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Unwritten Tales: Into The Dark Again  by Wayfarer 5 Review(s)
meckinockReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 12/29/2005
Sorry to spam your review page - feel free to delete this. I just tried to leave a review on - the last line should have read "that's for you."

Author Reply: Hi there, Meckinock,
Thank you for leaving a message. At least I know there are readers still interested in ITDA. I did leave a note on the ramblings page in explanation - no excuse for the lack of updates but just to let readers know that some things have happened to make it a bit tougher to update. At least I did keep my 2005 resolution to update ITDA at least once!

Here's the note I posted on ffnet, so you don't have to go back there and rummage:
29 DEC 05 Happy new year! Here's an ITDA update at last. I apologise for the rather short chapter - it has been foreshortened due to problems with my webmail server: it flatlined for a few months, and only got resuscitated a few days ago. The grind is that my ideas and updates were all stored there and everything was wiped during its comatosis - everything! Now, not only have I lost all those remnants of my memory, I can't send update notices to the patient people who are waiting on ITDA to move along, because the address book was destroyed too.

The most devastating bit is that I can't even re-read the kind encouraging personal emails from readers who liked ITDA and other stories... which is what I habitually do when I need some pick-me-up.

Chapter 4 was originally conceptualised as you-know-who's coming out party, but I had to take out the action since most of the lost bits of stuff are about this part. All that's left of 4 is the travellers' first visit to Thranduil. I do hope that readers find Under Shadow Eaves worth the wait. Thank you for your patience.

Reviewed Chapter: 999999 on 5/20/2005
Negotiating rather takes the sting out of the threat, don't you think? Then again, I did enjoy the short story...alright. I'm sticking with the left shoe, but I'll hold off the whole operation for a while longer. But only a little while. (Even if it doesn't sway your muse, it's something for me to do while waiting for the next chapter)
My sympathies with busy-ness...believe me, I understand prioritizing, it's just that common sense isn't much of a match for impatience, what can I say?
Erm...I fear I must confess to a frightening level of computer illiteracy. How am I to go about sending you my email address? Would becoming a member help? Sorry for the cluelessness!

Author Reply: Alas that negotiating ain't helping... oh well, I do remember being told negotiations are the cornerstones of great deals, no harm trying. Glad you liked the short story.

I'm truly sorry to be testing your patience so, but well, RL.. heh!

Right, I think I figured out how you can despatch your addy over: click on my name where you see it in a story listing. Then a new page where you'll see it lording over the full list of my stories opens up. Click on my name again, and you'll see a email window open with my addy in the To field. Just paste your addy in the mail and shoot it off.

Hope this helps


Reviewed Chapter: 999999 on 4/25/2005
I have decided to steal every left shoe on the face of the earth. So there.

Author Reply: Dear Nameless Reader,
Can I request that you take right shoes instead? Personally, my right foot's a bit broader than my left and I've always been bothered by having to give in to it whenever I buy shoes.


Reviewed Chapter: 999999 on 4/5/2005
I feel it is necessary to bother you again. Just to let you know I'm still out here, eagerly awaiting the next chapter (and I'm sure there are many more doing the same, despite the the rarity of reviews you've gotten so far--this story is just too good for there not to be!).

I glare threateningly at your muse and shake my fist at the necessesities of real life. Let your muse know that if it's too much longer before the next chapter appears, I will be forced to do very evil things, like...well...I will be forced to do very evil things--even if I can't think of any right now. Bwahahah!

Author Reply: Dear Nameless Reader,
Rest assured that an update is WIP, only RL is really getting peskier by the day. Plus, I have been too distracted by the confluence of needs for many personal causes I believe in to pay any quality attention to musie's ramblings.

Alas, I also need to confess that musie is also too thick-skulled to care about threats, or bribes for that matter... sorry. All I get from my scuffles with him are blooming headaches, since the thing he does best is make trouble in my brain!

Here's a bright idea - please send me your email addy and I will update you when the next ITDA update is ready for scrutiny. Meantime, we did manage one short story - frankly I'm surprised we managed to come up with anything during the many truces called throughout our ongoing conflict. Perhaps we can offer that to you by way of delay-compensation?

Thank you for your interest.


Reviewed Chapter: 999999 on 1/22/2005 the hope that a review for a chapter of author's notes may catch your attention:
Please, please, and pretty please once more,CONTINUE THIS STORY. (See, I am not beneath begging.) I started reading this story shortly after you started posting it here, and was instantly hooked. This part of Aragorn's story begs exploring, as so much is left unsaid and merely hinted at, but finding an author who does it such justice was a joy unlooked for. However, the penalty for doing such a good job is that people like me will then pester you till the ends of the earth for more! I know how busy life can be (else I'd be angry at you for such a long wait, rather than just slightly peeved), but please, come back soon!

Author Reply:
Hello dear Nameless Reader,
First, thank you very very much for your interest in itda. I've only had one reader checking for a pulse on a story before, on another site. Am very touched indeed that you bother to follow-up, despite a update pace that could probably out-slow the bristle-cone's growth rate. In fact, I'm almost loony about getting a review like this!

As for the coming back bit, I've never left, not that my presence/absence make that much of a difference. But, well, it's just that RL is proving to be the devil's senior advocate where writing is concerned. I should have learnt my lesson by now, but nope, I had to go and shoot my mouth off by articulating a target for chapter 4, which incidently is named "Under Shadow Eaves," if you're interested. So of course it goes to reason that I'd MISS the target by a parsec. Chappie 4 is still being worked: we've having issues that musie and I can't agree over and so have been forwarded for arbitration. As the arbitration procedure is very precise and long, musie has started hammering on the narrative for the bits that should come after the kinks. We hope to get the whole hog assembled soon, but I'm not going to jinx it by attaching a date this time.

Be assured, beloved reader, that musie is as filled with gusto as ever about this tale. We'll get it done even if it takes... *gags self*....

*ahem* I just wish RL would relent just a little.

Thank you for your patience, and we'll certainly try not to disappoint you.


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