. But I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed and admired this story. Bravo!

Author Reply: Hi Bejai! thanks for reviewing even when you're so busy!

Comments, suggestions, critics, are welcome, if you have the time to spare.. If you don't, it is more than enough for me to know that you're still out there, and that you have enjoyed the story!

I've recently found out that traveling is a good source for inspiration, so maybe in your busy cruising of the country you may find the lost thread for Deific Flame? pretty please?(hotel lobbies and delayed flights are irresistible to me...;-)

Sorry for the pestering...;-) and good luck with your traveling!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/28/2005
I like how this ends, with the mariner coming back for the last of the great elven lords. The light at the end can be interpreted many ways, and I think I have settled on my interpretation and am very happy indeed ;)

Author Reply: I'm glad that you liked the ending, Nilmandra. À la carte, isn't it? I,too, have my personal interpretation of it.And Eärendil needed company, por one, now that his job had come to an end...

Thanks for your kind words. Any god news to report about HLIII?

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/27/2005

Having Earendil come for them was marvelous! Loved Thranduil’s vitality being reborn. Celeborn’s hesitation was so telling of his dedication and own hope. Poor Maglor, discovering he might still face judgment. And Daeron, poor fellow, still cluless... ;)

Your description of the End convinced even me that it was finally over for Earth. How hard it must be to witness your old, beloved home going up in flames and becoming ash despite it having served its purpose.

Ah but, then the Light captured inside the Silmarils was released! Arda gave up the other two jewels and their music along with Earendil’s flowed back together in harmony with the music of Ea. A song in which the elves themselves perform a special part. Your descriptions of that restoration through the rhythmic waves of light felt very genuine - that it would happen just that way.

I’m coming, my lady, I’m almost there. Once again, I saw the weary albatross winging to meet his patiently waiting mate.

A beautiful ending. Thanks for sharing this excellent story.

Author Reply: The open ending was all I would dare!;-) Not even Tolkien himself saw it fit to disclose what Eru had in store for his ( maybe her? ;-)) firstborns! We can only guess. Eärendil had to come, why, he wouldn't face whatever end was to come alone in the skies, and.. two out of four of those elves were his relatives! :-) It seemed fair that they would make the journey together...

Thanks again for your kind support!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/27/2005
Earendil came! Earendil decided to intervene to retrieve the last of the firstborn! Good for him.

I like the apocalyptic vision of Manwe girding up for the final battle.

'“I…I promised my Adar that I would take care of his forest...” he answered nonchalantly. Celeborn almost choked in outrage.

“When did you lose your compass Thranduil? No, don’t answer me; being modest as he was, your father surely understood that all forests in middle earth were his forest…”

“Except Lórien, of course,” Thranduil agreed placidly.'


I feel for the old man left on the dock watching the departure of his lord - but, in a way, the truth of his legends must be a consolation to him as he awaits his own end.

'“Your father must have violated one or two hundred safety regulations when making these things, Maglor, “ Thranduil grunted in exasperation.'

What a delicious line. Do you think Feanor acknowledged the existence of such things as safety regulations? I think he only ever saw one thing - what he wanted.

'not before the end will they be undone' So is that what is happening?

Well - Galadriel has been very patient. I hope she gets her reward! (As do Celeborn, Thranduil, Maglor and Daeron. They have done their very best - and merit a place among the just.) And, I can hope that beyond Arda they will be reunited with those they have lost.

A very powerful piece, Perelleth.

Author Reply: ONe of the things that I had clearly in mind since the very beginning was that Eärendil was carrying them home. You see, he, too was tied to the fate of Arda, and had been endlesly sailing its skies, alone. He was the fifth in this band of "exiles", he didn't want to come home alone, he wanted and deserved company if he had to face the bitter end....

AND you point out an interesting line, about the silmaril. We really don't know what shall become of the elves after the end. We only know that they're tied to live as Arda lasts, but.. what then? All this trip and the light is the more open ending I could come up with. Either the Silmarils, and the elves and valar finally return to the mind of eru and find there there unity and fulfillment, or the pulsing light before them is Arda unmarred and remade, where they shall live for ever in blessed memory of things as they were supposed to be. I razed the Ainulindale forward and barckwards and finally tried to make a simil of the making of arda, and hoped that each reader would take what fit her/his personal universe...I, personally, want to believe that they met in Arda unmarred and remade :-)

And NO! I don't think Feanaro took into account safety regulations or quality specifications of any kind! Just blame Thranduil for the sentence, he thought it funny..and I couldn't argue! ;-)

Many thanks for your kind reviews, Bodkin, I'm so glad you liked the story! I feel I kind of repay so many of you whose stories I so much enjoy! ;-)

French PonyReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/26/2005
What a nice ending. It looks like Thranduil and Celeborn will finally get to see their families again, and they've certainly earned that privilege. I'm not at all surprised that Maglor and Daeron ended up in Central Asia. They'd really like the music there, I think. There's a style of overtone singing, called xhoomei, that really does sound like the earth itself is singing, especially the kargiraa variety.

