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Good Enough  by The Karenator 14 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/19/2005
Short note on Thranduil's Lethal Control - the way you wrote him reminded me of a big, angry lion prowling in a circle around his prey, tail lashing back and forth, teeth bared, eyes narrowed...right before he POUNCES! Only you managed to restrain him! *bows before THE Karenator*


Author Reply: LOL! I love this description of Thranduil. He is a big, powerful, 'blonde' lion. He's so nice to look at that he's deceptive! Like a beautiful lion that's too far away to swat you. I'm so relieved that the king came across this way. He was circling Calith like the slug was his prey. I guess Calith was dessert after feasting on the village leaders! :>)

Thanks so much for this note. You've made my day!


lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/18/2005
Well, I was reading through the reviews for Elenna's chapter, snickering at the snort of vodka (and your reply) when I suddenly realized I hadn't reviewed it yet! *smacks head* And this was a really cool chapter, too. Perhaps I was waiting for the vodka...then, again, maybe not - you don't know what one drink does to me. This really wouldn't make sense then! :-0

Very good chapter, Karen. You succeeded in making me actually feel a little compassion for Elenna...and you showed the girl wasn't a complete coward (she really SHOULD have told Aldamir earlier!). Anyone who can tell this wild story about freaky breeding of deadly spiders to the King, right after he has watched his beloved youngest suffer so from the bite of one of said spiders has got to have some courage! It's a shame she allowed her temper to prevent the truth from coming out the night before.

I'm glad she finally came to her senses after that sense-less argument with Aldamir. And the way you showed her kicking and throwing everything around the next morning was great...that was one ticked off elleth. Of course, if I had just sent a gorgeous elven Prince on his way, only to find out later I had been out and out lied to about him...well, I guess I'd be throwing things, too, and probably not just nightgowns! LOL

The long, anguished talk with Seregon was very well done (and I found myself really appreciating Seregon more and more for his understanding, compassionate attitude). The confrontation with the King was outstanding - he is SOOOOO scary in full temper, isn't he? *shivers dramatically*

I felt even sorrier for the poor elleth as she thinks her chance with Aldamir is completely over, she's lost her life-long friend (who turned out not to be a friend at all) and she had to betray her Adar and get him in trouble. Some days it just doesn't pay to get up in the morning!

Calith - what a piece of work! I'm sure he'll be just like the proverbial bad penny and keep showing up until Tree falls on him, or something! ;-)

Great chapter! I hope the next comes soon before poor Elenna leaves with her Adar (course, he has to wait for the Thranduil Escort Service!)


Author Reply: No vodka? Well, let's see...maybe a nice Shirley Temple for you then.

I'm glad you felt a little sympathy for the poor elleth. We all do really dumb things from time to time and this was her time. She made a mistake in where she placed her trust. Too much stuff was going on. She was trying to do as her father asked, trying to sort out her feelings about this surprise romance and then trying to deal with a kick in the teeth when Calith told her that Aldamir was the Don Juan of Mirkwood. To put the cherry on top, Legolas was bitten and she was eaten up with guilt. What's an elleth to do? She made some bad decisions. But I'll give it to her too that she found her courage and did what the old geezers from the villages should have done to start with. I would have had a hard time snitching on my father too, especially if he had told me specifically that he didn't want me involved. Telling the king about the spiders was very hard for her to do.

And the fight with Aldamir. When she got a little distance from the emotions of the moment, she realized that she had screwed up worse than Martha Stewart. Yep, she was ready to knock some heads. I'm sorry Calith wasn't around that morning; he would have been good for target practice.

Seregon was a little wary at first, but he quickly saw how hard coming forward was for Elenna. He did his best to make the experience as painless as possible...though it was still pretty painful for her.

I like Thranduil when he's in full ruler mode, but I think it's hard to write. I can see him and hear him, but getting it translate into written word is a little harder...for me, anyway. I'm glad he came across as scary. I was aiming for something like a lethal control.

