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Marigold  by MarigoldG 4 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/22/2006
I love your Marigold! She's so busy and obviously has a lot of responsibility, but she knows how to get things done and remain cheerful and sunshiny. I love the song, too!
God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you! I am so glad that you like Marigold, I like her too and I will be putting her in another drabble set soon. In my universe her mother died young, and as her elder sisters married and left home Marigold took on more and more responsibilities. But she *is* very cheerful and sunny, and has an adventerous side too!

My friend Llinos was actually singing the song one day, and when I heard it this picture of Marigold just popped into my head.

Thanks again for reviewing!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/25/2005
This story is going up on my favoites. :-) I love your portrayal of Marigold and the innocence of a time long forgotten. Thank you for sharing this tale!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/30/2005
I love the picture you paint of Marigold! You've taken someone not much more than a name and made her into a very real and likeable character.

Author Reply: Thanks Lin! I think that Marigold had a lot of responsibility on her young shoulders, but she still managed to stay youthful and full of fun.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/25/2005
These are so vivid and sweet! I love your Marigold!
How wonderful it is to see you posting some fic of your own again!

Author Reply: Thank you! This is actually not that new, but the challenge at PippinHealers made me realise that I had some stuff out there that I had put on my own site but never posted here.

I am glad you like Marigold! I heard Llinos singing the song Marigold sings one day, and the idea just popped into my head and I wrote this around the song. I see Marigold as being very sunny even though she is very busy and has a lot of responsibilities on her young shoulders : )

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