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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 2 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005
Here I am, at last!
I love the description of the market, first, and the atmosphere in the city later on. You are very good at details of day to day life as well as building a believable background. I can see perefectly how the city went out of Celembrimbor hands in a moment. I agree taht he would be mainly interested in his craft and less worried by ( or apt for)ruling, and the discovery of that mother lode of Mithril was not an easy event to manage. I, too, like how you portray the subsequent chaos. It very much looks like the gold fever at the beginning of the xxth century! :-) and how the LOrd and the lady came to solve the problem. It is uncommon to read of Celebrimbor thinking of Celeborn and galadriel as "old friends" though, I don't think there was never cause for them to be such, Celebrimbor being, above all, a Feanorian... but I take it as part of the story, I don't find it disturbing at all....
btw, this Celebrķan is so cute!;-)

Author Reply:
Kind perelleth, I apologize the the late responses, but you know about the RL stuff. Thank you again for those much needed Hugs.

Thanks much, and I did have a 'gold rush' in mind writing parts of this.

In regards to C&G being friends with Celebrimbor...
Well, he has more reason to be a friend then not to be. There are only two factors to consider, he is Feanorian (as you pointed out) and he expresses a bit of jealously that Galadriel chose Celeborn over him. In the varying snippits in UT and Silm, he severes his ties to his family at Nargothrond and stays with Finarfin's kin. He probably lived there after Gondolin and before that defining incident. He would have met Celeborn when he was there visiting his lady, in-laws, or otherwise conducting business with Finrod. His pining for the Lady can be taken as courtly rather than passionate since he met her long before Celeborn and she still did not consider him for a husband. Not marrying does not seem any indication that he was fixed on her, considering the other characters that apparently also end up alone. Also, in one version, he is included in C&G's following and not on his own. Yes, he is seduced by Sauron until it gets down to the same moral fortitude he showed with his own father. Like Boromir, he will not be entirely lost to his obssessions, but be ultimatly faithful to his noble nature and redeemed. The very sort of person C&G would respect and, with persojnal observation of his own family to compare to that of other's, he would know exactly why Galadriel left everything behind and probably agreed with her.

Yeah, I guess you might say that Celebrian is cute... at least, most of the time. ;)

Thanks much for reading and reviewing.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2005
This is intriguing. And although Glamien's reaction to someone looking at Celebrian seems a bit extreme, in the situation of lawlessness and violence you have set up, it is very understandable.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Author Reply: You are right. The idea of lawlessness and violence among elves is rather daunting. But, this is the Second Age, not the First or Third. Eregion is neither Aman nor a homogenous eleven kingdom. The Valar have totally withdraw and no more benevolant Maiar are visiting Ennor. They have been freed of the Dark Lord and (I think) cannot conceive of another arising. In this colony, there is no tried or even true ruler watching over his people as they settle here. So, Celebrimbor arrived on a frontier 'wilder' than what Oropher or Amdir ever encountered. I always considered how Annatar was able to just come in and take up residence an indicator that the government was very different in Ost-in-Edil than in Lindon.

Thank you very much for the review! This story may not be full of action-adventure or romance, but I am hoping that some readers might find it a little thought-provoking.

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