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Avoidance  by Stefania 5 Review(s)
Shieldmaiden of RohanReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/28/2006
It's funny that you dealt a little with the lack-of-wardrobe issue-- the chapter I'm working on now goes into a little of the same thing!

I think this chapter was handled quite well-- when you'd mentioned something to me before about her having too much to drink and acting strangely, to be perfectly honest, I was half-expecting her to make some embarrassing speech or dance on the tables or something. I think the way you handled Gwahir's arrival was superb-- it makes so much more sense for Gandalf to be the one doing the talking, and the added bonus that he can be the one to inform Faramir and Eowyn and co. of the fate of some of those who rode away works very well. And you really get a good sense of Faramir's pain and confusion at Eowyn's behavior at the end.

Author Reply: Hi SMOR -

I'm glad you got a chance to read this chapter. In regard to wardrobes and coincidences--Interestingly enough, I read your story, "The Steward and the King" a couple of weeks after I mulled some ideas for a sidebar short story to "Avoidance" on the same subject. And I was going to have A and E meet under very similar circumstances, a "council" type of situation, that you have. What this proves is, of course, "great minds think alike!"

In regard to the eagle, Raksha in a review said she was curious to see what I would do with the Tolkien's Old Testament style eagle. So at her suggestion, Gwaihir got a little cameo in "Avoidance." But no, since "Avoidance" is movieverse sort of, Gwaihir lets Gandalf have the aria.

As far as inebriated Eowyn is concerned, I think its absolutely my favorite of anything I've written for her so far. Eowyn is still very much the White Lady of Rohan even when literally falling down drunk.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/18/2006
Well, the course of true love never did run smooth. And Eowyn's just put her foot in it and muddied the waters considerably. I imagine that it will take awhile for the pair to sort things out; but I hope it won't be too long.

Loved the bit with Faramir running to the eagle-borne Gandalf.

Author Reply: Yo, Raksha!!

Not to worry, F & E will work matters out in roughly the same time period that Tolkien gave them. Though "Avoidance" is avowedly Movieverse, I try the best that I can to follow the canon timeframe.

This story wouldn't be what it's become without your help. Thanks.

- Steff

ireneReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/14/2006
Oh my. Her first question is how Aragorn fares. She is't even interested in her dear brother. I really wish Faramir would pay her back in her own coin by now!

I liked the "national anthem of Gondor" in the previous chapter. Nice idea!

Thanks for entertaining us so well!


Author Reply: Yep. 'Wyn was so abrupt in regard to Aragorn that she shocked the pants off of old Gandalf as well as breaking poor Faramir's heart. (Too bad I'm not writing Gandalf's point of view.)

All love stories have to have a reversal of fortune in order to have the happy resolution that we already know is in store for F & E. Eowyn's got a lot of things on her mind, as I'll try to explain in the next chapter.

And especially for you, Irene, I hope you like how Faramir has cleaned up so nicely :) He's almost as luminous as an Elf at the party.

- Steff

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/14/2006
An interesting idea that Gandalf should come with the eagle.I loved the scene at the beginning.Eowyn is quite a character !

Author Reply: Re: the eagle. He was just spoiling to have a cameo, How else would the Gondorians get confirmation that Sauron had met his well deserved end?

I think many of us have been in Eowyn's shoes a time or two. I had the most fun writing that party scene in all the 1.5 years that "Avoidance" has been unveiling.

Thanks for your support,Linda.

- Steff

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/13/2006
Gah! And people have accused ME of being evil. You take that cake with this chapter! Of course, Faramir really shouldn't be so proud of his own perceptions -- he's frequently wrong. :p Anyway, I'm sure Eowyn has now convinced herself that she behaved poorly by crying, and she assumes Faramir dislikes her now. Maybe, if she'd stayed semi-sober and conscious enough, they might have come to an understanding. Oh well. The angst meter has gone off the scale at this point. Please don't torture us with another long wait.


Author Reply: Hi Chibi!!

Wow, I never even thought that this chapter was angsty, until the end, of course (wink, wink). On the other hand, it's hard to write F/E without being tempted to put in a bit of angst.

But let's face it, when you dance to the music, you sometimes have to pay to the piper. Faz and 'Wyn partied hearty but now they have to deal not only with each other but what they need to do with the rest of their lives. Next chapter will involve how Eowyn faces up to this. Right now she has a terrible hangover and a pain in the arm.

And thanks for your support, Chibi, and everyone.

- Steff

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