Calith is such a jerk! Who knows what the slug will do next? But I have the feeling that he won't just go away.

I'm working on getting the next chapter ready. Soon, I hope.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. You always brighten my day!


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/16/2005
I really liked this chapter, Karen. I liked hearing from Elenna and I thought what you did drew several threads of your story together.

In my opinion, Seregon was right when he said that those who bred the spiders were going to find Thranduil much scarier than the spiders! Go, Woodland King! And Seregon's reluctance to be the one to tell the king might have as much to do with not wanting to be in the room when Thranduil goes ballistic as it does with not wanting to tell tales on Elenna.

Seregon is actually really bold to ask her about her love affairs. He must really be worried about Aldamir.

You did a nice job of showing Elenna's fear as Seregon takes her to see Thranduil. I'd be shaking in my shoes too. And yet terrible as that was, I think it would be worse to be in the room while Thranduil goes after the village leaders because of what she told him. It was very kind of the king to let her be elsewhere, and yet she (and we) still get to see it. And even then, poor Elenna. The scene with Calith was awful. And I'd say he doesn't seem to have learned his lesson. He's trouble still waiting to happen.

And finally, I'd like to explain how I know about spider breeding, lest I sound kind of -- well -- strange. I looked it up in Wikipedia, which turned out to be full of some rather appalling information about the mating habits of spiders.

Author Reply: Welcome home! We missed you!

I'm pleased that you enjoyed Elenna's POV. I don't know that I would have tackled her if you hadn't encouraged me to do so.

Thranduil in full king mode would be a bit frightening, I think. He was not happy. I agree that Seregon didn't look forward to being in the same room as the king when he finally got his hands on the villagers. And I think he was also sorry that Elenna's part in all this was just going to make things harder for her and Aldamir. It was just a crappy situation all the way around. But he had no choice in the matter; he had to tell the king.

Seregon was bold to ask Elenna about her personal life, but I think he was just so floored by everything that had happened that he needed some understanding about why things happened the way they did. He, after all, had encouraged Aldamir. Seregon had truly believed that Elenna loved Aldamir. And you're right about his concern for Aldamir.

As brave as Elenna was trying to be, she understood that there were going to be some serious repercussions for what the villagers had done and for no one coming forward...including herself. Thranduil, fortunately, was wise enough to place the blame where it belonged. He wanted the villagers to come clean without Elenna having to be brought in to testify against her own father. When Calith was hauled up before the king, Elenna nearly fainted. She didn't think things could get any worse, but of course, they always can. Calith is a worm and he did his best to save his own rear, but the king's not dumb and Calith's excuses were pathetic. Calith has spent more years than the average human's lifetime trying to snag Elenna. He's most angry that everything has gone to pot. He'd be happily betrothed to Elenna if Aldamir hadn't come along.

Shoot, daw, I didn't go into the Wikipedia stuff because I thought you were just all-round smarter than the average bear. :>) I didn't think you sounded strange at all, merely well informed and educated. And yes, the mating habits of spiders were appalling. You'll note that I skipped most of that information.

Thanks so much for all your help on this chapter and for just being you.


meckinockReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/15/2005
I wonder if a little vodka would help my reviews. Might be worth a try. Too bad I don't have any! This story did have a very satisfying Perry Mason finale to it, for one that didn't start out as a mystery! And poor Elenna wouldn't be the first person to hopelessly screw up the best thing that ever happened to her. Calith is a manipulative SOB. I just hope Aldamir gives her a second chance. Seregon will try to convince him to, I'm sure! I really liked Elenna's view of Seregon. It's always kind of interesting to take a character that we know very well and see him through new eyes. Not that it mattered through whose eyes we were seeing Thranduil - he of the great throbbing vein would be just as terrifying. Except to Calith, of course. Who, like most psychopaths refuses to acknowledge when he's been bested. I am intrigued by the Aldamir-Elenna situation. How much healing can they accomplish without a long cooling-off period?

