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The True Face of Courage  by FirstMate 6 Review(s)
Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/15/2010
p.s. do you know you made me cry? poor Elrohir...just heart-wrenching...

Author Reply: Oh dear...sorry.

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/15/2010
I can't remember if I've reviewed this story before but just wanted to let you know I think it's awesome!

I just feel so sorry for Elrohir. He needs a hug. :) Though I guess Elladan gave him one. I love stories where the connection between the twins is emphasized. And I think Estel has finally learned a most valuable lesson. I want to see him talk with Elrohir now. :)

If there is one thing I never ever ever want to face it is an angry Glorfindel. :O He's....scary. And SO cool! :D

Love how you portray everyone!

Author Reply: Hi Sulwing. I'm so glad you like the story. I started it so, so long ago that I'm thrilled folks are still patient enough to read it. Yeah, I haven't been too nice to Elrohir and I'm afraid my mean streak isn't over yet. The next chapter is full of it as well. Oh well. Estel is finally getting a clue!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/7/2010
Yay, an update! *does a happy dance*

That was quite intense. I had known something would go wrong with Elrohir's stay there, but that was even worse than I feared! Poor guy, after the earlier experience with rats in a dark cave, this had to deepen the trauma even more. I'm not exactly afraid of rats (though I can't say I like them), but the image of being chained in the dark and feeling them crawling all over me is an absolute nightmare. No wonder the poor elfling panicked. He'd have reason to, even without his former experience. It was heartbreaking that he thought they would think him weak for it. Glad he is safe now.

But I don't want Pedar getting away with it all *grumble* That guy deserves a punishment - badly. He and everyone involved in abusing Elrohir for feeling afraid in that horrible place.

Oh well, if there's only one chapter left, I guess I can at least take some comfort from the hope that Estel will finally see sense. Otherwise send him over, and I'll give him a serious talking-to ;-) Hope you can post the last chapter soon.

Author Reply: Yea, a happy dance...they're always nice. I've got the next chapter almost done, but it's NOT going to be the last one after all. I'll explain why later. Has to do with a thumb drive and a washing machine. SIGH. Pedar was a bully and a fool, but I haven't decided what to do with him yet. Frank was a pretty decent leader, though, so I may leave it up to him to be creative. :) Well, thanks for the review and for not giving up on me.

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/6/2010
FirstMate! You're back! (Bounces up and down excitedly)

I'm so glad to know you will be finishing this story. I was starting to get worried. Don't worry about losing my interest. I will stick with this story to the bitter end, no matter how long it takes. Your writing is too good for me to just walk away from it.

On to the review. Poor Elrohir. I have strong urge to just give him a big hug. Hopefully, Estel has begun to see sense. At least I hope so for Elrohir's emotional state, Elladan's mental state, and Estel's physical state. Elladan my just throw caution to the wind and just beat sense into him.

Since Elrohir seems to have finished his fishing, I hope his shoulder injury is not too serious. However, adrenaline may still be all that's keeping him going. He has had quite a shock over the last few days. He may start to feel his injuries once he is sure Elladan will be okay. I think they all need Elrond's intervention. He should be able to sort this mess out, although it would probably be better for them in the long run if they sorted it out themselves.

Also, I wonder if we will see more of the flashback. That must have been an interesting homecoming. I'm assuming Celebrian was still around at that time? I think it would probably do Elrohir good for his mommy to hug him. He seems terribly afraid that he has somehow shamed Elrond. Perhaps he wouldn't feel that way about his mother. Based on parts of your story "Lost" he seems to have been a little closer to her than Elladan. Anyway, mom's are magic that way. They can make things all better when no one else can, no matter how old we are.

Sorry I have been a little remiss about my reviews lately. I don't think I've reviewed the last few chapters. As I mentioned above, I am still reading, no matter what my review count says.

I had better wrap this up, now that I have rambled for several paragraphs. Just wanted to let you know I am still reading and will continue to do so.

Your loyal reader,


Author Reply: Hey BEE!! So glad to hear from you. (Yeah, I know...then why didn't I reply earlier.) Sigh. I'm the world's WORST procrastinator. I'm sorry. Well, poor Elrohir will need another hug after the next chapter which, actually, won't be the last, even though that had been my plan. I'll explain in an author's note at the end of the chapter why. It should be done either tonight or tomorrow. I've been trying hard to not wait a YEAR between updates again. Yikes! I agree a scene with Celebrian would have been nice, but I'm not sure how I could fit it in. Hmmm. I haven't written the "what happened afterwards" scene yet. Maybe I could throw something in. I'll see what my persnickety muse thinks. Anyway, glad you're still reading! Thanks for the review.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/6/2010
excellent chapter! i felt sooo sorry for Elrohir and all that he had endured. It must have been so very hard for Elladan and Glorfindel to endure.

Author Reply: Hey Ellie...I appreciate the review. I really should stop beating up on Elrohir, but I'm not quite done with it yet. I do always make sure I have a happy ending, though. Yeah, I don't think Elladan and Glorfindel had a good time, either. Sometimes it's harder to see someone you care for in pain than to endure it yourself.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 10 on 4/6/2010

This is lovely.... Elrohir had a time of it, those emotional scares ran deep, I wonder how he coped once he was brought home....

Can't wait to hear the rest...

Author Reply: Hi Pipinheart, thanks for your review...sorry my response is late. I'm just now catching up on them all. Anyway, yes, the emotional scars are still there within him, although he's rather embarrassed he wasn't able to hide them.

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