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Shadow II: Northern Flames  by fael bain 1 Review(s)
LynReviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/7/2006
For nothing has the alliance between our kingdoms been made."
I haven't had sleep for over 20 hours, but I think the word "Not" should
be placed in front of "for nothing".

I can't remember the name of the girl Legolas and Esendri rescued but I wonder
if she is important later on.

On one hand, Elrond tells the (movie) line that Men are weak...yet they are
seeking an (illegitimate) decendent of Isildur because of the blood tie and if
this descendent is kept safe, (the child) will prevent Sauron from winning.
If the legitimate heirs were weak and Gondor will fall, how then could an
illegitimate heir be strong and the world survive? I need sleep, that's for sure!

Gandalf should be honest...there is nothing calming about tobacco to one who
is not an addict. It is only when the addict gets his "fix" (nicotine) that
the nervousness subsides and he is once again calm. Toothless, wrinkled, and
coughing, but calm.

When one weaves a simple story, mistakes can be made, but when one is weaving a
tapestry, it is inevitable a few threads will be dropped. It doesn't matter,
for the tapestry when finished will glow with warmth and only the bitter
will point out a broken thread or two. So, don't fret over small details!
You have a tremendously complex, full, rich, and rewarding story here, one that
I eagerly await between chapters.

Author Reply: Hi Lyn!

You are right of course. I know how you feel, but I hope the reason you haven't been sleeping is not the same as mine: exams!

But poohy things aside, maybe Elrond feels that they are weak, but if the enemy is worried about them, it will be a useful weapon to have, because things do have a way of becoming self-fulfiling prophecies at times.

I also agree with you about Gandalf. But even old wizards can have their vices at times, and I do believe that there is the general perception (even among smokers) that baccy is good for the nerves, but of course they forget that the reason why they have the shakes in the first place is that they are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Not a very nice thing, I don't think. Kind of like me off caffeine. Not that I am any less cranky with it.

Thanks for being so understanding about the mistakes. I cringe everytime I find one, just because I'd love to be able to put together a water-tight story, but am often let down by niggling things. I guess it's the perfectionist streak in me coming out really strong. I am glad you enjoy it as much as I do love creating it.


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