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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 3 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/6/2005
I am coming to the end of my roughed out chapters. And my ideas for the next phase have shifted which means a huge rewrite and slower updates. I am not quitting on it; I shall continue. You're just out of luck. ;)

Noooooooo!! Slower updates! This is not good. I want to know more about Hrassa and the politics of Ost-in-Edhil! And the Dragonlady (- I like powerful females - after all, Galadriel is one of my favourite elves) - I relish seeing the manoeuvring of all these really formidable elves.

Oh well - it can't be helped. But keep working on it - and perhaps I'll be surprised sooner rather than later.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/4/2005
This getting better and better!

I really like Celebrimbor. He's smart, has a fine sense of humour, and to me he's a true fëanorian at their best. The backstory of his friendship with Hrassa is very interseting, much as his being in confidence with the "old butler!" to the point that Celebrimbor knew that he intended to depart while Celeborn was completely unawares! That's surely an interesting story!

For a brief moment, Celebrimbor thought about introducing him to Hrassa :-) Wicked sense of humour, indeed... Celebrmibor hoped Hrassa would not be greatly changed. If nothing else, let him have kept his sense of humor! The cogndîr was able to appreciate the ironies of life and one of the very few people able to joke with Celeborn And HRassa would no doubtly be up to the challenge. Poor dwarf-lord! He should be grateful that he managed to ran away with just a fine!

But Galadriel's dragon is such a character! A formidable opponent for these scheming, playful guys! I liked how she ate up poor Aurthôn with a single bite! and got easily rid of one disturbance before continuing her hunt! Poor Celebrimbor! I fear he's ore likely to be trapped by her than to enjoy a nice evening with his friends.

The atmosphere is engaging, the palace, the lights, the music, the people crowding the different areas while these two elves pursue their own agenda across the halls is quite amusing, as well as a nice in-depth into this less than blessed court!

Author Reply:
Thanks! I am glad you think so.

Well, it would have been really wrong for Hrassa to not leave some kind of note behind or somehow let people know what happened to him. That Celebrimbor never blabbed tells a lot of his character and a lot to Hrassa.

I do try to amuse and it is nice to know that I sometimes succeed. ;) Just to be clear, Khror is not a lord, but a master craftsman. Hence, he does not possess an aristocatic personality.

Ha! Yep, she is rather a dragon lady, isn't she? I think she got Celebrimbor's number, too. He won't confront her for any reason, it seems.

An idyllic and harmonious court is no fun. Besides, I really don't think Annatar would have stuck around so long if the ground was not fertile enough for growing his plots and plans.

Thank you for your review and please, don't hate me if I continue to be slow with the updates.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/4/2005
That's one very dangerous seeming female, with a feminine touch to be wary of! Just as well she's lady-in-waiting to Galadriel, who is an even more dangerous female. But licentious games! Damaging the reputation of the Umanyar! Perhaps Hrassa is needed here.

I love the impression I'm getting of Hrassa as some powerful eminence grise almost in spite of himself - with Celebrimbor grateful to have been accepted into a tentative friendship with him. It's such a reversal of the normal image of Celebrimbor.

And watching Aurthon get Celebrimbor away from Khror - quick-thinking elf! - and dragging him into the shrubbery is such a great perspective on the evening. Although watching the two of them dash round the building evading courting couples and predatory ellyth is perhaps the most delicious element of all. I'm not sure Aurthon's not being taken for a sucker in being summoned to attend Laerlínath, but it was very amusing to watch his chain being pulled.

And don't say Celebrimbor's evening of - er - diplomacy is going to be wasted. I look forward to seeing him and Hrassa together.

I do so enjoy this story. It is so full of subtle edges and references. Excellent work.

Author Reply:
Heh! Just don't be too surprised at Hrassa's relationships with the ladies of the household.

Hrassa is a trustworthy indicator of character if you can understand his Nandorin as do most Umanyar, I think. I'm glad you appreciate my approach to Celebrimbor. Too bad things later turn out as they do.

Glad to entertain in any small way. ;D But, please don't be like Celebrimbor and expect only bad things from Elrovail. Even dragon ladies have real feelings.

I do not think they will catchup to each other next chapter, but they will eventually. Hrassa will try to make the rounds with all his old aquaintences.

Thank you very much for saying that! But, I am coming to the end of my roughed out chapters. And my ideas for the next phase have shifted which means a huge rewrite and slower updates. I am not quitting on it; I shall continue. You're just out of luck. ;)

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