Author Reply: I think a snort of vodka should be required before reading anything I've written. :>) Good thing you don't have any on hand or we might have to send in the 'Rescue Rangers'.

Perry Mason, huh? I suppose the scribe could be Della Street and Paul is played by Seregon. Oh dang it! You woke up Chandler's dog.

Elenna did screw up everything and feels pretty darn bad about it. She and Aldamir will have to work this out one way or another. She's still in the main village, so maybe this will be his chance to track her as Seregon suggested back in one of the earlier chapters.

I'm glad you liked Elenna's view of Seregon. It was interesting to me to see him without Aldamir. We've seen very little of him interacting with anyone other than Aldamir...and Tree. And he could see how much Elenna was hurting and how much courage it took for her to come forward.

Yes, King Throbbing-vein was most upset. He got on a roll and cleaned house while he was at it. Calith is dumber than a load of warg do. He should have known better than to show his face anywhere near the king. Even caught red-handed, he still tried to wiggle out of it. It's in the psychopath rule book: Blame the guy who is not there to defend himself.

I think the love entanglements will need a little distance for a while. Like Thranduil told Aldamir way back when, if it is meant to be, then the relationship will survive the time needed to see if it will fly.

Thanks for all your help and for taking the time to review. You're a good egg!


KarriReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/14/2005
Oh, Thranduil is just brilliant in this chapter. :-D I worry about what Calith might do, though. :-/

Author Reply: LOL! The king takes a bow. Thranduil was pretty ticked off by the time the villagers were hauled into court. And he was just amazed at the stupidity of everyone involved. Calith was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But since the opportunity presented itself to the king, he took advantage of it. Calith is a sly rat. Who knows what he'll do next? But he's got Tree breathing down his neck at the moment. That should hold him in check for a while anyway.

Thanks, Karri!


French PonyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/13/2005
A new perspective! Suddenly, the plot twists, and much is revealed!

A genetic experiment gone wrong and then escaped? An Elvish Frankenstein? How interesting. I'll have to think about this one for a bit. On the one hand, there's something very 1950s B-movie-ish about the whole situation (there are bits where you can just hear the theremin in the background). On the other hand, you do explain it very well, how the Elves got the idea to do a little genetic tinkering, and how they kept going just a little farther until it was suddenly too far. I think I'll wait until after the effects of all the vodka and Tabasco I had with dinner wear off and then think about the implications of this some more.

“The fools!” he spat out. “What manner of Elf would be so mad as to tamper with nature?”


Oh, do pardon me. I seem to have caught a touch of the Mirkwood two-step. I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days, thank you.

Elenna did the right thing in talking to Seregon. Of all the riled-up young males who've been running around this story so far, Seregon has been the calmest and most rational. I think it was good practice for her to tell her story about herself and Calith to Seregon, kind of get a trial run and some feedback before she tells it to Aldamir. And Seregon has a very reassuring way about him, even when he's in Take Charge mode.

Thranduil, of course, has gone from zero to Smackdown. He gives no quarter, but he's still clever and calculating, for which I'm sure we are all eternally grateful. See if the Elves ever try to breed anything ever again. Thranduil was impressive, yes he was.

Author Reply: LOL! An Elvish Frankenstein! The orcs might be more Shelley than the spiders, but they are running a close second. I had to look up what a theremin is, but I have to say that I agree with you; it would be an appropriate sound track. In a dark cave somewhere in the western woods of Mirkwood, bubbling beakers and sizzling currents cut the dank air.... Oh, I love it! B-horror films!

I'm glad you found my 'experiment' well explained. The villagers meant well, but like you said, they just didn't know when to quit. The spiders they were breeding weren't able to reproduce consistently, so they just kept adding more and more of the black spiders' to the mix and wah-lah...oops! They ended up with more than they bargained for. Vodka and Tabasco, huh? I think that this combination might actually help the reading of my stories. LOL! Sounds like you had a fun evening indeed! I'm just sorry that I missed it.

