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The Choice of Healing  by Larner 3 Review(s)
InklingReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/22/2005
He was home, and yet, at the same time it was as if this had nothing to do with him at all.
This has the painful ring of truth to it…how awful it would be to have your home destroyed and then completely reconstructed…the same, and yet not. Especially if the old one held the memories of generations of family…

“…and somehow or other we are assured the four of them all had a part in it all.”
Oh Will! Other than that he did pretty well.

I’m glad Frodo got his coin back…

Author Reply: Yes, Bag End is the same and not the same at the same time; but then Frodo is not the same, either, and at a level probably feels somewhat disconnected from the whole thing, as if it were another Frodo Baggins for whom the hole was restored, as, in a distinct manner, is true.

As for Will, I don't think he or the average adult Hobbit ever truly wrapped their minds around what they were told happened "out there."

Glad you are still keeping up.

ArielReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/5/2005
I just read through to the end of this chapter and now I see I have two more to read! What a delight!

I have to thank you for writing a tale that is just plain GOOD - highly readable, canon true, believable and touching. A story I can just read and enjoy myself without typos, farfetched characterizations, canon errors or any of the 'weirdness' you can find in so many fanfics. I mean, there are times when I don't mind 'out there' stuff, but my favorite fics are the ones that stay true to canon, that make me feel like 'this could have been a chapter of the story'. It is so refreshing to find this, I can't even begin to tell you! And now I have new chapters to read! Thank you!

Author Reply: It ia reassuring to be told you find this consistent with the characters and story as we already know it, and that you feel they are chapters that might have been. Thank you for the feedback.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/4/2005
It's heartbreaking to hear Frodo refer to himself as "a wandering soul" -- but it's such an accurate description.

Author Reply: Yes, I agree.

I'd read several books and stories set in the aftermath of WWI before I first read LOTR, and in all of them the protagonists were suffering from some level of shell shock; the first time I read LOTR I recognized the symptoms in Frodo immediately, in spite of being only 13-14 at the time. Such characters usually felt displaced, and often as if they were only partway home again, if they hadn't lost almost completely their appreciation of the lives they left behind when they left to join the fighting; and I suspected this would be one of the feelings Frodo would have--the feeling of being a wanderer and visitor in his own land.

Thanks for the review.

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