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The Hunt  by Manderly 8 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/5/2005
I liked Legolas' conversation with his brother---they both make some good points that the other needs to understand. And I liked that Legolas decided not to kill the magnificent (sp?) deer.

Author Reply: Legolas is trying very hard to establish himself amongst his older and much more experienced brothers. He probably feels as much frustration in tryng to accomplish this as his brothers in their endless efforts to protect him.

I did not have the heart to have that buck killed and I imagine Legolas would not either.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/30/2004
My grandparents lived fairly close to a wildlife preserve which sheltered large and varying populations of deer - and there is nothing more majestic and breath-stealing than a buck fully antlered and feeling "kingly"! Your description of the stag Legolas and Aldeon finally caught up with perfectly captured the "king of the forest" feeling these incredible creatures give when you look at them. And for Legolas to let him go, such an in-character thing for him to do, and I'm glad he realized the win was not as important as he thought!

The conversation at the beginning of the chapter was also very much in-character for the brothers, with Tavaro suggesting the contest, Feren worrying and, in the process, managing to "smother" the elfling, and Aldeon stepping in to smooth ruffled feathers again! :-) I loved the little moment of connection between Aldeon and Feren - they truly have more in common than Feren realizes, I think.

Great chapter (and I can finally catch up reviewing...I thought Christmas vacation was supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation and revelry!!!! HA!!!) I think things have been awfully quiet so far, Manderly...I sense the author building up for some elf anguish...or at least a little pain! LOL! Indeed, I held my breath the whole time those 2 were making their way up the side of that mountain...hill...incline??? *vbg*)


Author Reply: I remember catching sight of some very majestic bucks in the Canadian Rockies. Though it's been many years since I have been in the mountains, the memory of those "kingly" creatures are still very clear in my mind. They are truly beautiful with their "above it all" carriage. If a mere mortal such as myself can be so taken by them, I can only imagine how a wood elf would react to them.

I think all the brothers share more traits than they realize themselves and Aldeon, being the oldest, probably sees this more clearly than the others (I like the idea of wisdom growing with the years - makes me feel very wise!).

Yes, things are too quiet - other readers have told me as much and are fearing the worst. They all know that it can't last. And of course, readers are always right!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/16/2004
Hi. Sorry to have not reviewed. I'm without Internet access right now and I'm just sneaking some computer time in. Great dialogue in this chapter again. Poor Legolas really hates being so young. His older brothers' desire to keep him safe is something he just doesn't understand, though Aldeon does a good job trying to explain it. I like that Legolas took the harder path (so typical) and decided to forfeit the contest for the sake of the magnificent deer. Good chapter, though I see trouble brewing in this split up hunt. I will miss the next few chapters because I won't have computer access, but I will pick them back up asap. Looking forward to it.

Author Reply: Without internet? That to me is a fate worse than death! Thank you for reviewing in spite of it all. It's funny how the young always hate being young and the old always hate being old, isn't it? Everybody is expecting trouble to brew, so I better do something about that. Hopefully I won't disappoint. Again, thanks for reviewing.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/16/2004
Ooops, sorry Manderly, I forgot to sign my review in my enthusiasm to get it done. I believe the one right before this one is mine. If not, I'm the one ranting about all the lovely angst I can smell coming up! LOL ;)

Author Reply: Thanks!

Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/16/2004
Ah, here we have Aldeon, saving the day for Leggy yet again. Be still my beating heart! LOL ;) And joy! Aldeon and Leggy go off alone! Oh the possibilities for some emotion filled moments, the owies they can get, the overprotectiveness Aldeon can show, the hurt/comfort that can happen, the angst, the brotherly love, the affection, I'd better stop while I'm ahead, no? ;) Yeah, I'll stop with that line of thought...for now! Heh, heh! At least outwardly. ;) Can't promise what I'll be thinking! LOL

Anyway, ahem, on to the rest of the review. Wow, I'm surprised the mountainside didn't give way simply because Leggy was on it. That Elfling and trouble! Two peas in a pod...just the way I like it! Hmmmm, I can't say if I'm happy or not that the mountainside didn't give way. Go figure.