Fëanor? Oh, don't be silly! Thranduil doesn't even think about those Noldo upstarts! :>) But I'm sure the king would have thought that Fëanor and his sons served as a terrible warning...and his villagers didn't heed this obvious warning when they got into their laboratory. I hear that theremin again!

Seregon is the calmest guy in the joint at the moment. He doesn't have the emotional investment that Aldamir has and therefore, could really hear what Elenna was saying. Running the story by him first was a good practice run and Seregon was understanding and supportive. He can see that Elenna and Aldamir care deeply for one another. He's got the most objective view in the palace. Even though he knew the ramifications of what Elenna was telling him about the spiders, he could also see how frightened she was. He came through to help her do what she needed to do.

The king was in good form. He was angry and really didn't care much one way or the other what everyone's excuses were. As far as he could see, the villagers should have had better sense and Calith was not worth the time of day. The lot of them were fortunate that he didn't send them all to the nice locked room in the lower caverns.

Thanks, French Pony! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and review.


DotReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/13/2005
First off, because I forget every time I review, I just wanted to thank you for your review replies. I’m amazed at how much thought you put into them. They must take you so long. I’d never want you to think that I, or anyone else, expect you to go to so much trouble, but I just love hearing from you too – so, thanks :-)

So, it’s Elenna’s turn, eh? Was that your attempt to make us forgive her for hurting poor Aldamir? O.k., it worked…

I loved this right from the opening sentence! Now there’s a girl in a mood! I was a bit puzzled by her dreams about spiders until I suddenly realised that maybe she knew something about those red-banded ones… and nearly fell off my seat in excitement…

Aaaaw, she still has the flower! Wasn’t there one for forgiveness? White maybe? Anyway, she needs to go pick one of those and deliver it to a certain troop commander quick smart. I really have to admire her, though, for finally summoning up the courage and doing what was right, even though it must have been so difficult for her.

“I am afraid he will not be back until tomorrow or possibly even the day after. He is in the field.” What? Is that elf ever at home when you want him?? Yay that she went to Seregon! I was so afraid that she’d back out at that stage. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I really like Seregon…;-) I’m guessing the last thing he expected to hear from her was that she knew where the red-banded spiders came from! And wow, what a tale she had to tell! I just knew there was more to the spider story and to the whole thing about Sordien having a secret. I even suspected the elves in the village could be involved. But then when nothing happened when the warriors were sent to get rid of them, I dismissed the idea. I’d never have guessed all this, though. This Calendon sounds like a bit of a mad scientist. You (and apparently daw and meckinock) know waaaay too much about spider-breeding… Yuck.

Bravo for Seregon being able to set his temper aside and see how difficult this is for Elenna, as well as letting her know that there’s still a chance that she can fix things with Aldamir. He seems genuinely curious about how she could give herself to Calith. And it sounds like she’s thought it all through since the yelling match with Aldamir.

“Thranduil wore a mithril crown interwoven with summer greenery and a scattering of tiny golden flowers. The deep green and brown of his silken formal robes seemed to proclaim his strength as surely as did the cool eyes that he settled upon us when we approached.” What a wonderful description! Mmmm. That image is definitely being filed away in my brain to be pulled out when I’m safely tucked in my bed tonight.

Thranduil must have been horrified to hear what they were doing. I loved the elfy reaction, though, of disgust at the thought of “tampering with nature”. He was wonderfully angry when dealing with Calendon. I wonder if he would have been as outraged if Legolas had not suffered as a result of their actions. I guess he would, though. They still endangered people’s lives. I actually don’t know what to make of Calendon. He seemed to accept Thranduil’s judgement calmly enough. I felt worse for Sordien. I mean, I was glad for him that it was out in the open because it sounds like that’s all he wanted, but my heart went out to him when Thranduil spoke of the suffering of children because of their silence just as much as what they did.

