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It Takes a Took  by Dreamflower 9 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 28 on 11/15/2005
I really liked the whole scene of Pippin and Merry crossing on the Ferry and returning to Crickhollow...I felt as if *I* was relieved to be home!

I'm eagerly awaiting Yule--everyone is getting together with loved ones...and Pippin and Diamond will be together once again. But...there's only a few more chapters left...


Author Reply: Yes, as much as both of them are sorry to be parted from their lasses, they are glad to be going home, to their own little house that Frodo gave them...

I think you will like Yule at Brandy Hall. And Pippin and Diamond.

That happens when you keep reading, unfortunately. Now you know how I felt when I was getting to the end of "Courtship".

good_one_pipReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/31/2004
You're setting something up for Yule! I'm really looking foward to how this is going to go. Pippin's "love letters" were so short and sweet. Diamond's a lucky girl isn't she?

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked Pippin's letters. You'll get to see a few more of them in the next chapter. Well, *I* think Diamond's pretty lucky--she's getting that adorable Took.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/30/2004
Pippin is quite right - he's not much of a letter writer. But he gets the emotion right!

Polo's letter, on the other hand, is a good excuse for a healer to dispose of her apprentice for a while. After all, she will need the cottage to herself!

Author Reply: Pippin does tend to say what needs to be said, and then get out. *chuckle*

Aha! You twigged my evil plan! I've had this particular little excuse in mind for quite a while. Whatever works!

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/30/2004
Very nice... Pippin and Merry is headed home... But Pippin misses Diamond. His letter are real short,but he is stubron...
Very good story keep up the great work...

Author Reply: Thank you--we're getting near the end now.

RogerGamgeeReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/29/2004
This was fantastic...the image of Pippin in a wheelbarrow made me laugh outright. I can just picture Merry wheeling Pippin along the road - what a sight that must have been for anyone who happened to be looking.

I'll say one thing for Pippin - you can't accuse him of being wordy. But at least with short letters, he gets right to the point. No dissembling with that one. *grin*

Looking forward to the next great chapter...I've been trying to catch up on a number of SoA stories over the holidays, and this one has been a special treat.

Roger Gamgee

Author Reply: Yes, with his crutches and a wooden stool across his lap, LOL!

He does get right to the point, doesn't he? And at least Diamond doesn't have to worry about someone else seeing them!

Next one up. I'm drawing near the end, and am writing more quickly. But I have to work (*sigh*) for three days in a row, so not sure about how soon I'll get the rest posted.

EruviluiethReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/29/2004
Excellent. Stubborn Pippin, as always, but Lavendar can get around him well enough. I like the wheeled chair mentions, they're amusing. Excellent Yule plans! The Tooks want to bring Diamond as a cheer-you-up Yule present for Pippin, and Lavendar will be slightly "preoccupied" as well with her husband's visit. Splitting up mistress and apprentice is a good idea. Diamond isn't really an apprentice without her mistress around, is she, as long as she's not working as a healer? So Pippin's not her patient, she's not acting as a healer's apprentice . . . Sounds perfect! Can't wait to see where you take this next!

Author Reply: Yes, it kind of tickles me, Lavender's ongoing campaign to make the Tooks accept wheelchairs.

And Lavender does need a little alone time with *her* sweetie, doesn't she?

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/29/2004
LOL, Pippin's "love" letters had me is stitches. Those were so cute.

They're home at last. They must be relieved. But Merry should get a wheelbarrow just to tease Pippin with. Poor Merry, getting lectured by the healer. Pippin will definetly owe him one for that.

Author Reply: My Pip's correspondence is famous for its brevity, LOL! There was the note for his parents, found in the wastebasket during "Conspiracy", as well as his short letters to Merry, and then there was that note to his father in "Life of a Bard". As much as he likes to talk, he dislikes to write, *grin*!

Yes, Pip does owe him big time for that one. I'm sure Merry will get a chance to collect, sooner or later.

SharonBReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/29/2004
LOL, I'm amazed that Lavender didn't lecture Merry about being careful not to overturn Pip since he was using the wheelbarrow. ;-) Those things can be quite unstable.

That boy has cerainly convinced his parents about Diamond. They are fully into the scheming with him over Diamond. Ah, they must like this match.

I hope there are a few more chapters to this one, at least through Yule?? This has been fun.

Author Reply: I would imagine that she probably did, before they ever came out of the kitchen, LOL!

Well, think about it: He's a few years shy of his majority, a time which might otherwise be filled with all kinds of lasses and their mums scheming to get their hands on the Thain's heir. Here's a lass who has already caught his eye, intelligent, competent,has training as a healer,cares about him as well, and from a good family--Tooks! She's young also, so there is no problem about their waiting a few years. If Tina can get the word out that there is already an informal understanding, then all their lives will be a good deal simpler for the next few years.

Yes, there are a few more chapters left, and if I have the time, I hope to complete it before Second Yule--if work doesn't get in the way!

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/29/2004
I wish I could have seen Pippin's face when Merry was pushing him back to the Smials in the wheelchair, lol. And poor Merry, stuck between Lavender and Pippin -- I think he made a wise choice to go with Lavender on this one.

I absolutely love Pippin's letters to Diamond. Short, to be sure, but definitely sweet. He says all that really needs to be said, doesn't he?

Author Reply: I could just imagine him in that wheelbarrow, probably torn between laughing and being cross. And you are right--Merry knows better than to cross the healer!
My Pip tends to keep his corespondence brief. His letters are short and to the point.

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