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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 4 Review(s)
Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 22 on 5/17/2008
I wonder if Elvensmiths *are* clever enough to make a child-proof device; I’ve never known one that works.
Not allowed to interrogate! Hmph. I share Galadriel’s disappointment. I would really like to know why Hrassa left.
Ha, Secret Pass! No, I do not think it would be at all fun to move an army through Moria, even in its glory days. Sounds like an obstacle course, perhaps funny for the Dwarves to watch. But surely nothing beyond Celebrian’s enchantment is needed to keep the bowman…

Rhiss is wonderful; I hope he shows up again. Also Celeborn’s handling of the situation was fun, being strung with crude male jokes and Galadriel’s glee.
Thanks for the entertainment so far. As I said, I like how you make oh-so-aloft Elves approachable.
I am supposing the wisest thing to do is to start at the bottom of the page to read the rest of your stories?
-Kitt : )

Author Reply:
lol, there is one. A well-driven nail. Not much can be opened after that. ;)
Well, there were a few little clues earlier...
I really think that the Pass was - for most of time - known to none but the Elves of Lothlorien and Rivendell. After all, they are the only ones that would have need of it. *g* Hrassa does see more than susceptible.

Rhiss will. Galadriel does seem the sort that would enjoy both great and simple things.
I am very happy that you were entertained by this story so far. I do see elves as different from humans in many ways. However, not as ethereal beings per se. That aspect I would reserve for the Ainur.
If you are inclined to read more, I would say read in the order written, from the bottom up. As with this story, you will see how my writing style has changed and not changed for the better while I tried a few different things.

And please, if you read more, read entirely at your leisure for your own pleasure (hopefully you will enjoy some of it). For I am not swift at posting, and you will catch up very quickly.

Thank you so very much for reading this entire story and reviewing as often as you did. It was much appreciated and quite unexpected - and certainly a pleasure for me to read your comments!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 22 on 4/30/2008

Thre are many itnersting details in the world that you have constructed around the Lord and the Lady, and the fact that they were childless for so long because Galadriel would miscarry struck me as very fitting. And I was reminded of this painful situation in this chapter, seeing Celeborn being so fatherly with the poor squire. That must be a very endearing moment for the lady, I suppose, seeing the good father that her lord is.

The whole vignette was delightful:from your delicious description of the page ( it made me think of my eldest nephew, who is eleven now...and I fear to think how tall he may have grown when I see him this summer) to their mind argument and pondering ofall optinos, to Celeborn´s professorial attitude...and his meticulous keeping of all fomralities. It is true that Galadriel holds true power and deep in her status, I so agree with you, and I also like how well matched they are, and how they play the game as a well cooridinated team. YOu are showing here a marriage that is also, a shared enterprise, and I love this more and more the more i reflect about that. THey may disagree in certain points but it seems that they are sure of each other and their ultimate goals, and that is hat makes them storng.

A delightful chapter, but also a very deep one. I was reflecting the other day how you have managed all hrough this tale to highlight the intricacies of power and politics, and the subtleties of personal relationships and job ones in a very engaging tale, without a bad guy, without catstrophic events, without cliffs... I would love to se how Hrassa receives this test...and to know whether he identifies him as one or not.

Author Reply: And happy that is so!

Well, Galadriel does know what kind of father he was with Nimloth and Malgalad and is with Celebrian, and she probably likes this aspect of him very much. Although, also probably never tell him that. :) In my mind, Galadriel was not that involved with child-rearing until she thought to have a family of her own. Then, she found being surround by her friends and their babes, without having one of her own, very saddening. So much so, she somewhat distanced herself from children. And then, Celeborn brings poor baby Malgalad home to be like their own... *sigh* another story that's waiting to be told...

I am glad you found this scene entertaining and reminiscent. Yes, they are a partnership! And respectful, I think, of their different, and sometimes difficult, responsibilities in making things work for their own and everyone else's benefit.

"Without a bad guy, without catastrophic events, without cliffs..." Gosh, those things are all there. Just off-stage or referenced. *sheesh* I guess this is nothing more than a lively discussion. But the, besides introducing Hrassa, expounding my take on Lindarin history was one of my goals. I do intend for Rhiss to catch up to Hrassa and deliver Galadriel's invitation. But, how long it takes the bowman to realize the page harbors an erroneous idea about him remains to be seen. ;)

Thank you very much for the review. They are always anticipated and appreciated!

autumn fallaiseReviewed Chapter: 22 on 4/22/2008

My name is autumnfallaise, and I started reading fanfiction about a year ago. Unfortunately I'm not good at writing stories so I restrict myself to reading.

This story is really good! Celebrian is sooo cute! I also like how you wove politics into the story - it made me think a lot. I especially like Celeborn adn Galadriel together in private - they are so funny.

I really want to know what happens at the dance! And at breakfast too. :)

I really enjoyed 'Nadhemmen' too.


Author Reply: Hey! and Hello to you, autumnfallaise!

Please believe me when I say, a reader who reviews is beloved and worth their weight in mithril! And I too started off as only a reader, but imho you learn what is best about writing by reading. So, do not be bashful about trying your own hand at telling a story. You just might surprise yourself. :D

I am very glad you like this story. Thank you! We do mean to entertain. Hopefully, you will enjoy what does happen next. However, long it takes me to post...

I am glad you enjoyed that other story too! You may or may not have noticed that the tales with quoted summaries are those that Hrassa tells, and they all have an epilogue with Celebrian. If Celeborn and Galadriel are who interest you, try "Oak and Willow" by Marnie. Or her "Battle of the Golden Wood". Her stories are excellent and the writing outstanding. I also strongly recommend Bejai and Bodkin's stories, if you have not already discovered them. ;)

Once again, thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 22 on 4/21/2008
The ability to hold secret converse must be very handy! If a bit distracting - although I daresay that C&G have managed to master doing several things simultaneously. Rhiss the page is very sweet - and I'm not against Galadriel's desire to exact a penalty from her husband for incorporating the child into his wiles. Although I have little doubt that his retaliation will be equally apt.

So they have to schedule more ... intimate moments. Takes away the spontaneity, but I daresay they are too busy weaving their web to be impulsive.

Breakfast should be fun. Although they have some hours to get through first!

Author Reply:
Tolkien says that all elves (just like some say about humans and telepathy) have the ability to speak with their thoughts. But, like singing and drawing and writing, one has to suppose the talent can vary. Training is usually more than a plus; a necessity to do it well. Woe be the long-lived elf who cannot multi-task! Boredom is his likely lot! Rhiss certainly is a cute kid. Hemay grow up to be a charming adult... Yep, Galadriel's intuition is pretty good, most of the time.

*g* Marriage counselors will often recommend a couple go out on a 'date', like they use to, as an exercise to to keep the relationship healthy. Sure, it's scheduled, but not necessarily scripted. ;D

Well, Galadriel was not going to actually invite anyone else, just let Celeborn think about it. And he did. Hmmm, the fatal hour is coming and who knows who will get through it.

Thank you very much for reviewing. It is always appreciated.

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