Did Calith just turn up in the Hall? Ouch. That was a mistake. I get the impression the king had decided not to say anything to him, but now he’s presented the opportunity himself. The fool kept digging himself in deeper and deeper. Blaming nameless warriors is so not the way to go. I thought Thranduil was actually quite lenient with him! If the “subtle tone of anger in Calith’s voice” is any suggestion of what’s to come, Thranduil may wish he’d banished him entirely. At least Tree can keep him away from Elenna by the sounds of things.

I just loved that moment between Elenna and Sordien. You did a marvellous job throughout this chapter with Elenna. I really felt just how hard this was for her, her regret that she hadn’t done anything sooner, her despair that it’s all too late for her and Aldamir, and her desperate wish to just make things right. Alright, I take back anything nasty I may have said about her.

*looks around* Is Aldamir home yet??! :-)

Author Reply: Thank you, Dot. I'm always grateful for the reviews people leave, and I'm just naturally yakky, I guess. :>) You put so much into your reviews that I can't help myself!

Well, I don't know that I aimed to make you feel bad for Elenna, but if it worked.... I wasn't sure that I wanted to get into her head, but after expert advice and a lot of thought, I decided that she did have a perspective that I couldn't get from anyone else. I had an idea about what was going on with her, but until I actually tried to 'think' like her, I wasn't sure exactly what would come out. So yep, she was in a 'mood'. No sleep, no boyfriend, no self respect...the morning started out pretty bad. I think she started out being angry with herself and then when she decided to tell the spider story, and things were set into motion, she found herself really quite afraid. A lot of courage was needed to get her to take that first step out her aunt's cottage door.

Yes, she still has the flower...pressed in a book of poetry! How girly is that? And you're right; the white flower is for forgiveness. But the red is for love. I don't know which one she'd give Aldamir...maybe both. Wonder if Aldamir thought to keep his? Knowing guys, I'd guess not, but I'll have to ask him.

When Aldamir wasn't there, she did have a moment of thinking she'd just forget the whole thing. But once the disappointment and shock of him not being available passed, she kept on going. Seregon actually handled this better than Aldamir would have, I think. Aldamir would have had a harder time offering her support at that point. Seregon wasn't sure at first what was up, but as soon as he saw that she was sincere and frightened, his heart went out to her. She really had gotten caught in intrigues that were not her doing. But...Calith was another story. Seregon was also the best one to pour all that mess out to. He could lend a sympathetic ear and still do his job.

Thranduil did look nice in his kingly duds, didn't he? Of course, this was not the first time Elenna had seen the king, but it was the first time she had seen the king being the king. I imagine it's a whole 'nuther can of worms when he's seated on the throne than it is when he's out on the Green eating BBQ. The whole court scene was almost too much for her.

Elenna also got to see the king in full wrath. He was indeed angry. That's a good question about whether he would have reacted differently if Legolas had not been bitten. I think he'd have still been very angry, but possibly it might have been somewhat muted. He'd just sat at his son's bedside and all that was still pretty fresh in his mind. I'd say that this influenced his anger...especially the part about not knowing if his son could be saved. Yep, he was mad.

Calith, the dork, did just turn up. Thranduil had decided to have Tree to talk to him, but when the worm followed the rest of the delegates from the villages into the Hall to see what was up, Thranduil just killed two birds with one stone. The king was angry and he was on a roll. And there was Calith. If Aldamir had been there, I don't think he would have called Calith forward, but the time was right. He exposed Calith's lies to everyone.

Calith was not happy either by the end. If he's capable of manipulating people and telling lies as easily as he breathes, then who knows what else he's capable of doing? Of course, that's if Tree doesn't dismember him or something first.

Seregon did handle the situation well. Elenna needed his support, or I don't know that she would have made it through the mess in one piece.

