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Mithrim  by perelleth 2 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/1/2006
I'm going backwards!

I can't help but pity the sons of Feanor. They had little choice but to follow their father - and he wasn't exactly the most rational of elves. Then, once they had taken that oath and followed him into exile, they were already condemned. Of course, had they not indulged in the Second and Third Kinslayings, they would have been a lot more forgivable.

Huan's point of view is very interesting. I like the distinction between the dark-heads and the golden-heads. And Maedhros has moments of indulging in a humility that really make me like him.

Fantastic summary of the family relationships of the Silmarillion in remarkably few words.

Author Reply: I'll go backwards as well, then, :-)

This was an old piece that I had not finished posting here, as I discovered the other day. I enjoyed very much figuring out Huan's point of view of the family. He saw himself as one of the feanorians, he was doomed himself (to meet the most powerful hound that walked the earth) and so I suspect that until Celegorm's definite fall from grace in Nargothrond, he was quite faithful to their cause, and saw Fingolfin and his kin as usurpers, and was shocked by mAedhros' decison..

Thank-you for taking the time, Bodkin.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/29/2006
Anyone who's ever had a dog will recognize Huan's loyalty, although I suppose Huan is an exceptional dog. :-)

Author Reply: Yes, they are loyal to a fault, aren't they? Cats should learn from dogs, I say!

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