I can certainly see Leggy not wanting to kill that beautiful creature. He's such a kindhearted soul and is so close to nature it's hard to imagine him actually killing one though I'm sure he does and has. I'm glad he let it go for I have to agree with him. It was certainly magnificant!

I also have to say I'm glad Aldeon talked some sense into Leggy about Feren. True, all his brothers love him and would die before they let any harm come to Leggy. *Gasp* Did I just say that????? I certainly hope that DOES NOT give you any ideas! I'd really have to sick my pet balrog on you if that thought ever crosses your mind! *hits author's hand* Don't even think it! Banish the thought! Pretend I never said that, k? ;)

Well, great chappy, as usual. :) I can feel a bit of a buildup here, something is coming. Something not good but so wonderfully angsty I can almost smell it! LOL I can't wait. Hurry please! *sigh*

Author Reply: Well you have given me all sorts of ideas and believe it or not, most of it was what I had been planning anyway, so you should be well-satisfied with the upcoming chapters.

It's funny how everybody is expecting something bad to happen. But I suppose things have been too quiet - really can't have that now. Got to get some action in there to get the adrenaline going. Hopefully I won't disappoint. The next chapter should be up shortly.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/15/2004
There seems to be something deeply symbolic in Legolas not choosing to follow the easy path. Also in his refusal to sacrifice the buck. The qualities that made him the right elf for the quest are all there in this youngling struggling to be seen as grown up.

If the quest had left from Mirkwood rather than Rivendell, though, he would never have got away. Not without three older brothers creeping after them (Walkers 10-12) to check that he is all right.

Author Reply: You are right, somehow I just don't think Legolas is the type to back away from challenges or else he certainly would not have gone on the quest. The picture that you have brought to my mind about the Walkers 10-12 made me laugh. I can just see his brothers bouncing from tree to tree, trying to keep out of sight and trying to keep their brother in sight. Thanks for reviewing!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/14/2004

It's me again. Ever so often I turn over a new leaf and promise myself that I'll be better at reviewing, but then, I fall into my own trap of 'read and run'. Sorry reader, I know.

I just caught up on all three chapters of your new story, and I have to say, it's delightful. I love the banter between the brothers. The older brothers are so 'older' sibling. Think they know everything! But then, it's easy to understand their reluctance in letting Legolas go when there is so much danger to be had in Mirkwood.

Again, I'm struck by what a good job you've done with giving each brother a unique personality. And I understand Legolas's frustration with having three nursemaids! :>) You've done such a good job of presenting each character's POV that I'm on everyone's side. They all sound so reasonable.

Now, what or who in all of Arda is watching them? After I read that last line in Chapter One, I rushed over to Two and Three, looking behind every bush and in every thicket. Maybe Feren would like to engage my services as a scout? Great hook! You've got your readers where you want them. I can't wait to find out what sort of trouble is lurking for the right time to spring its trap.

*Turning over yet another leaf.* I'll try to do better with letting you know that I'm faithfully here and enjoying your tale. Really good, Manderly.

Author Reply: I must admit that I am more of a 'read and run" than a "read and review" type of reader as well so I know exactly what you mean.

Thank you so much for your very kind words. I am glad the brothers with their differing personalities are showing through. It hasn't been easy trying to make them each a distinctive individual rather than just another name filling up a page with words. It's encouraging to hear that you find them reasonable. I was afraid that the brothers might end up coming across as some overstuffed smothering blankets.

Yes, I am setting the story up for some action and (I hope) excitement. Things are just going too smoothly here and really can't have that.

Again, thank you for the very encouraging review.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/13/2004
I can understand Legolas's reaction. The deer is part of the natural world that he loves and is in tune with. Hunting to eat is one thing, but hunting for sport is another, I would think.

Author Reply: I am not much of a fan of hunting anyway so there was no way that I was going to let Legolas kill that buck. And I think you are right that the elves would hunt for food rather than sport. I see this spring hunting trip of the brothers as a tradition to bring in extra food after the winter.

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