I'm so pleased that you understood where Elenna was emotionally. And Elenna is very grateful to you for giving her a second chance!

Aldamir will be home soon! Won't he be surprised?

Thank you so much, Dot. I really appreciate the time you took to read and review.


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/13/2005
Whew! What a chapter! Very satisfying! I was cheering Thranduil all the way. He was simply magnificent - the way he dealt with Calendon and especially the way he dealt with Calith. Calith either is very arrogant or he is a total twit to think that he could still continue his lies even in front of the king. I don't think the scope of his offence has sunk in yet for him, and probably never will. What a total waste of an elf!

As for Elenna - well, I still find it hard to feel sympathy for her. She was a total fool. Does this settlement of hers specialize in stupid elves? Seems to be to be a fair amount of stupidity going on in that place, Calendon, the healers and their breeding experiments, Calith and Elenna (yes, I have to include her).

Is this the last chapter? I certainly hope not! I am really enjoying this tale and hope there's more to come.

Author Reply: I'm so glad that you liked this chapter and that you found it exciting. Yes siree, Calith is a twit! He's a scheming conniving twit! I don't think he was so much interested in perpetuating his lies as much as he was simply trying to save his own rear end. And it needed saving; Thranduil was furious. sympathy for the poor Elenna. :>) She did behave foolishly. But I have to give her brownie points for doing what she knew was right. She was caught between a rock and a hard place. She wanted to honor her father's desire for her to stay out of what he knew was going to blow up in their faces at some point, and she wanted to do the right thing. It was a tough decision. She had made a mistake. Her adar had made a mistake. Calendon showed poor leadership abilities in his desire to help the healers do something he thought would aid everyone. He should have stopped the experiments. Everything just went to pot! And everyone panicked. You know what 'they' say about the road to hell.... I don't have any excuses for Calith...he's just a twit.

No, this isn't the last chapter. There are a couple more to go. Two, I think.

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. Your reviews are always a bright spot for me. Thanks again!


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/13/2005
What better way to boost sympathy for poor Elenna than to put her at the centre of the action!

She was in such a state at the beginning - nothing was going right for her and even the birds were driving the poor elleth to the edge. I'm glad she decided to try to put things right - even if that meant marching into the lion's mouth. It's probably as well that she had two reasons to make the attempt - one supported the other to get her through that door.

And Seregon! What a love! Normally he just is second-in-command / sidekick - but he was just perfect and so adorable. If she hadn't already fallen for Aldamir's charms, he surely would have proved irresistible. And so organised and supportive. Elenna would have fallen apart without him. And even the aides - who probably are aware of everything that has happened - were being pleasant to her and helping her.

What a story, too! Selective breeding of spiders - well, I wouldn't want to be involved, and I can understand the king's wrath and horror. After all, spiders are icky. But I'll just bet he selectively breeds his horses to get the best and fastest offspring. And dogs. If they have dogs. (Turns out not to have been such a bad thing, actually. The red-banded spiders ate the black ones, so that the warriors were able to thin their numbers still further.)

I suppose the biggest element of stupidity was in trying to hide their escape. If they'd fessed up at that point, they might have stopped the king going ballistic. Even if they'd confessed on arrival, perhaps. But once Legolas had been bitten, there wasn't much prospect of a happy revelation here.

What a complete moron Calith is, though. Doesn't know when to back down and grovel. That touch of anger is worrying - he'll be coming out the woodwork later, I'm sure of it. Like a red-banded spider.

I hope to see a bit of rapprochement between our two love-birds coming. And perhaps it would be sensible if Elenna were to stay with her aunt for a century or two - although unfortunately I'll think better of her for going home with her foolish old adar. (Is this aunt any relation to Tree or is that the other side of the family?) And I look forward to a certain Tree falling on Calith.

Author Reply: I was hesitant to use Elenna's POV, but she had a perspective that no one else had. Going into the lion's mouth is right! She knew what she should have done and what she needed to do, but it wasn't an easy decision. And even when doing the right thing, she still felt like a traitor.

