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A Small Favor  by TithenFeredir 10 Review(s)
SemmleyReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/25/2011
TithenFeredir, this is a great piece of writing. There is the savage joy of battle, the strength of a comrade-in-arms, the quiet warmth and comfort of compassion. That deliverance came too late was, for me, the core of a beautifully written story. Thank you for the pleasure.

Chathol-linnReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/11/2006
Hello, TithenFeredir. I have read your tales here at Stories of Arda, and I like this one the best. You did a nice job of contrasting the mortal and immortal points of view in the middle of a battle. The length was perfect. Good job! - Chathol-linn

Author Reply: Thank you for your review, Cathol-linn. Have enjoyed your stories very much and am gratified to find that you like this one! The battle was fun to write. :-D ~TF

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/13/2005
Oh bother, here I am in the midst of writing a battle, then I go and read this jewel-like little story. Did you have to be so good?

"The man was comforted, his courage bolstered against the fear, and soon a strange, expectant calm settled over him. He looked into the warrior’s face as he would never have done in his life. That young face, somehow also ancient and alien, was now tinged with sorrow…for him."

The whole reflection on the release of the man and the sorrow of the elf as he had to endure was most touching. How wonderful to find another great writer.

Author Reply: Wow, such kind words! Thank you for the review, Rose. This dittie actually began with a pet idea of mine that elves are sometimes drawn to men. The rest came with the writing. I'm happy that you liked it. So you are writing a battle? Action is a unique challenge isn't it? I'll be watching for you treatment of it. ~TF

Author Reply: *Your* treatment of it. (whoops)

HalethReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/6/2005
This is a beautiful story.

It really gets across the confusion of battle and the dogged determination of a soldier who knows he is done for, yet who continues to fight anyway.

It is very refreshing to read a story where a Man pities an Elf for his fate (to continue for the lifespan of Arda). Most authors view Elvish immortality as a thing to be coveted. Very few deal with the burden immorality places upon the Elves themselves; to be forced to watch the thing they love most (Arda) slowly decay around them while being powerless to stop it. It's wonderful that this burden is recognized by a dying man.

So the question now is...when are you going to write more of these?


Author Reply: Thank you, Haleth. It was fun writing action. I'd like to do more. Yes, the fate of the elves is such a mixed blessing. I think standing on the threshold of death, as the soldier was, must completely change one's perspective on everything. In a way the soldier has been elevated to a higher place, being now a bit beyond the temporal.

Re: more ditties...they are fermenting. I'm flattered that you ask. :-) ~TF

LiannaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/1/2005
I don't know how I missed this when you first posted it. After reading the first piece you posted here -- the one about Thranduil -- I was looking forward to more.

I think this was very well written. I could really understand what both the soldier and the Elven warrior were feeling. I didn't pick up on the fact that it was the Battle of the Five Armies, though. I thought this happened at the Black Gate, and that the warrior was Elladan or Elrohir. Or perhaps Legolas of the books, who could certainly have dark hair, even if his movie counterpart doesn't.

Author Reply: Thank you for reviewing, Lianna. To me a late review is a bonus. :-D

Considering the comments of all the reviewers I've come to think that the reader can interpret the setting and the identity of the elf in any way he/she chooses. I had a few "points" in mind when I wrote this thing. One was that any elf, but most especially one in the midst of a fight, would seem pretty awesome to an average person. I also wanted to reverse that when the man is in the somewhat detached perspective of one who knows he's dying, to have him pity the elf for having to go on and on. The other thing I was toying with was the notion that elves are a bit drawn to men. Hence this elf's coming to the rescue of a rather unimportant stranger more or less out of the blue, and his being upset when the man dies.

I'm glad you liked the tale. ~TF

grumpyReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/25/2005
A very good story, and very well written. You managed to put me right there in the battle. Don't know who the soldier, or the warrior are, but you brought them to life, well actually one to his death.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, grumpy. I'm glad you liked it. The warrior is an anonymous Mirkwood elf and the soldier is also anonymous, just a foot soldier. They are at the Battle of the Five Armies. ~TF

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/22/2005
This story is very moving and beautifully written. I particularly like the part where the soldier was surrounded by goblins and realized that he would not come out of this alive. And I liked that the pain he registered most was the pain that jolted his knees as he fell.

I don't know who the elf was...maybe just a random one...but you portrayed him so well.

Very nice. I truly enjoyed stepping into this battle with you. Thanks for posting this.


Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Karen. I appreciate your comments about the parts you liked. The elf is just a fighter from Mirkwood. I'm really happy that you enjoyed him. ~TF

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/22/2005
So intense, so powerfully described -- this vignette has a grim, moving beauty of its own.

Your characters may be unnamed, but their valor and honor are not unrewarded.

Thank you for sharing this. Please continue to write "little ditties," as you call them.

Author Reply: Mum's the Word, wow, you went and read the bio? Thanks for seeing the characters as I did, as well as for your encouraging words. ~TF

DAYNAReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/22/2005
wow. that was powerful and moving, and very very well written. I don't know if it was the intent, but I saw Elrond with that soldier. What a unique insight into the horrors of battle.

Author Reply: Thanks, DAYNA, for your review. The elf and foot soldier are two anonymous fighters at the Battle of the Five Armies. My elf really wasn't a lord; he just looked that way to the soldier. Thanks for your nice comments! ~TF

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/22/2005
So thoughtful and sad. Very, very well done.

Imrahoil (who has regrettably no time for a proper review)

Author Reply: Thanks, Imrahoil. I appreciate your comments and I'm glad you liked the tale. TF

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