And, to answer one final question: I've never used the gourd and bombilla, mainly because my sister wasn't very well able to explain to me how to use them, and they were so pretty that I didn't want to mess up and do it wrong and maybe ruin them. I'm not even sure how well they'd take a washing, and I'd have to wash them before I use them. So if you know, tell me, because I've used the antique Japanese teacups my sister gave me and the Korean teacup my father gave me.

And I've just always seen it written maté, with the accent. Became habit to write it that way, I suppose.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the ending. It's prety open, as not even Tolkien himself let us know what Iluvatar had planned for the elves beyond the end of Arda.:-)

Well, now that you're the fortunate owner of a gourd and bombilla, you're a step closer to be able to enjoy the original mate! Here you ahve the recipe.
First, you must know that you can wash them safely... but NO dishwasher!!!

Then, you must cure the gourd. To do so, place two table spoons of mate inside the gourd. Then pour boiling water and fill it to the rim LEt it soak for 24 hours. Then pour down the sink and rinse. With a small spoon, scrape gently the inside of the gourd, and then repeat the processs. ( mate, water, 24 hours, feed the sink and rinse.) now, your gourd is ready to give you endless hours of mate sipping!! Be warned that it will become dark green stained (the inside) after some use, but that's good. Simply wash and dry gourd and bombilla after use.

And now, to the mate. I usually fill up to two thirds of the gourd with minced leaves and then pour the hot water (70-80C) until it reaches below the brim. Then you wait some seconds and when the leaves absorb the water, you replenish the gourd again. You repeat the process until the leaves do not absorb more water. Then you drink. You first close the mouthpiece of the bombilla with your thumb and insert it(the bombilla, please, not your thumb,) in the gourd, and then drink. The bombillas usually have a dry seed inside that acts as stopper to prevent minced leaves from entering with the liquid. The gurgling sound when you reach the end is considered well mannered!

Tradition has it that the host drinks first and finishes the first round. (the msot bitter) Then he pours more hot water and the next person drinks. If two thirds is too bitter for you, just try with less herb! Enjoy! ;-)

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/26/2005
Better late than never, I suppose. I'm not sure how I managed it, but I missed this story. Actually, I know I've been rather 'lost' lately. Moving my parents.

Anyway, this story is extraordinary! I've read a few 'current day' stories, but I can assure you that I have not read anything that touches this. I'm impressed by your 'green' knowledge and even more impressed by how seamlessly you fit everything into this tale.

I'm having trouble even putting into words how good this story is. Let me just say that it's outstanding in every way. Your characterizations are real and hearty with life. And your descriptions of a waning world are amazingly clear and focused. The Science-Fiction elements are so well done that you make moving to the moon seem logical and entirely possible. Of course, I already believe in Elves, so that was easy.

The ending was extremely well done and fascinating. Like the stories of people who have seen the white light and tunnel during near-death experiences, we see here the light that leads the Elves to what awaits them as well. Personally, I think that once Galadriel finishes hugging and kissing her tardy husband, she might have a few bones to pick with him.

Just wonderful, Perelleth. Just wonderful!


Author Reply: Uh, I hope your parents are settling down nicely, Karen. Moving is always a good occasion for family team-work, lots of cleaning up and stuff, and even strained have all my sympathy! ;-)

Anyway, I'm so glad to hear your opinion!and above all, to hear that you liked it! I'm a bit overwhelmed, I must add, by your kind words. I'm glad that it made sense to you, I've struggled so much to make everything fit, and wasn't all that sure.. fitting so many things (and awful footnotes) kind of frightened me. Now I'm even more impressed by the lot of you, seeing how much I've struggled with four chapters, prologue and epilogue... But it's been a rewarding experience, above all to see that so many people whose stories I read and enjoy seem to have enjoyed this... so I feel kind of paying back the endless entertainig and amusement I find in your stories!

Personally, I think that Galadriel might start with bone picking and then the hugging and kissing.. just in case! ;-) Thranduil knew well what he was talking about when he poked at all too confident Celeborn...

I'll tell you a secret. I, too believe in elves, and I'm sure theyr'e still out there! I keep looking for them! :-)

thanks, karen, and glad you enjoyed.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/26/2005
What a wonderful ending! Destruction yes. But also a kind of hope and fulfillment for the elves who stayed as long as they could.

Author Reply: Glad you liked the ending, daw! Of course, after so much destruction, we all needed some hope! You know I'm a sucker for kind of "happy endings!" this is kind of...therapy to me! ;-)

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