Seregon really came through in this chapter. He was slightly wary at first when Elenna came to his office, but he's a good judge of character. When he saw how sincere and upset Elenna was, he was supportive. Besides, he's not dumb; he figures this elleth is most likely still going to end up as cousin's wife. Said cousin is also his commander. :>) But his heart did genuinely go out to her. This was hard for her and he knew it.

I'm sure there was a lot of selective breeding going on with domesticated animals--though I didn't really think about that. Somehow...that seems...different to me. You can't ride a giant spider or teach it to retrieve. Nope...don't think I'd want to breed spiders. Yuk! :>) You're right; the bad red-banded spiders did inadvertently turn out to be help with the bad black spiders. But still.... *gross*.

The king would not have been any happier about the spiders if he had heard the story earlier, and I don't know that it would have made any difference in locating the spiders, but the novices would never have been allowed to go out. Yep, once the novices were attacked and Legolas was bitten, the king was ripe for a picking. If Calendon wasn't sure if he should tell the king, that probably made up his mind; he wasn't saying a word!

Calith is a dolt! He was scared--Thranduil has the effect on people--but he couldn't see any reason to not still try to cover his butt. I doubt Thranduil even noted the subtle anger in Calith's reply. The king was too angry himself. But Elenna knows him well enough to pick it up. He'll probably show back up someday.

Aldamir will be home soon. He'll have some weighty decisions to make. Both of them will. We'll see what happens when they're put in the same room again.

I love your line about Tree! I hadn't really given it much thought because some unnamed warriors was all I needed to see the old boy out the main village, but now that you mention it, I think that Tree probably escorted the worm himself. :>)

Thanks, Bodkin! As usual, your review was fun and insightful.


perellethReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/13/2005
oh my, Oh My, OH MY! When Elenna got marching up towards the palace, things got such a pace I’m still short of breathing! She was brave; I’ll concede her that. I'd had been frightened, too, had I been brought in front of Thranduil with such a tale! Jurassic Greenwood! Heavens! What were they thinking! The king’s been way too merciful,(and mighty in his wrath! did his vein throb properly? I love this irate Thranduil ;-)) although the doom of endless reporting that he laid upon those healers is harder than it might seem at first glance!

I liked that you chose to show us her point of view, poor girl for once, this was overwhelming! A day in the life of Elenna? No thanks! And Seregon did behave, as usual, he’s been great the whole chapter! Glad that you gave him this chance to round his “meddling” in his cousin’s personal life. Now let’s start finding him a life of his own! Elenna says she has a sister… ;-)

I miss Daeron. But since I think we haven’t heard the last of Calith, I hope the spy kids will have a last chance to wave him goodbye properly…

Terrific, Karen, I’m still shocked by it all!;-)

Author Reply: Elenna was a brave girl here. She knew what the right to do was, but doing it was an entirely different matter. Even though it was hard, she came through in the end.

Thranduil managed to hold it together and not spark another kinslaying, but he sure did want to spank the ignorant fools! He was pretty merciful. However, he did point out that he would not be again.

Endless reports. I feel sorry for the poor healer he appoints as Surgeon General. The only thing that the detailed record keeping will do is let the healers know that they're suffering their punishment and that the king is keeping an eye on them. Having done my share of these government mandated medical evaluations, I'm in complete agreement with you that they're not worth the paper they're printed on.

Seregon was shocked to find Elenna in his office, but he hung in there. He was a little wary at first, but when he saw how hard it was for her to come to him, he softened up and tried to be supportive. He's probably not finished meddling yet though. :>) He does need a nice elleth of his own, doesn't he? But not Elenna's sister. Elenna's mother is home because said sister is expecting a baby. The king would surely frown on that!

Daeron misses you too. He's busy though...still polishing those practice swords.

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.


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