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ET's Dribs and Drabbles  by Elena Tiriel 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/1/2007
I always rejoiced that they came back together. Lovely, Elena.

Author Reply: Hi Larner!

Yes, even though Tolkien only hinted at it, I just can't imagine Celeborn staying in Middle-earth and fading away while Galadriel waited for him.... it might have taken many centuries, but I think he must have sailed eventually....


- Barbara

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/28/2005
Ah lovely. I like the tree imagery in Galadriel's description of what Celeborn was to her.

Author Reply: Thanks, Daw! I imagine that Celeborn really was the roots binding her to the soil of Middle-earth for so long...

It's odd what pops up when you try to look at a character through another's eyes...

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/28/2005
Wow! This was lovely. I enjoyed the brief but powerful glimpses into the feelings that these two lovers have for one another. Very nice.

I'm reading these backwards for some reason. Please be patient with me!


Author Reply: Thanks, Karen! "Brief but powerful" -- that means a lot to me!

Um, I'm a very generous person -- you may read these in whichever order you choose! ;-D (I'm answering these reviews one chapter at a time, instead of in order, just so I can keep straight which review pertains to which drabble -- I get confused otherwise!)

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/28/2005
Very nice! The reunion of G and C is something indeed I (and I think many others) love to contemplate. Again, I'm amazed at how much powerful emotion you capture in 100 words. I'm teary again.

Author Reply: Thank you, Elliska! I really tried hard to use words with a powerful emotional impact; glad it worked. And tears - wow! What a compliment!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/28/2005
'glacial magnificence of towering Taniquetil; but I alone glimpse Orodruin's perilous fires concealed beneath'

Wow. I love it! Celeborn and Galadriel as I like to see them - fire beneath cool dignity and control. To be savoured and re-read many times!

Author Reply: Thank you, Bodkin! You know, I never understood how much was hidden under Galadriel's serenity until I looked at her through Celeborn's eyes -- it was an amazing experience!

"Savoured and re-read many times"... Oh, thank you so much for that, Bodkin!

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