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The Hunt  by Manderly 8 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/5/2005
Poor Legolas. He is really struggling here but he is doing as well as any adult might have. He simply is not physically big enough to return Aldeon to their camp but the spirit is willing. Very angsty chapter.

Author Reply: No matter how hard he tries to be an adult, Legolas really is still just a child/adolescent. Some things are still beyond his capabilities. I think after this little escapade, all the brothers will see each other in a different light.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/4/2005
The spirit is definitely willing, but the poor abused body has just about reached its limits of endurance. Such a painful chapter, and well written from both Aldeon's and Legolas' points of view. Bless their hearts, they really had a worry/guilt fest going between the two of them, didn't they?

I think the most affecting part tho' was when Aldeon caught that expression that reminded him of Thranduil on his kid brother's face. Talk about surprised dismay! I think he was totally unprepared for seeing that grown-up look on the very face of the one he and his brothers had been trying to protect and shelter for years! Legolas' instinct for trouble/danger ("I don't feel safe") seems to be developing somewhat and I'm glad he insisted they move, if for no other reason than to cheat any wolves/spiders/orcs of an elf dinner! :-) Nice chapter, Manderly, and all I can say is, those brothers had best hurry before Legolas really hurts himself (more) trying to keep Aldeon in one piece! *mutters to self "where's an elf horn when ya need it?" and whistles for Tavaro and Feren*


Author Reply: A regular guilt fest, all right! These elves are just too eager soak up the guilt and take the blame for everything.

I think even though Aldeon may be more open to accept Legolas as having capabilities of his own (as compared to how Feren feels), he isn't quite ready yet to accept an adult Legolas. Like you said, the instinct to protect the youngest is not something easily let go. Legolas will still be the baby in his family's eyes even when he grows old and wise.

I think Legolas just wanted to get away from the entire nightmare scene where all the bad things happened. I don't blame him. Your whistle might just work!

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/27/2004
You're getting better you know? Truly! That cliffy has to be one of your best! :P Horrible one, I might add! Good, but Horrible! :P:P:P:P

Oooh, my angst meter was at it's peak! LOL Leggy's owies finally caught up with him. Poor him! And Aldeon, he's in pretty bad shape! I sure hope Tavaro and Feren find them soon! Things are looking bleaker and bleaker by the minute! The last thing we need now is for those horrid wolves to show up again. You know, attracted by the scent of blood and all. Of course, that would make for a very interesting scene you know. I can think of lots of things that could happen should the wolves return! Oooh, the possiblities are endless! LOL

Well, whatever happens, I'm sure you'll do great at satisfying this Leggy angst hound! LOL You always do! *sigh* ;)

BTW...I loved how Leggy is so selfless, as usual. Ignoring his own injuries to help Aldeon is so typical Leggy. Of course, Aldeon, and his other brothers, would readily ignore their own injuries as well, to help Leggy. *sigh* I just love the relationship these four brothers share. So beautiful. :) *sigh* ;)

Well, I'm off to await the next chappy! Please don't let it be too long. Horrid place you left us dangling at!

Author Reply: Thank you, as always. I keep telling myself not to do these cliffhangers as I find them truly frustrating as a reader myself, but these fingers just won't listen to me. They stop typing of their own accord (I swear! LOL).

I am glad this chapter was so satisfying for your angst meter. It was pretty brutal, I must admit and I even felt bad about putting our elf through so much but hey Legolas needed to build up his character for that eventual adventure with the fellowship. Might as well put him through the wringer now so that he can be completely unscathed and unblemished when the real test comes.

I hope I won't keep you waiting for too long for the next chapter. I am still trying to decide which direction to take this story from this point on. Like you said, the possibilities are endless.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/27/2004
Poor kid! What a mess. I liked the part where Aldeon thought how much of their father he saw suddenly in Legolas. That must have been a surprise. Yep, the little scamp is growing up. Aldeon can certainly be proud of the responsibility and bravery his little brother has shown. Another tense chapter. I'm looking forward to finding out what happens. Soon, I hope. :>)

Author Reply: Poor kid indeed. Even I am beginning to think I'm being too hard on the poor elf.

I am glad you liked the part of Aldeon's reaction to seeing their father in Legolas. Like I said to Daw, even though Aldeon must be proud of all that Legolas has done, he's probably not quite ready to see Legolas as an adult yet, especially one with traits of their formidable father.

I am working on the next chapter so hopefully it will be up soon.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/27/2004
I think what I liked best in this chapter is Aldeon's reaction to Legolas's severity. He catches a glimpse of what adult Legolas will be like and it startles him. But then in the end, Legolas is not yet an adult. He's a hurt kid and he can't quite manage to do what he knows needs to be done. :-(

Author Reply: I am glad you picked up on Aldeon's reaction. I think in spite of his pride in his little brother's progress to maturity, Aldeon still sees Legolas as a child who needs adult protection. He isn't ready for an adult Legolas. I can't recall the number of times that I am startled by my own daughter's unexpected spurts of maturity and I find my self scrambling to cope with it so I can identify with how Aldeon is feeling. But like you said, Legolas is a kid in the end and still needs adult guidance and help.

SheikanReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/27/2004
Oh my gosh x.x; I hope somthing doesnt come out and try to eat those two =[ the others will find them wont they? x.x; I am kinda just waiting for them to get attacked again and the other two running to the rescue. Oh well! Guess I'll just have to wait. My oh my there is much more to Legolas then others think, and alot more then he knows himself! =]

Author Reply: You are right, there is quite a bit more to Legolas than his brothers have given him credit for and I think he is probably surprising himself as well. As for something else attacking these two, I don't think they can take much more and the other brothers better come pretty quickly soon. Thanks for reviewing.

meReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/27/2004
Good chapter! I do like how you are drawing this out for Legolas and not having his brothers come TOO soon. Yes, I do want them to come and for all to be well in the end but I also want more of what you're giving us in this story first--difficult situations. How about one more at least (wolves again, for example) before the 'rescue'. Thanks.

Author Reply: So you like it when I put Legolas through the wringer and you want more still? I don't know, seems like our elf has just about all that he can take right now. Any more perils he and Aldeon will both be write-offs. But I will consider your suggestion and see what I can do. Thanks for reviewing.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/27/2004
I hope the cavalry arrives soon! I don't think Legolas can take much more - and Aldeon is in no state to be of help.

Legolas has shown himself in a very good light - well trained, well organised; a thinking elfling - and I think he was probably wise to move, but I hope he's stopped in a defensible position. Not that he has the strength left to do much defending.

Bring on the brothers!

Author Reply: Legolas really does need those older brothers now. Like you said, he really can't take much more.

Legolas is quite capable, isn't he, when pressed to it. He's probably surprising even himself by how much he's accomplished on his own, though right now I don't think he can even think straight. Oh well, this will look pretty impressive on his resume when he goes on that little trek to Mordor with company.

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