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The Road to Edoras  by Dreamflower 12 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/11/2005
This wee adventure with the farmer is going to be very interesting! The whole scene you described of Adrahil and Danulf meeting the farmer's family...I felt like an invisible third party standing with them and watching the reactions to the introductions. Marvelous detail--that whole bit was beautiful!

I see Cado is finally coming to his senses!;-) A bit too late, however, seeing the predicament he's in. Clovis...well, if he and Bracegirdle get away with their escape, then I have suspicions that he'll (both) become orc fodder at some point. I am following this plot closely...

As usual, excellent chapter, brilliant writing! Thank you for sharing!


Author Reply: Well, I have to admit, originally I didn't intend for that farmer's family to have such a large role, but then I made a mistake and gave them names...suddenly they kind of took over, LOL! I'm rather enjoying seeing where they're going myself, and they may play more of a part yet.

Well, as I said Cado's fate is up in the air. But I do know what will happen to the other two, as soon as I can figure out one wee little problem with them escaping.

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/9/2005
Yay! A new chapter! :D They are really closing in on the civilized parts of Rohan now. I can't wait to see what happens when they reach Edoras and then Gondor. :D

Author Reply: Well, they will get to Edoras perhaps a bit sooner than I thought they would, but there is still a good deal of territory to cover, and then there is the judgment before Eomer.

Gondor...well, that's going to be a story in itself.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/8/2005
Ah – nice to see this again!

Bergil is truly a sweet lad. Somehow I am glad Freddy gave him the flute – Bergil will honour this gift, and probably even more now he knows it once belonged to Frodo.

Adrahil and Danulf have obviously found the right people who knows a lot about the Ring War. Now they surely have no problems to replenish their supplies.

As for the traitors, Cado seems to have a bit sense left – he sees the consequences of a try to escape quite clear. Now you have me very curious, if they, or at least Clovis and Dago, truly try to flee!

Author Reply: Yes, he would have appreciated and honored it anyway, knowing it had belonged to Freddy's friend Folco, but knowing that it had also been the Ringbearer's is probably more than he ever dreamed of.

We will soon learn why they know so much of the War, and will see how the Men will get resupplied.

We'll just have to see what Clovis and Dago get up to--I'm stuck slightly on a matter of logistics, but hope to see my way clear in a day or so.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/8/2005
At last! I've been waiting impatiently for an update of this story.
So many lovely things to think about - I loved Bergil's awe when he realised the flute had once belonged to the Ring-bearer. Bless the boy! How sweet of Freddy to give it to him and to be so concerned about him.

I really hope Cado continues to use his brain. He won't betray his brother but he isn't going to help him either. If his father only has the sense to do the same then there is hope for them. Clovis is a waste of space and the Bracegirdle just lives down to all our expectations.

Interesting to see the family at the farm, and to learn their stories. The War of the Ring was no respecter of persons and no-one escaped unscathed. They sound friendly and keen to help, and are obviously full of admiration for hobbits.

Great to see this - can't wait for more.

Author Reply: Freddy giving Bergil the flute was something I had been planning ever since I first brought both of them into "A New Reckoning", so I was very glad to finally get it done! Bergil, of course, is very much in awe of the Ringbearer.

I'm beginning to see my way clear with the prisoners. I still have several alternatives for their fates, but things are starting to fall together for me.

We will learn more of the family in the next chapter. And anyone who participated in the War of the Ring is going to be filled with admiration and gratitude to the hobbits!

I'm hoping to get back to a pre-Katrina schedule of two to three updates a week if all goes well.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/8/2005
Bergil is good for Freddy. He gives him someone he wants to shield, I think.

The farm family is interesting - quite a mix there - but nice people. It's always good to have new introductions! And it would seem as if it's a good thing for the family to be absorbed into the care of the kings. Via their men.

But I most liked, I think, Cado showing signs of brains and independence. I hope he maintains it. His father - I don't know if he has the intelligence to string together two thoughts, but I would like to see Cado break away from the brother from Mordor and the slimy Bracegirdle and develop a bit of personality of his own. And not just from self-interest, but because he has actually, at long last, learned something.

More. Please.

Author Reply: Yes, Freddy does feel a bit protective of the child; he's really made a friend with him, as well.

The farm family's been in the back of my head for a little while; I just hope that their story will sound credible when I explain it.

Cado's always had some brains, but independence is something else again. Clodio was not exactly stupid, mostly ignorant of the true state of things, and greedy. But he is too sunk in depression right now to be stringing coherent thoughts together.

If Cado does break away, it may very well be from self-interest, but only time will tell if it turns into anything else.

More soon. I'm hoping to get back to two to three updates a week now.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/8/2005
To lose a leg or legs in order to save your life is totally traumatic but, as I have seen in my own Mum, often brings out a strength of character that has been hidden til that moment. Looking forward to hearing this family's story.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/7/2005
It was so good to see more of this one. I love Freddy's relationship with Bergil. I also thought that Bergil's reaction to the flute once he knew that it had belonged to Frodo was perfect. He was so proud to have it and a bit in awe but not so much in awe that he was unable to play it!
I never thought I'd say this but Cado actually seems to have figured things out a bit and learned from his past mistakes. Maybe, like Opal, there is a bit of hope for him. Maybe?
It's all very interesting and entertaining and well, I am going to need to read more of it "as soon as maybe", as some might say. LOL

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/7/2005
How wonderful to see Rohirrim and apparently Gondorians as members of the family in this empty area, and so willing to aid those who need it. And glad at least one of the prisoners is willing to be reasonable, realistic, and practicing forethought before allowing himself to again be swept into potentially dangerous schemes.

Author Reply: Yes, it's been an empty area for a long time. The High King is only too happy to have it settled.

Well,Cado has been observant on this journey, and he does have a bit more sense than his brother. We shall have to see how it yet plays out for him.

MarigoldReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/7/2005
I am so glad to read this! And this "Inside, they saw there a long table, at which sat an elderly woman holding a drop spindle, her silver hair in a long braid over her shoulder" character with her blue eyes sounds like my Mom!

I hope that Cado can be a bit, if not totally reformed. And I am loving the new family, and the detail you have gone into to describe them!

Author Reply: *chuckle* Weeeellll *grin* your Mom may have been a wee bit of inspiration!

We'll have to see about Cado. I have about three different fates in mind for him, and have yet to decide which one it will be.

I kind of like this little family. I originally wasn't going to go into as much detail, but, as usual, give an OC a name, and they get really pushy, LOL!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/7/2005
I almost forgot about this story! So glad to see an update. :)

As if Bergil wasn't honored enough by the flute, now he's really going prize it above all else. Knowing that it initially belonged to Frodo, he'll treat it like a priceless relic.

Cado has some sense. Too bad he waited so long to start using it. He could have at least kept himself out of this trouble, if not talked sense into his brother and father.

Author Reply: I hadn't forgotten it! But I had so much else on my plate, storywise, that it was hard to get back to it. I'm hoping to start updating more often now.

Yes, I thought that bit of informations would really make Bergil's day!

Cado *does* have some sense. He is also, belatedly, beginning to grow a backbone. But whether it will take is another matter...

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